The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2083 Operation Plan Zero (VII)

2084, Operation Plan Zero (VII)

This is a crazy gamble!

It is difficult for everyone present to understand why Tang Xiao has high hopes for such a plan. Indeed, a large amount of data is used in the plan to support this plan, and the final success rate is 70%.

Although when explaining this operation plan, General Ling constantly emphasized that this success rate is a real calculation result. As long as key technologies can be broken through and industrial output and mobilization plans can be implemented in these five years, there is indeed such a success rate.

But in fact, everyone still thinks that subtracting one zero from this success rate may be more reliable.

However, this is the decision of Tang Xiao, the Grand Duke of Dawn! This alone is enough!

The reason for this is that on the one hand, it is because of Tang Xiao’s personal prestige and the terrifying deterrence brought by his powerful strength, and on the other hand, as Tang Xiao said, the development of the Principality of Dawn is itself a miracle! A miracle woven by Tang Xiao himself!

From a colony of a hundred people, it has developed in more than 20 years to rule 830 billion people! What kind of development speed and strength expansion is this?

During the development process, Tang Xiao led them to miraculous reversals and victories again and again, and each time he proved Tang Xiao's wisdom and decisiveness and his unparalleled foresight. Therefore, now, many people in the Principality of Dawn have an almost blind superstition and worship of Tang Xiao.

Therefore, they believe that this time, Tang Xiao will still lead them to another victory! Even if this victory seems so incredible and unbelievable, they still believe that miracles will happen again!

Seeing the almost crazy Tang Xiao and the extremely warm atmosphere in the venue, Ling Liang finally understood what Hari-Seldon meant and what Tang Xiao meant.

Indeed, the starting point of Operation Zero, the pessimistic prediction, is not suitable at all, no, it is absolutely impossible to use it as the premise of such a gambling-like operation plan. In this way, this operation plan will only reveal a sense of tragedy that failure will lead to death, and this sense of tragedy is of no use to whether the plan can succeed.

What Tang Xiao wants is such a superstitious fanaticism! Turn this battle plan into a victorious holy war!

Although it is still the same plan in essence, the different mentality when executing it may lead to decisive differences in the results!

Any opposition is invalid.

Francis Underwood and Matt Horner both stood up to question the plan, but Tang Xiao did not listen at all and insisted on the plan. Even Matt Horner wanted to resign from the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Navy on the spot to protest, but Tang Xiao blocked him with one sentence-"Want to resign? Sure. Then you recommend someone to come up and let him witness the demise of the Dawn Principality Navy."

The plan was determined. And from the next day, the Dawn Principality quietly began to prepare according to this plan.

According to the zero-level battle plan, the offensive officially began in the 12th year of the Principality Calendar, which is June 22, 8BBY!


This day is called-Zero Day!


Ling Liang retracted his flying thoughts and memories, looking at the busy spaceport outside the window, his eyes became more determined.

It has been more than a year since Operation Zero was launched. Although on the surface, the Principality of Dawn has not changed much, Ling Liang knows that the changes have already begun!

First of all, from the outside, the exploration and invasion of the unknown star region by the Principality of Dawn has almost been semi-public. A large amount of manpower and material resources have been invested in the unknown star region, and hundreds of battleships have been sent there.

What is the concept of hundreds of battleships? At the beginning of the Clone Wars, the entire army of the Fourth Civilization had only 150 battleships! According to the intelligence currently held by the Galactic Empire, the total number of battleships of the Principality of Dawn is about 800.

In other words, in the eyes of the Galactic Empire intelligence department, the Principality of Dawn has invested one-eighth of its troops in the unknown star region. If the troops that must defend the three major star regions are excluded, the Principality of Dawn seems to have little mobile troops.

Moreover, under the deliberate disclosure of the intelligence department of the Principality of Dawn, the Galactic Empire intelligence department also learned that they entered the unknown star region in two directions at the same time, but encountered danger in both directions and fell into the quagmire of war.

Starting from the northern border of the Milky Way, the second exploration fleet led by the Fourth Group and the Interstellar Banking Association was caught in a dispute between the Chiss Territory and surrounding forces, and was in a mess.

Starting from the southern border of the Milky Way, the first exploration fleet led by the direct jurisdiction of the Principality of Dawn encountered the mysterious virus Mnggal-Mnggal, and was also in a mess.

Scientists in the Principality of Dawn even published some research data on Mnggal-Mnggal, listing this thing that is difficult to define as a virus or an individual organism as one of the major threats to the safety of life in the Milky Way.

And the huge ring-shaped structures that appeared in the Principality of Dawn were explained as devices to stabilize hyperspace channels. Because the Galactic Republic had previously used such technology when invading the Model Sector, the Galactic Empire Intelligence Department was inclined to believe this before the lack of more decisive intelligence.

The intelligence deception at this stage was quite successful.

Of course, the intelligence department of the Galactic Empire was not a pushover. They also started their own actions in response to the above situation.

The Imperial Intelligence Department began to try to contact the Chiss Territory and find out what the dispute that dragged the Principality of Dawn into the quagmire was like. If possible, they would try to support the enemy on the side of the Principality of Dawn.

The Galactic Empire's Seventh Army, which was responsible for exploring unknown star regions, led this action.

Then Mnggal-Mnggal, the Galactic Empire also sent agents to obtain its samples, and planned whether it could cause a large-scale infection of Mnggal-Mnggal in the Principality of Dawn, and put the blame on the Principality of Dawn's research institute, that is, Umbrella Pharmaceuticals.

However, the results of this part of the action were quite tragic.

Umbrella Pharmaceuticals, which had just been tricked by the rebels and had to push Alfred Ashford out to take the blame, now attaches great importance to this matter. Even Alexia Ashford personally took action several times, dismembering the exposed Galactic Empire intelligence personnel on the spot and sending the video back.

The highly confidential areas of Umbrella Pharmaceuticals are now all controlled by Alexia Ashford's clones, and it is impossible to infiltrate them.

Thanks to Xiang Yu for the 500 starting coins!!

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