The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 425 Internal Disintegration

423 , Internal Disintegration

At the same time, in Coruscant, the Council of the Galactic Republic.

During the recent period, the main content of the Council of the Galactic Republic was the quarrel between Dawn star councilor Francis Underwood and Anji planet councilor Murasis.

The content is nothing more than that Murasis accused the Dawn Star of being an invader, and Francis also retorted, pointing out that it was the Ayru himself who initiated the massacre and provoked the war.

But today, Francis Underwood made a different statement.

He stood on the anti-gravity platform, wearing a neat and neat black suit, he habitually straightened his sleeves, and then said in a loud voice: "The massacre and aggression of the Ail people in the Model sector is consistent! When the Ail people developed the technology of interstellar navigation and began to expand in the Moder star area, they relied on their own advanced technology to enslave the Vathian people! And when human immigrants entered the star area, they Also oppress those humans to become their slaves!"

Murasis was furious, and said loudly: "It's a bunch of nonsense!! We Ailu and Vasian are in a peaceful coexistence relationship!"

"But it seems that this is not the case." Francis sneered, "I suggest that the Republic can set up an investigation team to thoroughly investigate the racial oppression and racial slavery of the Ailu people."

Speaker Palpatine had an inexplicable smile on his face, and said faintly: "The request is dismissed, Mr. Francis. Your accusation is unfounded."

Palpatine's objection was also expected, Francis took out a document and said: "Look, this is a petition signed by more than 10,000 human residents of Planet Anji. This petition fully explains how the Ailu people enslave human beings. As we all know, the Ailu people are a matrilineal society, and the status of men is very low. Then the problem comes. Human males are completely slaves on the planet Ailu exist, and human women are also discriminated against because they cannot intermarry with the Ailu due to reproductive isolation."

He took out another document, "This is the survey of the Vathian planet. The survey shows that under the rule of the Ailu, the Vathian people's working hours are 1.5 times the average working hours of other galaxies in the Milky Way, and they The salary is only one-third of the average wage of workers, which is another solid proof that the Ailu people enslaved foreigners!"

Murasis was also in a hurry, he jumped up and said: "Absurd! Absurd!! The Vathians are an insect race..."

"Aha! Insect race!!" Francis Underwood interrupted him with a yell, opened his arms to the other members, and said loudly: "What does the Ailu member want to express? The insect race Don't you deserve more rest time and higher salary?"

Murassis' face turned red and then turned pale. Although he understood that this was not the case, he was limited by his eloquence and could not explain clearly to those councilors who were full of white and leftist ideas. Senator's psychology.

He had no choice but to change the topic and said: "Your dawn star fleet blocked the Vasian planet! Blowed up the granary! Starved the entire planet! Including the Vasian people!"

"Wrong formulation! What we blew up was only the granary that provided food for the Ailu people. As for the Vathian people, we have already started to provide them with food. Therefore, Ailu is the only one who is hungry from the beginning to the end. It's just people," Francis said.

"You finally admitted your crimes!" Murassis shouted as he thought he had caught Francis' flaw.

"There is no doubt about it! We can't have any mercy for the Eru people! Because...the hundreds of miners who were massacred in Kuna's Fang, their ghosts are still watching us!!" Francis yelled With a sound, encouraged by him, many congressmen stood up and applauded, and the scene became lively.


When the news from the Galactic Council was sent back to the planet Anji, Queen Elu was furious, "Check it out for me immediately! Who exactly signed that petition!! Arrest them all!!"

"Your Majesty, it can't be like this! I'm afraid they concocted such a petition just to let us arrest people!" The Secretary of State Tai Lala hurriedly stopped.

"Then just sit back and watch them create divisions within us?" the queen said angrily.

"We can only strengthen internal control. If we are found to be racially discriminatory, we will be more passive in politics." Tai Lala said.

"What politics are you still talking about? Don't you see that the entire Republic is now on the side of the Dawn Star? Tell me the Republic, if they can't stop the invasion of the Dawn Star, we will vote no confidence in the Speaker! Just Like Naboo!" roared the Queen.

"I'm's very difficult...the current political situation is completely different from that on Naboo..." Tai Lala said in a low voice.

"If we can't even do this, we will withdraw from the Galactic Republic!" The queen said firmly.

At this time, two Devalonians, one fat and one thin, walked in from the door. They saw the furious Queen Elle, and they hurried up and said, "Dear Queen, I have brought you a gift."

They were obviously the two mercenaries who provoked the Injori riots in the Injori galaxy - Wilma and Holma.

"You better give me something nice, Velma! Did you bring the detection radar you promised?" demanded the queen.

"There is no doubt, Your Majesty. There is nothing in this galaxy that money cannot buy." Wilma showed a treacherous smile, "Because of your generosity, we also got two ships equipped with the most advanced detectors." Spaceship, one, 50 million credits."


Matt Horner led the A-Fleet to block the Vasian planet for a week. The life of the more than 2 million Ails on the Vasian planet is unsustainable, and the Vasian's attack on the Ails Attitudes also began to become ambiguous.

At this time, the Ail people once again assembled 50 spaceships and went to the planet Kuna's Fang, wanting to support General Telsey.

But after all, it is still a step too late, Volgograd-Kanidi has launched the final offensive against the Ail colony on the planet Kuna's Fang!

40 Wraith fighters bombed the colony indiscriminately in the sky. They used pulse laser cannons to accurately kill every possible threat target. Although the Ailu people have an army of 5,000 people here, they dare not even go out, only dare to hide in houses and bunkers.

After losing control of the periphery, 30 steel giants appeared on the periphery of the colony!

20 giant mechas, and 10 wolf mechas! -

[Easter Egg Chapter Attachment 1: Wolf Warrior Mech, from "StarCraft". 】

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