282. Market demand

"If I kill someone, you should judge me for homicide. Not..." Yuri-Olov shook the cigarette in his hand, "Use this thing to make me talk."

Qui-Gon-Jin patted Obi-Wan-Kenobi on the shoulder, and then said to Yuri very calmly: "The second civil war broke out on the planet Ceria. And the scale is very large, almost all over the world."

Yuri's smile became a little weird, and he took a deep puff of cigarette, "Wow! Planet Ceria... Civil War... Hehehehe..."

He wiped his face as if trying to restrain himself, "Civil War...Planet Ceria...Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!" Finally he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"You know what. Jedi Knights, hahahaha! You are really...really a group of The fcuking geniuses!! Hahahahaha!!"

His original voice combining English swear words and Galactic standard language almost made Obi-Wan lose his mind and rushed to beat him up, but Master Qui-Gon still stopped Obi-Wan.

He laughed for a while, then seemed to choke himself, and coughed violently, "Ahem, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough!!"

Qui-Gon Jinn waved his hand, and a peaceful Force helped him clear the saliva that had choked into his lungs. Obi-Wan Kenobi snorted coldly, "If it were me, I'd rather let him choke to death here."

Yuri-Olov breathed a sigh of relief, "Phew~~~~Okay. The civil war broke out on Ceria planet, this seems to be different from what you think, huh? It shouldn't be...arrest me, Should the civil war be completely eliminated?"

Boom! ! Obi-Wan Kenobi slammed his fist on the metal table, causing a dent in the thick tabletop, "This is because of the seeds of civil war you spread!!"

Yuri pointed to himself, "Me? Sowing, seeds? Hahahaha... No, no, Mr. Genius, you made a mistake. You don't even know what I do."

"You're a disgusting, damned arms dealer!" Obi-Wan said through gritted teeth.

Yuri laughed again, "I sell weapons because people have this need. Listen, the point is, it's the need, not the person who fulfills the need, understand? You've got me, but soon there will be Yuri Number two, Yuri number three to satisfy this market. So do you know what the only consequence after you capture me is?"

He stretched out a finger and clicked it on the table several times as if pressing a calculator, "You have reduced my market share by 17.4%, hehehehe, just kidding. Well, you need a scapegoat, I did it, so my story here is over."

"In your opinion, what is the reason for the chaos on Planet Seria?" Qui-Gon-Jin asked slowly.

"I don't want to argue with you geniuses about right and wrong, but the market has already given the answer." Yuri put out the cigarette butt in his hand, and then lit another cigarette for himself.

"Then how do you think this civil war can be prevented?"

"Balance. Once the balance of force and power is broken, war will break out. Then you only need to wait until the balance of force and power is restored, and the civil war will naturally end." Yuri said with a smile.

"The current imbalance of power on the planet Seria was brought about by you," said Qui-Gon-Jin.

Yuri gave Qui-Gon a meaningful look, "I don't think that's the case. I just respond to what I ask. What I want is benefits, but I won't interfere with what they do with my weapons. You see, I sell Weapons to Elder Dole, to the Council of Elders, to those who need my weapons. I don't care what they do with them, but I just know that there are many people who bought my weapons."

"Are you saying that people from the Council of Elders also bought weapons from you?!" Obi-Wan Kenobi seized on this detail and said loudly.

"I didn't say anything." Yuri-Olov sat leisurely, smoking a cigarette one after another.

"I want you to stop all arms trade with Planet Ceria!" Qui-Gon's tone also became tough.

"I said, do you really think that if you catch me, the civil war on Planet Seria will end? You're simply going in the wrong direction." Yuri replied with a smile.

"Tell me! A list of all the merchants who provided weapons to Planet Ceria!" Obi-Wan slammed on the table.

"Even if I tell you, it's useless. Planet Seria has become a big cake, and there are not a few people staring at it."

Obi-Wan Kenobi said viciously: "If you don't want to say it, then you spend the rest of your life in prison to repent of what you did!"

Yuri smiled, "I don't think I will stay here for too long. The Galactic Republic needs someone like me, the market needs someone like me, and more importantly, the planet Seria... needs someone like me people……"

"you are dreaming!"

"Soon, I will be acquitted due to insufficient evidence, a genius. It's not that I am a supernatural person, but...needs..." Yuri-Olov smiled meaningfully, knocked He knocked on the table and let the guards come in and take him away.


"Master! This nasty arms dealer is just playing with us! He won't cooperate at all!" On the way out, Obi-Wan Kenobi was still furious.

"I'm just worried... what he said is true..." Qui-Gon-Jin looked at the starry sky outside, shook his head and sighed, "The Council of Elders also bought weapons, and... he will be acquitted soon. "

"We should ask again about his relationship with the Fourth Group," Obi-Wan said.

"It's not important anymore. What's important is that the planet Seria may be becoming a battlefield where several major business giants compete with each other..." Qui-Gon-Jin said: "Go to Master Mundy immediately, things are getting out of control .”


Planet Ceria is indeed losing control.

Elder Dole-Femi-Bangmi assembled an army of more than 20,000 people after spending a period of time gathering strength, and began to march again to Tekaf, the capital of the planet Seria.

Among this 20,000-strong army, he even cobbled together more than 1,000 assault rifles, forming a force that cannot be ignored.

And even more frightening is the giant god security! The 2,000-man Kali army commanded by Hakimi! !

Facing the power that came to his door from Giant God Security, Elder Dole almost immediately agreed to hire them with a high salary, and hired Hakimi as the general military adviser to take full charge of the army command of the technical movement.

He easily defeated the Presbyterian army that came to encircle and suppress them, and beheaded two elders in front of the battle, almost unstoppable!

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