2033. Emergency!

Planet Chalcedon, Colony 7.

A burning fire cloud swept across the sky, and then a dark behemoth broke through the clouds and appeared over the colony.

It has a sharp triangular shape, a slightly flat hull, and a set of retractable armored hatches on each side. On the towering bridge, a fire control radar tens of meters long stretches forward.

Immediately afterwards, the retractable armored hatches on both sides opened, and hundreds of Vulture robot fighters flew out from inside and began to circle at low altitude around the colony.

This is a Victory II-class Star Destroyer! And underneath the Star Destroyer, a red and white umbrella logo was spray-painted.

There is no doubt...this is a battleship belonging to Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group!

The Victory I-class Star Destroyers and Victory II-class Star Destroyers produced by Lundili Star Power Company, along with their participation in the camp of the Principality of Dawn, have now also joined the establishment of the Navy of the Principality of Dawn. However, although the Navy of the Principality of Dawn has ordered these two types of Star Destroyers, after all, they have a lot of warships to choose from, so the orders from the Navy cannot satisfy the huge production of Rendili Star Power Company.

Before Lundili's interstellar shipyard began to transform and produce other main battleships of the Principality of Dawn, such as the Hell's Angel-class battlecruiser and the Apocalypse-class battleship, the Victory-class Star Destroyer with mature production technology and excellent performance was developed in another country. The field bloomed with dazzling light.

These are the planetary defense fleets, escort fleets and patrol fleets.

Prior to this, the battleships of these second-tier fleets were mainly old retired battleships from the navy, such as the Apocalypse-class light cruisers, Hiigaran-class battlecruisers, Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers, etc. It's just that these warships have been discontinued after all. As the Kingdom of Dawn's sphere of influence grows, these old warships are no longer enough.

At this time, the Victory-class Star Destroyer with a huge inventory became a very popular warship, and it was paid and delivered without delay. The overall performance of this kind of Star Destroyer is very good. It can be said to be a hexagonal warrior. Often there is a Victory-class Star Destroyer in a convoy fleet, and it can meet the needs of most characters when paired with several auxiliary ships.

Therefore, now, whether it is the private fleets of major companies or their escort fleets, Victory-class Star Destroyers are beginning to appear in large numbers.

However, there are very few companies that can directly purchase the Victory II-class Star Destroyer in one step. After all, they are both 900-meter-class small Star Destroyers. The market price of the Victory II-class is more than three times that of the I-class.

Of course, in fact, for Rendili Interstellar Power Company, the Victory II-class uses more mature technologies, so its actual cost is lower than that of the I-class. It's just that they don't have much inventory of Victory Level II. Many of them are a large number of Victory Level I that were built crazily because of a lack of security before the construction of the previous star gate was completed.

And the arrival of this Victory II-class Star Destroyer on the planet Chalcedon actually represents absolute force and absolute control!

Looking at the huge Star Destroyer in the sky, the people in Colony No. 7 remained silent and did not dare to breathe. A few years ago, when Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group suddenly came here to establish a base, it was in the same style.

When the Star Destroyer arrived, those slave traders who usually showed off their power suddenly turned into good babies. They all got down with one word from Umbrella, and then with another word, they immediately changed their profession and went around specifically for Umbrella. Collecting materials for human trials.

On the bridge of this Victory II-class Star Destroyer, Umbrella (Veronica)'s nominal top director Alfred Ashford said loudly: "Even if you give me the planet Chalcedon Turn over and find that adapter! You guys are so powerful! Why are you guys raiding the spaceport?"

The commanders at all levels of U.B.S.C. nodded and bowed, and quickly sent out all their troops to conduct a thorough investigation inside the city of Colony No. 7 under the cover of the Vulture robot fighter planes.

So far, he still has not been able to find the adapter that was secretly taken away by the rebels. If the aptamer cannot be found in time, this will inevitably affect the ‘Ant Colony’ project recently developed by Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group for the military plan.

