The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 673: Traces of Venomous Fangs

672 , Traces of Venomous Fangs

Master Ares-Nune looked at the huge warship on the screen with a gloomy expression, "It looks right, this is the Separatist warship that has been attacking our fleet on Hydia's hyperspace channel recently! Prepare to fight !"

The clone commander standing next to him immediately issued an order, "All ships are in battle formation, and the fighter squadron will take off immediately!"

Ares Noone looked at the hangar platform unfolded in front of the battleship and the densely packed fighter jets, his face was still worried.

About 800 fighters took off in the first wave of 5 Jaeger-class battlecruisers, and it is obvious that the flying attitude of those fighters is unfamiliar.

After suffering heavy losses on the three battlefields of Fallin, Bespin, and Christopher Sis, it is a tragedy that such a large Galactic Republic could not find enough fighter pilots in a short period of time.

Even if it is a simple V-19 light fighter, if it is a clone soldier who has received the input of knowledge about driving a fighter in advance, it needs 2 months of training. If it is an ordinary soldier, then the training period will increase From 4 months to half a year.

And now, just 3 months after the outbreak of the Civil War, the Republic has lost more than 50,000 pilots on all fronts! !

Battleship operators do not need too long training due to the subdivision of functions and the intelligent automation of the system. The number of personnel in more complicated positions such as navigators, helmsmen, and engine engineers is not large. A battleship is equipped with ten One person is enough, and these people have not lost more than 3,000 people so far.

But fighter pilots are different. A qualified fighter pilot must independently control a complex fighter plane, which requires extremely fast response capabilities and spatial recognition capabilities, as well as training in combat formations and combat tactics. Almost everyone is an elite talent.

When the Republic abandoned its military due to the Lusan reform, the reserve fighter pilots were not many, and now they are basically all lost! Most of the pilots added now are recruits or recruited from civilian pilots, and the quality is uneven, but this is already impossible.

Looking at the formation of fighter jets taking off densely, Ares Nunet said in a low voice: "This is not possible, I still feel the threat of death... Such means are not enough to threaten that battleship!"

"General! Then what should we do?" Kate, the clone commander, turned around and asked.

"What we need to do is to spread the news. I don't think we have the ability to defeat that super battleship." Ares Nunet said in a deep voice, "Immediately turn on all the battlefield recorders and record any valid information After that, seal it up immediately!"


Ares Noone also got up and went to the hangar platform, came to sit on his Delta-7 fighter jet, started the engine and flew straight out.

However, just as his fighter plane took off, an exclamation came from the communication, "A powerful energy concentration has been detected! The enemy ship may be about to open fire!"

"Scatter the ships!!" Ares Nunet exclaimed. Before he could finish his sentence, an invisible electromagnetic pulse completely enveloped the surrounding area of ​​tens of thousands of kilometers, followed by darkness.

His fighter immediately lost control, and all systems were offline, just floating in space by inertia.

"Hey! Kate! Anthem! Call back!!" Ares Noone yelled into the communicator, but there was no sound.

On the other side of the battlefield, General Grievous, standing on the bridge of the Fang, laughed loudly, "Stupid scum of the Republic, this is your doomsday! Hahahahahaha!! The battleships are advancing at full speed, give me the battleships of the Republic Blast into pieces! Slowly fry... Hahahahaha!!"

The Fang immediately advanced. Hundreds of turbo laser cannons on the battleship fired continuously, losing the protection of the shield. The powerful turbo laser beams blasted countless flames on the armor of the Jaeger-class battlecruiser.

Under this continuous attack, the Jaeger-class battlecruisers gradually disintegrated and were blown into pieces bit by bit.

And among those warships, tens of thousands of officers and soldiers could only watch all this happen in a state of weightlessness and hypoxia!

"The weapon of the enemy ship has been is an electromagnetic pulse..." Ares Nunet said to a memory with difficulty.

The interior of a fighter jet is no different than that of a battleship. After the life support system is destroyed, the air stored inside the fighter jet will be consumed soon.

Ares-Nuné looked at the memory. It was protected by the force of his flash of inspiration just now, but even so, the memory was still damaged, and he didn't know what was recorded before. How much is still preserved.

"This is... the only hope... to pass on the news of the Separatist super battleship..." Ares Nunet finished speaking, took a deep breath, and then entered a deep meditation state.


A day later, a formation of six Jaeger-class battlecruisers arrived in the Pui galaxy.

Standing in the center of the bridge of the flagship of the formation was a member of the Supreme Council of Twelve members of the Jedi Order, Master Plo Koon, and one of the top-ranked powerhouses in the Jedi Order.

And what caught his masked eyes at this moment was a terrifying scene...

Countless warship fragments are floating in space, and these fragments are very fine, completely different from destroyed warships under normal circumstances, as if they were finely crushed by someone!

In this debris belt stretching thousands of kilometers, not even a complete corpse can be found!

"Mysterious super weapon, once again..." Master Pro-Kong said to himself, "Immediately send a search and rescue team to recover the bodies of the soldiers as much as possible, and at the same time, look for everything that may have clues!"


After thinking for a while, Pro-Kong himself came to the hangar platform, boarded a search and rescue boat, and together with a few soldiers drove this small aircraft less than 5 meters long but with a pair of mechanical arms at the front to participate in the search and rescue operation.

Suddenly, if he felt something, he looked in one of the directions, "Go over there." Pro-Kong said, pointing to the front.

The pilot drove the search and rescue boat to approach. Pro-Kong sensed that someone was calling in the force, and he asked the pilot to make room for him. He drove the search and rescue boat himself, and controlled two mechanical arms to search among the ocean-like debris. .

Finally, he found a mutilated Delta-7 fighter.

Seeing this fighter jet, Pro-Kong let out a long sigh, opened the hatch and jumped out by himself. He has very powerful force, and his mask also allows him to survive in a vacuum environment.

He jumped onto the fighter plane, and sure enough, he saw Ares Noone's body, sitting peacefully in the cockpit, restrained by the seat belt and not floating out.

The fighter was obviously bombarded by a turbolaser cannon, and more than half of the fighter's fuselage was blown up under the powerful force, but the body of Ares Nune was miraculously preserved.

"May the Force be with you, my friend..." Pro-Kong whispered.

At this time, he suddenly sensed something, and reached out and took out a memory from Ares Nune's arms.


[Easter egg chapter attached picture 1: Master Puluo-Kong. 】

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