The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

$ Chapter 2151 Tai Ren (Part 1)

2152. Tai Ren (Part 1)

[The settings and records about Tai Ren in "Star Wars" are actually very vague and confusing. The more direct descriptions so far are the records of Kilik people relayed in the "Black Nest Trilogy" novels (about this The record will be revealed later in Abathur's plot, and the Black Nest is the enemy Abathur needs to face). The Kilik people's records will naturally beautify themselves, and there are many records that are not credible.

Even the three episodes in the "Clone Wars" animation in which Taipei appeared may not be real, because it doesn't matter if you think of those three episodes as Anakin's dreams. Because there is actually no difference whether that plot happened or not. So from here on, the plot and setting of Taijin, including the subsequent Alobes, will include a lot of my own understanding of the story, and will be adjusted according to the plot, so it may not be consistent with the original work. 】


The figure from behind turned around and suddenly appeared in front of Tang Xiao without knowing what happened.

This is an old man with a majestic face. He is wearing a solemn robe and a high crown. His snow-white beard hangs down to his chest, but his skin color is slightly lifeless gray.

The Ones – ‘Father’.

"You are one of the important reasons for the imbalance of the Force. I have no intention of pursuing the killings and chaos you caused... For the long river of the Force, it is just a trivial disturbance." 'Father' looked at Tang Xiao He said slowly, "Now that you are in my hands, although I will not kill you, I will also imprison you forever."

Tang Xiao smiled coldly and said: "Then, to be fair, wouldn't it be more appropriate for you to arrest Palpatine as well? He has caused far more killing and chaos than me. You can arrest him and bring him here." If I'm locked up with him, I won't be so lonely, how about that?"

'Father' said: "Palpatine will not leave Coruscant and run around like you, let alone run into the gap between time and space and be caught by us. Although if possible, I really don't mind Bring him in."

"It seems that you are very aware of what is happening in the galaxy." Tang Xiao said.

He understood that his power was nothing compared to Tai Ren. If the other party wanted to kill him, it would be easy to do so. But 'Father' did not do this, indicating that he had other considerations.

"It's not a lot, but it's enough." 'Father' said lightly.

"Okay, so what? By imprisoning me here, the force will be balanced?" Tang Xiao asked back.

'Father' looked him up and down, and said indifferently: "It seems that you are recovering very well. That powerful race from another universe really helped you a lot. If it weren't for their sacrifices, you would just be trapped in the darkness now." It's nothing more than a beast that is corrupted by the face. Then your only value is to be thrown into the endless abyss and become part of the dark side."

Tang Xiao said in a deep voice: "Do you know another universe?"

'Father' nodded, turned around, and his figure instantly appeared by the window, floating in the air, gazing at the stars in the sky. His tone was filled with vicissitudes of life, "Twenty-three years ago, there was a powerful resonance. , almost shocked the entire force, even here, Mortis can also feel the shock. "

Tang Xiao frowned and said nothing.

"As your understanding of the Force becomes deeper and deeper, you should understand how terrifying the power it takes to allow powerful Force users in almost the entire galaxy to sense the fluctuations in the Model Sector. Even the Chosen Ones The birth of my son has never been like this. However, it is obvious that this power is not owned by you." 'Father' said.

"So where does this power come from?" Tang Xiao asked.

"I don't know." 'Father' shook his head, "But I can feel that from that moment on, the Force has completely deviated from its previous track. After I caught you, I did not hesitate to break the taboo and try to cross The boundaries of time, to see your past...and your future.”

"What did you see?" Tang Xiao asked again.

"There is nothing." 'Father' then shook his head, "You have no past and no future. You are a seemingly insignificant stone in the long river of the Force. However, no matter how the Force flows, no matter how many stormy waves, it never lets you down. Move not even a tiny bit. You...are the only unknown in the Force, and you are the variable that cannot be controlled. Therefore, I must imprison you."

Tang Xiao laughed and said: "So now that you have imprisoned me, has the balance of the Force been restored? Have you regained control of the Force? No, neither. You can't do anything at all, but you think you are righteous. I found the answer. You said you can't see my future, but I know your future..."

"Don't try to interfere with my emotions, child." 'Father' interrupted him and said calmly, "According to your standards, we can't even be considered a kind of creature. The reason why you can see me like this is just Because I just want to show people this image.”

"What if I tell you, you will die?" Tang Xiao said.

"Then I will answer you, you are right. I am indeed heading towards death." 'Father' is still very calm, "We are born by the force, and we will naturally die by the force. For a hundred thousand years, I have been careful I tried to maintain the fragile balance of the Force, even at the cost of imprisoning my children here, but the Force was still out of balance, and I also exhausted my last strength in the balance of a hundred thousand years... I did not. Without denying it, I'm dying."

"If you die, what will happen to your 'son' and 'daughter'? What will happen to your 'mother'?" Tang Xiao asked.

"Don't use the title 'Mother' anymore. She has long lost this qualification for Arobes." 'Father' waved his hand and was very reluctant to talk about this matter. "I am very surprised that you understand us so deeply. To such an extent. But considering the extremely powerful resonance twenty-three years ago, this is not surprising.”

He was silent for a moment and said: "If I die, my children will lose control. They will be able to leave the prison of Mortis, and facing such powerful two people, the galaxy will surely be a bloody storm."

"The solution you thought of before was to let the chosen one take your place. So what now? I don't think you chose to see him." Tang Xiao said.

"Because before I planned to meet the Chosen Son, another person came to Mortis." 'Father' looked at Tang Xiao and slowly said a name, "Yoda."

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