The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 2183 The Last Hope (Part 2)

2184. The last hope (Part 2)

Huang Yehao said: "183 years ago... So the bodies controlled by Menggal-Mongal have been completely rotted, right? So what kind of enemy will we face?"

As a soldier who fought all the way from an ordinary soldier to reach the limit of human beings, and finally joined the Fourth Army and went beyond the limit, Huang Yehao's every word was preparation for the upcoming battle.

"Although the flesh will decay, Mongar-Mongal will still retain their basic structure. Mongar-Mongal does not want to survive alone, and all individuals devoured by it are its toys. Before it gets tired of playing, It will not allow the individual’s consciousness to dissipate, so it needs to preserve the brain, and preserving the brain requires bones, limbs to support movement, basic pipelines that supply oxygen to the brain, and some muscle structures to maintain movement..." Vishal is very familiar with these things about Mongal-Mongal, "Therefore, those Siara people who have been devoured for nearly 200 years are very likely to be in the form of mummies."

"How long does it take for Mongal to get tired of playing Mongal?" Huang Yehao asked again.

"That's not certain. It can be more than a thousand years, or less than a few decades." Vishal replied, "The longest planet I know was toyed with by Mongal Mongal for 1,174 years, and then all the people on it were torn apart. All the individuals were decayed and destroyed, and the surface of the planet turned into a swamp full of Mongal-Mongal. In the last few decades of that planet, I witnessed the corruption of the planet..."

Shepard said quietly: "...I understand somewhat. I have seen the rise and demise of too many civilizations, so in your opinion, the intrigues between other Koroks are so childish and petty... …”

Vishal fell silent.

Shepard no longer struggled with this. She cheered up and said loudly: "There is no doubt that we are now facing a desperate situation. If we don't do something, we can only follow the planet Krakul and die together! And on the planet Krakul , there is no way to reverse this desperate situation, but we must not give up! The planet Krakul, located in the center of the Mongar-Menggar control area, is already the last bastion of intelligent civilization in front of Mongar-Menggar! If we fall, we will need to travel a long way, purifying planet by planet, before we can finally approach the core of Mongar-Murgal - the planet Mugg-Faror... How many generations of efforts will it take? Sacrifice? It’s impossible to calculate!”

Huang Yehao, Sen Luo, Death, Ashley Williams, Kayden Alanko, Vishal, all looked solemn.

Shepard continued: "Before this last fortress falls, we must stop Mongar Mongar! For this goal, there are two things we can do now. First, let the Dawn Planet send people immediately Explore the Rafa Galaxy and find the secret of the Soul Harp! Second, send reinforcements here. Even if you directly occupy it, you must protect Krakul, the last pure land under the control of Mongar-Menggar, and do these two things! , have a common premise, which is to get in touch with the rear! Our only way at present is the super communication base station on the planet Ciara! There, we will fight against the Mongar-Menggar of the entire planet!

Everyone nodded, their expressions still serious, but they did not flinch at all because they had to fight against a planet. Because here, in front of the god of decay, Menggal-Mongal, they are the last hope of intelligent civilization!

"Now, let us collect all available support and materials as much as possible! Let's convince the last two factions of the Koroks. If we can't convince them, then force them to surrender! This is our last resort!" Shepard He said firmly.

"For the fourth civilization!" Huang Yehao said loudly.

"For the fourth civilization." Ghost agents Sen Luo and Death also said in a deep voice.

"For...Planet Krakul!" Vishal said firmly.

Shepard nodded, walked over and patted everyone on the shoulders one by one, saying word by word: "For the civilization of the entire galaxy!"

In the next few days, Shepard and her team once again began lobbying between the two major factions, the 'Pistols' and the 'Elders'.

As expected, both factions rejected her plan outright once they heard about it.

Because the planet Krakul has experienced a long period of civil war and lack of supplies, it is already very weak. Now they simply do not have the power to organize such a large-scale cross-system expedition.

Both factions have spaceships that are in good condition and technologically advanced enough to reach the Ciara Galaxy, but they are not in large numbers, and they are all bottom-of-the-line treasures.

But then, a dramatic scene occurred.

On the second day, before Shepard and the others got up, they immediately received a notification from the 'Pistol' faction. They stated that they were willing to fully support this expedition and were willing to send all thirteen of their best spaceships. .

Not long after, the ‘Elders’ faction also expressed its willingness to support the expedition and agreed to send twenty spaceships.

Faced with this situation, Shepard was naturally very pleased. But Vishal sneered and said coldly: "The reason why they agreed was not because they had a change of heart and figured it out, but because they planned to gamble on the interference of the Dawn Principality on you."

Ashley Williams sneered and said, "Indeed. The Principality of Dawn is their last hope. If they do not support it at this time, then when the support from the Dawn planet arrives, the faction that does not support it will be suppressed."

Shepard did not care. She smiled and said, "But the premise of this calculation is that they also think that being trapped on the Kraku planet is waiting to die. At least, there are still people who want to fight to the end."

After a week of preparation, the Normandy was filled with military supplies, and a total of 33 spacecrafts with the two factions of the Korok people set off together.

Destination-Ciara Galaxy.

At the same time, the capital of the Principality of Dawn, Dawn Planet.

"Francis Underwood submitted his resignation again?" Tang Xiao looked at the documents in his hand with a cold expression, "Reject. He must solve this mess before he is qualified to talk about the aftermath."

"As you wish, sir." Helmut Zemo took the documents with a satisfied smile on his face and walked out backwards.

"General Ling, does the situation in Hutt Space require our direct intervention?" Tang Xiao asked the holographic projection of Ling Liang beside him.

"Not for now. But I think I have doubts about the long report of victory by Oluba Gorensla." Ling Liang said.


"The Angelik family is too obedient..." (End of this chapter)

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