320 , Beacon Resurrection

"More pieces of scrap iron? Then these things better be useful!" Grievous said grimly, "Activate these scrap iron!"

"Well, you have the final say. These IG-100 guard robots are yours, but I must remind you that the cost of each of these robots is as high as 90,000 credits, which is enough to buy a spaceship." Muun After activating the programs of these robots, the engines in their bodies began to operate immediately, and the red indicator lights on their chests also lit up.

Grievous's eyes flashed fiercely, "Get rid of all those stupid B-1 robots!!"

The 20 IG-100 guard robots immediately activated the high-voltage electric sticks in their hands, jumped more than ten meters away with a kick, and rushed into the team of B-1 robots flexibly in the air!

They waved high-voltage electric wands like chopping melons and vegetables, easily destroying all the B-1 battle robots present! But the T-series tactical robot standing in the middle was unscathed. It looked up at Grievous and asked, "Sir, is the robot damaged just now counted as battle damage or as daily consumption?"

"And this guy!" Grievous yelled, pointing at the tactical droid.

In the next second, a high-voltage electric wand directly pierced through the body of the tactical robot!

"I don't need someone to talk about tactics next to me! Even if you put all the battle cases of the entire galaxy into the database, I can easily defeat you scrap iron on the battlefield!" Grievous roared at the wreckage of the tactical robot on the ground , he looked at the Muuns and nodded, "Go back and tell Thorn-Hil that these robots are barely usable!"

"In this case, I can go back and report back. Thank you." The Muun swiped the holographic screen in front of Grievous, waited for him to sign, and flew away in a transport plane.

"Then, follow me! Crush the few bugs that ran away just now!" Grievous immediately led the team of IG-100 to set off on the STAP single-person suspension motorcycle.

They trailed along the way, catching up to the mission target that had previously been run away due to the stupidity of the B-1 battle droids, and this time, the IG-100 guard droids didn't give them any chance. In just a few minutes, all the mercenaries in the entire convoy were turned into torn corpses!

Eliminate the guards, capture the few merchants who owed money, and for the rest, someone from the Interstellar Banking Association will naturally come to find a way to squeeze money out of these people.


The sound of the communicator sounded, and Gross Shelby lazily opened her eyes from Tang Xiao's arms. She picked up the communicator from the messy ground where clothes and stockings were everywhere, and looked at the other party's name.

"It's from Planet Hook." Gross kissed Tang Xiao lightly on the lips, "It seems that those mantis people are dishonest again."

"The wild space is still too far away. It's enough to take away the remaining wealth of the Yamrui people in the name of reconstruction. Let the Kali people do things like revenge." Tang Xiao caressed Gro Soft and smooth skin like creamy silk.

Gross turned off the projection function of the communicator, and then said a few words to the other party. Then he frowned and said to Tang Xiao: "Honey, because the Yamrui treasury is empty and the unemployment rate remains high, many reconstruction projects have come to a standstill. And many Yamrui have started to think about the Kali planet again. , They don't want to die, do they?"

"On the contrary, after the Kali people withdrew their troops, they were no longer able to compete with the Yamrui people. The fourth group provided assistance to the Kali people and took the opportunity of reconstruction to hold the Yamrui people back. It's just to make life easier for the Kali people." Tang Xiao shook his head and sighed.

He went on to say: "At that time, the Republic forced the Kali to retreat. They didn't have enough spaceships. As a result, at least 50,000 wounded soldiers were discarded on the planet Hook and were executed by the Yamrui in the most cruel way. This matter After the incident, the military spirit of the Kali people has collapsed. In addition, Grievous was forced to sign a contract with the Interstellar Banking Association and leave his hometown in order to repay the debt. Now the planet Kali has no backbone at all.”

"Then..." Gross lay on Tang Xiao's chest, "How about our greatest and wisest leader, give the little girl a trick?"

"The interests of the fourth group cannot be affected in any way, and all factors that are unfavorable to us must be suppressed immediately. As for the Kali people, this is not the scope of the fourth group's business, so there are naturally other arrangements." Tang Xiao exerted force amidst the warmth Pinched, then pinned Gross down on the bed again.


The wild space of the Milky Way, the home planet of the Yamri, the planet Hook.

Because the fourth group exploited the Yamrui people under the banner of reconstruction. Although they rebuilt war-damaged cities for the Yamrui people, they were also burdened with heavy debts.

30% of the income of each Yamrai will be collected by the tax department of the fourth group, and the government of Yamrai must also collect taxes from the people in order to maintain daily operations.

As a result, most of people's income has been taken away, and they can only face their own "luxury villas", withered gardens and dry swimming pools.

As a result, some Yamrui began to miss the rich days when they plundered other planets, and they began to set sail again in spaceships, and went to other surrounding planets to enjoy the autumn wind.

These are not official actions, but the officials of the Yamrui people have acquiesced in the occurrence of all this, just like the Japanese pirates in a certain universe.

They plundered everywhere in spaceships, and the surrounding planets had been conquered by the Yamri before, and most of them were very backward. Therefore, there is no way to face the predators flying high and low in spaceships.

The wild space is located in a remote area, and the Republic will definitely not care about it. Some bounty hunters and smugglers are not interested in this place, so the Yamrui people have become lawless again. Those other races that are bullied can't even pay bounty hunters to protect them.

After gaining benefits again, the Yamrui also began to swell. Although they officially oppose any predatory behavior, they secretly encourage people to go out and plunder, so as to reduce their own burden.

As long as the republic asks, the Yamrui government will say that this is a non-governmental behavior, and now that they are in financial difficulties, they can't control these people.

Afterwards, finally, this incident that went directly to Tang Xiao and Gross happened——

In several cities that were rebuilt with assistance from the Fourth Group, the Yamrai, who were unbearably exploited and inflated, continued to have violent incidents against the Fourth Group, which turned into armed demonstrations in the end! !

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