Alfred didn't know the contents of the so-called 'Operation Plan Zero', but he knew that this plan was no small matter. Almost all the power of the Dawn Principality has been used, so there must be no mistakes.

If the Ant Colony Project cannot be completed on time, then Umbrella Pharmaceuticals Group will definitely be at the forefront, and Alfred's plan to propose to Shirley Birkin will undoubtedly be shelved.

This kind of thing absolutely cannot be allowed!

A large number of U.B.C.S mercenaries wearing black combat uniforms and gas masks were constantly searching the surroundings. They had no scruples. Even if they rushed directly into the houses and destroyed the doors, they would still go in and search to ensure that every corner was searched. There is no place for human maidens to escape.

"Report to me!! Where is the adapter!!??" Alfred Ashford grabbed a U.B.C.S commander by the collar and roared loudly.

"I'm sorry, Sir Alfred... We searched the entire Colony No. 7 and found nothing." The commander lowered his head and answered nervously.

Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group is now at its peak within the Principality of Dawn. Even though all their armed force commanders must be directly dispatched by the military and directly take orders from the military, their overwhelming power and wealth still make those military commanders The commanders dispatched directly by Fang were groveling.

Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group currently cooperates with the military on at least fifty projects. Under such a complicated relationship, many junior officers have chosen to succumb.

"Then expand the search scope to the entire planet!" Alfred Ashford shouted, "Check it for me! Since you can be sure that the adapter has not left the planet, then find it for me! "


More vulture robot fighters took off and began to expand their patrol range to several surrounding colonies. First-line fighters such as Viking fighters and Saber fighters will basically not take action against second-tier fleets and private fleets of companies, but Ghost fighters have now become the best-selling products on the black market in the galaxy. However, among the exported versions, the Phantom fighters do not have the stealth function.

But Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group's Ghost fighter fleet is all equipped with stealth systems. However, this power is not something Alfred Ashford can command. All he can do is to hide the information as much as possible and prevent his sister from getting involved.

So the air force formation that Alfred now carries are all Vulture droid fighters that were mass-produced during the Clone Wars.

At least when facing the rebels, swarms of vulture robot fighters are still invincible!

Looking at the Vulture fighter jets whizzing by in the sky and the Star Destroyers hovering overhead, Jedi Knight Demi's expression was extremely solemn.

That Serian girl, the person that Umbrella Company went to great lengths to capture, was indeed not able to be sent away.

There was no way, the Serian's high forehead was too obvious, and Umbrella Company's response was faster than he expected. Not only that, he could also feel several chaotic and rough forces sweeping through the area.

Ghost agent!

The terrifying force of the Dawn Principality! It is also the biggest and most terrifying enemy of their rebel army in the Principality of Dawn. Almost every appearance of ghost agents will be accompanied by heavy casualties among gay comrades, so the rebuilt New Jedi Order will also send Jedi Knights to cooperate with the actions of the rebels.

But this time, the ghost agent came too quickly.

It should be said that this entire incident was actually an emergency for the rebels and Umbrella Company.

The rebel army is actually not particularly active in the Principality of Dawn, because the rebel army is still based on the planets where the uprising occurred. In recent years, because of the crazy militarization of the Galactic Empire, on the one hand to deal with the protracted war with the Confederation of Independent Systems, and on the other hand to deal with the potential enemy of the Principality of Dawn, the Galactic Empire has almost adopted a predatory approach within its borders. method to obtain resources.

The Galactic Empire has its own difficulties, after all, what they inherited from the Galactic Republic was a complete mess. The rich and distinguished people in the inner circle are extravagant and want nothing more than to pay taxes. Officials at all levels in the country are corrupt and have nothing to do with their lives. Powerful enemies around them are eyeing them. Their only way is to use absolute force to suppress them.

