The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 293 Aggression and accusations

291. Aggression and accusations

Chalinor system, Amador satellite, Mayvitch 7 colony (Mayvitch 7).

This is a galaxy 3 seconds away from the Injoli galaxy, and it is also a colony established by human miners from another nearby galaxy—the Imaria galaxy. Solid defense.

However, at this moment, the colony of Mevic 7 is suffering from terrible invasion!

Hundreds of miscellaneous spaceships brazenly came to the outskirts of the Meiqi 7 colony, and launched an attack involuntarily! The fighter jets and spaceships defending the colony of Mevic 7 immediately took off to meet them, but the intruder's driving skills were surprisingly good, and they could even fly some unimaginable movements. Such acceleration and sharp turns would cause great harm to people's bodies, but The other party didn't care at all!

Moreover, there was a huge gap between the numbers of the two sides. After the defense of the outer space was destroyed, one after another transport ships began to forcibly land on the Mevic 7 colony. Groups of heavily armed Injoli opened the hatch and rushed out without waiting for the spaceship to land!

They were wearing wing-flapping aircraft, flying flexibly in the air, condescending and firing wildly, and what was even more frightening was that even if sporadic retaliation hit them, they only screamed, but that was it, that powerful body It actually took the laser down like this!

"This is Mevic 7! This is Mevic 7! We are being invaded! Repeat! We are being invaded by the Injolis!! Who will save us!!" The commander of the guard force frantically confronted The communicator shouted, but to no avail.

"They interfered with the communication!"

"No! You must go back to Planet Imaria and inform the Republic of the news here!"

"Imalia is too close, and it is likely to be invaded, so I must go directly to Coruscant! Go through Hydia's hyperspace channel!"

"But our spaceships were all shot down..."

"Wait a minute, I know! There is still a spaceship in the warehouse, but it is due to a breakdown and is being maintained. I hope it can support it and return to Coruscant." A staff member said.

"Okay, Alan, you are our best pilot! This task is entrusted to you! And Walker, you are our best engineer, you must not let this spaceship break down! Please!" Colony The officer said earnestly.

boom! boom! ! As soon as the words fell, there was a violent explosion outside the door!

Several staff members looked desperate. They picked up their weapons and said loudly: "You guys go! Let's hold them back!"


4 days later, the capital of the Galactic Republic, Coruscant, the Galactic Parliament Building.

"Fourth Group, you must be responsible for the invasion of the Injoli!" Phoenix-Valorum sternly accused in the parliament.

"Then I can only regretfully think that for some unknown reason, the chairman of the Galactic Council, Finnis-Valorum, disregarded the Constitution of the Republic and used his influence to accuse a new company! This is against The trampling of the market freedom and commercial freedom of the galaxy!" Gross Shelby pointed at Valorum's nose and began to curse.

"I deeply regret this matter. If the Republic cannot prevent such a thing from happening again, I think the planets in our outer ring star region will feel uneasy." Dawn Star Councilor Francis Underwood shook his head and said.

The way he spoke was very ingenious, seemingly objective and fair, and he seemed to be accusing the Fourth Group, but he also involved the Galactic Republic by the way.

"The fourth group is completely normal business behavior. If we are responsible for every product we produce, then whoever wants to do this business will do it well. You must know that even a rope can strangle people to death. If the Republic sets such a precedent, then the trade union can only think of countermeasures." Newt Gunley, the new governor of the trade union, said eccentrically.

"Then selling goods also depends on the target. You wouldn't sell a gun to a murderer, would you? Or, the trade alliance doesn't even care about such things? Could it be that you have sold weapons to murderers like this before? "Shiv-Palpatine asked directly with a faint smile.

Newt Gunray was choked and couldn't come back for a while. Many congressmen have clamored to build momentum for Palpatine.

"The problem before us now is that the weapons and spaceships exported by the fourth group directly gave the Injoris the ability to fight across galaxies, and it was also the fuse of this conflict. We are still not sure how Injori Is there any further action by the people here? The Republic has sent a special mission, but the situation is not optimistic. Maybe you unscrupulous companies earn 1 million credits, but the Republic has to invest more money and even people's lives to make up for it The bad consequences you have caused!" After all, Phoenix-Valorum is also a veteran politician, and his speech is very provocative.

Many councilors who still support Valoren also voiced their support.

Shelbya still wanted to quibble, but at this moment, several guards brought two people over. Before the guards who brought them in could speak, they immediately cried, "Help! Please help the Republic! Help us!" Save us!!!"

The guard quickly controlled the anti-gravity platform to fly to the center of the spherical hall, bowed to Valoren and said, "Your Excellency, this is the survivor of the Mevic 7 colony in the Chalinor galaxy..."

"The Chalinor Galaxy? What happened?" Phoenix-Valoren's face changed drastically, and he shouted loudly, half of it was real, and half of it was acting.

"The Injoris...the Injoris have invaded our colony...they rob everything and kill everyone they see...they...they cannibal ahhhhhh!!!" the man dressed as aviator cried He fell to the ground, crying terribly.

"Mevich Colony 7? Isn't that the colony we built near the mining area of ​​the Chalinor galaxy? There are 500 guards and 20 fighter jets there! The usual function is to protect our miners... If... If May There is a problem with the colony of Vichi 7... Your Excellency, Speaker! Our planet Imalia may have been invaded by now!" The representatives of the planet Imalia also panicked and stood up and shouted.

Finnis-Valoren's anger had reached its peak. He pointed to Allen and said to Shelbya: "Show me this! This is the evil you have caused! The fourth group!! I declare all your licenses and All qualifications have been revoked! You are not qualified to do any commercial activities within the Milky Way! Further punishments will be dealt with after dealing with the Injoli, use the filthy money you looted to atone for your sins!!”

"If the Republic insists on putting all the blame on the Fourth Group and ignores the responsibility of the Inchoris and the Republic itself in this matter, then our Fourth Group will not recognize any accusations and punishments imposed by you! Goodbye to our Supreme Court!" Gross Shelby stood up angrily, turned her head and walked out.

Representatives of the three corporate giants of the Trade Union, the Enterprise Alliance and the Technology Alliance also slammed the door and left.

"I'm afraid Congressman Quinas is in danger... Notify Master Windu immediately! This matter requires the Jedi Knights to come forward." Phoenix-Valorum issued an order.

Thanks to 6aqc9 and World of Tanks Mosquito for the 100 starting coins! !

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