The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 523 The Battle of Geonosis (final)

521. Battle of Geonosis (final)

Because of the loss of all the battleships on the space battlefield, the fleet of the Galactic Republic can no longer threaten the transport fleet of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and there are only two Rukrihook-class battleships when the clone army continues to advance. The core ship was shot down by the SPHA-T self-propelled artillery, and the other transport ships were basically preserved.

So after the loading was completed, General Grievous, who had been battered before, was finally able to free up his hands to focus on the command of the frontline operations.

When he saw the deployment of the army near the main lair of the Geonosis planet, he was furious, and slapped the T-series tactical robot he was in charge of before into parts with a backhand slap.

Immediately, he called back the remaining robot army, split it into more than 700 combat groups, and dispersed them from different directions at the same time.

Grand Duke Pogle-Inferior had already evacuated the main lair, and General Grievous simply blew up the main lair, causing the clone army to lose its target for a while.

After discussing with Master Windu and tactical advisor Mabel Garson, the commander-in-chief of this army, Master Yoda, denied the latter's proposal to retreat immediately. Because in the case of losing the protection of the fleet in space, there are still 10 generous-class frigates in the atmosphere fighting with their Cheer-class. At this time, it is impossible to reload the 200,000 troops on the spacecraft.

This conclusion can be drawn without using the Force to perceive, Mabel Garson is not unaware, but he has completely lost confidence, and only wants to leave the hell of Planet Geonosis as soon as possible.

After this battle, his military career was over, that was certain.

Now the last chance for the 200,000 clone army is to immediately establish a solid position and at the same time open up a passage leading to the underground. When their spaceships and heavy equipment can still be used, stick to the spot. When the heavy equipment is destroyed or the fuel and ammunition are exhausted, the clone army will enter the huge underground network of the planet Geonosis and continue to delay time.

Time is their chance to survive.

Now on the planet Geonosis, the 200,000 clone army is completely invincible, but they are a lone army, lacking supplies and ammunition, and I don't know how long it will last.

The robot army commanded by General Grievous currently totals around 600,000. Although the number of robots is constantly being produced and replenished, the loss of heavy equipment cannot be made up for in a short while.

Not only that, the 10 Generosity-class frigates led by Trabo in the sky were mostly consumed in the previous space battles, and the shield energy was running low. Now they are fighting with the 13 Cheer-class assault landing ships. The battle fell even further, and the two Generosity-class frigates were shot down, but under the strict order of General Grievous, Trabo had no choice but to grit his teeth and persevere.

It is impossible for the Galactic Republic to give up the 200,000 clone army, and it is impossible for the Federation of Independent Galaxy to let them leave at will.


Later that day, Count Dooku secretly appeared in the uninhabited industrial zone of Coruscant. He knelt down in front of Darth Sidious in a black cloak, and offered the DS-1 super mobile combat The storage device of the platform, respectfully said: "As arranged by your great plan, the war has already begun, my lord."

"Hehehehe, very good... everything is going according to our plan, Darth Tyranus." Darth Sidious let out a twisted and greasy laugh, "Yoda and Windu were still Trapped on Planet Geonosis, but I can't procrastinate for too long, 200,000 clone troopers are at stake for our further plans. You have one more day, kill the Jedi before help arrives!"

"I will do my best, Lord. In addition... there is another Sith Lord in the rumors, his situation..." Count Dooku asked with a frown.

"No matter who he is, he is an obstacle to our plan! If he dares to show up, kill him!" Darth Sidious said coldly.

"The only thing that can be confirmed now is that the former Jedi apprentice Edla Ketis is a dark Jedi knight trained by this person, and Tang Xiao, the governor of Dawn Star, has many contacts with this person. But I have no way of getting more information. You know, Edra Katis hasn't shown up for half a year." Earl Dooku said.

"The Dawn Star, the Trade Federation, the Fourth Group, the Interstellar Banking Association, the Technology Alliance, the Enterprise Alliance, the Commercial Guild...these people must be destroyed in this war, and then we can establish a greater regime ! Belonging to the human regime!" Darth Sidious opened his arms.

"It is my honor, great lord." Count Dooku replied with a bow.


War has broken out!

If counting from May 21, when Master Yoda led 20 Cheer-class assault landing ships to land, the Geonosis planetary battle has lasted 29 standard hours so far, and this battle also declared the Galactic Republic and the independent galaxy. All-out war for the Confederacy!

On the morning of May 22nd, Count Dooku left Coruscant and went directly to the main planet LSax, and in front of hundreds of billions, even trillions of people who were present at the scene, he officially announced——

Confederation of independent galaxies, established!

The outer ring star area is the main one, and there are tens of thousands of planets in some middle ring and inner ring star areas. At the same time, they signed the Declaration of Independence, announcing their separation from the Galactic Republic and joining the Confederation of Independent Galaxies!

The Milky Way, divided into two.

Ten minutes after Earl Dooku's speech, the Speaker of the Galactic Republic, Sheev Palpatine, made a public speech, officially acknowledging that peace efforts have completely failed, and that the current Galactic Republic will completely enter a state of war.

The war will not stop until Count Dooku is captured, the Separatist forces are eliminated, and the Galactic Republic is reunited!

At the same time, in response to the battle situation on Geonosis, Speaker Palpatine ordered the Republic Strategic Command to immediately organize reinforcements to rescue Master Yoda and the 200,000 clone army from Geonosis as soon as possible.

The left-behind Jedi Master Shak-Ti returned urgently from the Kamino planet, and temporarily presided over the work of the Jedi Order with Depa-Bilaba. However, there was a problem with the 60 new warships promised by Kuat Power Dockyard—Jerger-class battlecruisers. An accident occurred during the delivery of the warships, which made it impossible to deliver on time.

Willix Blissex, the chief engineer of Kuat Power Dockyard, was under tremendous pressure and had to resign because of this.

However, Masters Depa-Bilaba and Shak-Ti had to ask the Strategic Command of the Republic to urgently mobilize the warships of the local defense fleet and the original judicial fleet to form a new temporary fleet and rush to the planet Geonosis.


On May 23, the intelligence department of the Strategic Command of the Galactic Republic received a large number of reports almost at the same time!

"The Technological Alliance battleship group in the Falin Galaxy has disappeared!"

"The battleship group of Dawn Star on Planet Anji has lost its trace!"

"The Semiles Star Wars fleet has lost its trace!"

"The battleship group of the Interstellar Banking Association on the planet Mequito has lost its trace!"

"A large number of battleships are gathering at the space port of the planet Cato Neimoidia!"

"Separatist warships appear on Planet Felucia!!"


The Confederation of Independent Galaxies has launched an all-out attack!

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