And where does absolute force come from? That is constant plunder and expansion, internally dividing the power of the rich and powerful nobles in the core circle, and externally increasing the oppression of those weak and poor planets. Of course, during the implementation process, the former was almost impossible to implement, because most of the empire's top officials came from those wealthy families, so the most miserable ones were those originally poor and weak planets within the Galactic Empire.

Under the high pressure of the empire, people's uprisings on those planets were rising one after another. Even if the Galactic Empire carried out countless massacres under the leadership of Darth Vader, it still could not extinguish the flames of resistance.

However, the Principality of Dawn cannot be completely alone.

The domestic policy of the Principality of Dawn is actually much more relaxed than that of the Galactic Empire, because their business is small enough and not bad. Under such circumstances, they can still maintain a good balance.

To put it simply, the total domestic population of the Principality of Dawn is currently only about 800 billion, which is less than the population of the planet Coruscant, and 600 billion of them are from the planet Rendili. For an administrative agency that operates thousands of livable planets, it is more than enough to meet the needs of a population of 800 billion. The biggest challenge is actually infrastructure construction.

Infrastructure construction, in turn, can be left to the people themselves, providing work-for-relief.

So here in the Principality of Liming, basically all the people can find jobs. If they have a job, they will have money. If they have money, they will have food. If they have something to eat, the people will not rebel. Compared to the population of at least hundreds of billions in the Galactic Empire, the Galactic Empire can neither support them nor provide jobs for those people, so it can only let them go their own way. It would be strange if this continues without chaos.

Therefore, the rebels in the Principality of Dawn are actually mainly motivated by two aspects. The first aspect is out of philosophy. No matter what the Principality of Dawn says, it still adopts a high-pressure policy towards the country and suppresses those planets so hard that they are almost breathless, so many planets want autonomy. Especially after the immigrants from the planet Rendili came over, the calls for autonomy almost never stopped.

On the other hand, it was affected by the Galactic Empire. People all over the galaxy now generally believe that the reason why the oppression on the Galactic Empire is so cruel is actually because of the existence of the Principality of Dawn. It is precisely because the two sides are competing for hegemony that both sides are on the track of war, which has resulted in so much exploitation and oppression.

So what is shown is that the uprisings on the Galactic Empire are coming one after another, and the number is almost explosive. Therefore, there is almost no organization, and most of them fight on their own. Of course the rebels there are organized, but there are relatively few places where the organization can command. The uprising in the Principality of Dawn was much more purposeful and organized, and of course, the scale and frequency were much smaller.

For this time, the rebel organization discovered that the Umbrella Company secretly abducted civilians for human experiments on the Seriya planet, and they were also carrying out unknown secret plans on the Seriya planet. Therefore, in order to attack the Principality of Dawn and Umbrella Company, and to save the people of Seria Planet, and make Umbrella Company's conspiracy public, the rebel army began to take action.

However, the single race and sparse population on the planet Seria were not conducive to their penetration, so the rebels began to work from surrounding planets. They heard that there was a suspected virus leak on the planet Char Seden, and that the person who leaked the virus was a Serian, so they sent their own operators to investigate.

It turned out that among the Serians who leaked the virus, there was actually a virus immune body, and he actually ran out of the core area of ​​the virus outbreak unharmed!

So the rebel army's idea at the time was to rescue the Serian immune body and ask her to cooperate in research to develop a vaccine against the Umbrella virus. As a result, during the operation, they found that Umbrella moved very quickly and responded very strongly, so they also felt that this immune body might have greater significance.

So the rebel army sent additional operators, and Jedi Knight Demi from the New Jedi Order came here.

As soon as the Jedi took action, they were naturally invincible, and the girl with the Serian immune system was successfully rescued. But when they were preparing to evacuate the planet, they encountered a problem - the ghost agent had already arrived!

As a result, Oliver and others successfully sneaked into the cargo ship and ran out, but Demi couldn't leave with the girl.

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