274. Jawa

Because Jabba the Hutt promised a huge bounty for chasing and killing Gardulla before, and later wanted to renege on the debt, and then under the instigation of Baron Helmut Zemo, a large number of bounty hunters wanted to ask for the bounty, so Blocked Tatooine directly.

This made Jabba very passive, although he was furious, and said more than once that he would kill all these hateful bounty hunters. But he can't really do this, after all, if these bounty hunters who have worked hard for him are killed, his reputation in the underworld will be rotten.

However, he really didn't want to pay that large bounty that seemed meaningless to him. Gardulla was still hiding in a corner of Tatooine planet for some reason, but he was still alive and well anyway. So what is he trying to spend the money on?

But to Jabba's surprise, this group of bounty hunters were surprisingly tough. This time, they directly said that they would not leave unless the bounty was paid, and they would continue to block Tatooine.

The two sides continued to spend like this for several months. Jabba was really overwhelmed by this matter. He went to negotiate with those bounty hunters, and the bounty hunters sent a person named Zemo to talk to him. Unexpectedly, all kinds of sharp teeth and sharp tongues silenced Jabba after a few words.

Only then did Jabba feel that something was wrong. He wanted to assassinate Zemo, but the other party was very cautious and didn't give him any chance at all.

So Jabba had no choice but to promise to pay part of the bounty first, and pay the rest in installments, and now the two sides are still arguing.

At this time, Jabba, who was in a state of desperation, naturally had no time to take care of his real enemy—the mortal enemy of the Desilijic family, Gadullah Besadi of the Besadi family!

In a remote desert in Tatooine, a Jawa desert crawler is desperately fleeing, surrounded by 6 LAV-21 Pathfinder-class attack off-road vehicles, and the dual-linked vehicles equipped on the attack vehicle The six-barreled machine gun fired violently, and the rain of bullets fired hit the desert crawler full of holes.

The Desert Crawler was originally a heavy mining vehicle. How could such a heavy and huge armored vehicle run fast, so it could only run around desperately, relying on its thick armor to resist.

Those Jawa tribes in the car popped out of the windows one after another, using their crude firearms from picking up garbage, but it was useless at all. This level of firepower was completely useless to Pathfinder-class attack vehicles. All the shots missed, and a small part was blocked by the armor of the attack vehicle.

The Pathfinder-class attack vehicle fired for a while, suppressing the Jawas so that they did not dare to show their faces, the windows opened, and several fierce Bothans took out their anchor guns and fired! A grappling hook connected to a steel cable was fired from the anchor gun, directly shooting through the weak part of the desert crawler's armor, and then the attack vehicle began to adjust its speed to synchronize with the desert crawler. Magtan-Scar took several fierce The Botha man, with a dagger in his mouth and an M-23 Katana shotgun on his back, crawled along the tightrope!

However, there were people who were faster than them. They only saw the hatch of a Pathfinder-class attack vehicle open, and a black shadow jumped over. The two iron arms directly grabbed into the shell of the desert crawler, and then slammed into it. Pull, tear off a piece of armor plate and drill in directly!

It was the T-850 presented to them by Yuri Orlov, Jason Statham! !

I only saw a large amount of metal armor welded on his body to cover the skull-shaped endoskeleton, which seemed to be broken, but those sharp corners and barbs made him look as hideous and terrifying as a demon from hell!

Dipping inside a desert crawler, he slaps a Jawa out of the way like a grown man slaps a chick.

Those Jawas were no more than one meter tall, and their whole bodies were wrapped in robes. Their faces were covered by countless bugs, except for a pair of shining yellow eyes. They are scavengers in the desert, picking up basically everything, and then stacking it in their desert crawlers whether it is useful or not. Of course, even the desert crawlers were picked up by them.

The cowardly and cowardly Jawas fired a few shots at will, but Jason was killed by Jason all the way. Scar of Magtan also led people into the interior of the desert crawler. There was a strange smell in it, and it was extremely narrow. There were all kinds of garbage and sundries everywhere, just like the Jawas. Only about 1 meter tall can come and go freely.

However, Magtan-Scar didn't care about this at all, and threw a few grenades directly, then turned his head and got out of the window. boom! ! ! After the violent explosion, he re-entered the desert crawler, killing his way through the hole it had been blasted out of.

About 10 minutes later, the desert crawler, which was running wildly and almost falling apart, finally stopped, the huge hatch opened, and a large group of Jawas swarmed out, and then stood obediently in front, showing no intention of running away.

Having been walking in the desert for a long time, they naturally knew that entering the desert rashly without a vehicle would be courting death, not to mention that there were so many Pathfinder-class attack vehicles guarding them around.

Jason Statham and Magtan Scar came out last, they looked at the group of Jawas who surrendered, Jason said in Jawa language: "You have been killed by the great Hutt - Gardulla Hired. We will buy this desert crawler directly, and you will also be hired by her to complete a great project as workers. After the project is completed, you will be paid handsomely, and then you will be set free."

The Jawas chattered, some against and some in favor, but it was useless. Threatened by the dual-mounted six-barrel cannon on the Pathfinder-class attack vehicle, they threw away their weapons and raised their hands to return to the desert crawlers, turning around and driving towards a secret location.

Magtan-Scar said to Jason: "Okay, this is the eighth desert crawler, our mission has been completed, let's go back and make a job."

"These desert crawlers are full of garbage, and some of them are usable. Now that the frame part of the land carrier has been completed, the main frame of this desert crawler can be completed within a month. That is to say, At most one more year, the aircraft carrier on land will be completed." Jason Statham said in that voice with the sound of metal friction, "Jabba's days on Tatooine are coming to an end."


[Easter Egg Chapter Attachment 1: Jawas and their desert crawlers. This picture is a temporary market where many Jawa tribes gather to trade the results of picking up garbage. Of course, they mainly rely on cheating and abducting to deceive those outsiders. The desert crawler in the picture has been tidied up. Normally, it is full of garbage, and the protagonist in "The Mandalorian" has entered it. 】

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