711. Research project

"Are there any other survivors here? Sergeant Hunter." Nat Reese asked from the side.

"The area where we are active is gone. But 5 days ago, I vaguely saw a fire in the opposite forest." The hunter said, pointing in one direction.

"Hi! Only the front sight saw this. His eyes are pretty good, but his strength is a little weak." The obstacle removal king said loudly.

Shen-Jon nodded, "I'll send someone over there to have a look. Hmm... What happened to Mingban planet before?"

The hunter replied: "Because the planet Mingban has joined the separatists, and the separatists are setting up outposts nearby and installing hyperspace blockers to cut off the Kessel Channel, so the 44th Special Operations Force of the Republic cooperated with the 224th Army of the Republic to launch an offensive . But here's a trap."

"Trap?" Shen-Jon frowned.

"That's right, a trap. When we arrived, there were only three Bountiful-class frigates in outer space, and we quickly drove them away, so we landed on the planet..." said the hunter.

"Then we encountered at least 400,000 robots..." The sight shook his head, "The Separatists must have started to gather troops early on, and sent signals around here to attract us to land, and then rushed out of the jungle to surround us. Afterwards, General Grievous led a fleet of 20 warships and came back..."

"...The mission of our company was to defend this hill. We set up more than 10 E-WEB blaster cannons and two AZ-7 self-propelled artillery, but these were quickly blown up by robot fighters It’s gone.” The technician pointed to the col on the other side and said, “Over there, more than 70 of our brothers died.”

"I don't know what you guys think, anyway, I've killed enough! Hahahaha!" The Obstacle Removal King laughed.

The hunter continued: "Later we wanted to retreat, so the commander forcibly landed two hunter-class battlecruisers into the atmosphere to cover, but it still didn't work. When these two warships were shot down, the remaining three in outer space Two warships could not withstand the attack of the Separatist fleet, one of them was destroyed, another was severely damaged and towed away by the Separatists, and the last one escaped."

Shen-Jon nodded and said: "Then if that's the case, you should follow our troops during this period."

They came all the way to the meeting point. When he saw the worn-out armor on the clone troopers on Shen-Jon's side, the Wrecker King looked at them, and then at his armor reinforced with robot armor. Armor, laughed again, "It seems that you guys are not doing well, it's about the same as me, haha, about the same."

"Shut up and change your clothes for me. I won't touch the robot, I will destroy you as an enemy." A clone trooper came over and threw a set of polymer alloy armor that was still in good condition. Wrecker King.

"If you dare to point your gun, you must fall to the ground before him." The hunter said coldly.

"Want to fight? Kid." The clone soldier was enraged immediately, walked over and hit the hunter hard with his chest.

"Stop it!" Shen Qiaoen yelled angrily, "Everyone will be teammates on the same boat from now on! If I find out that there is internal strife again, I will punish you severely!"

The technician was relatively calm, and he asked Shen-Jon: "General, what is the goal of our army?"

"A secret weapon called Extractor, and a separatist general named Severance Tann." Shen-Jon said lightly.

"Severance Tann? I know. She was the one who fought all the way to Sarabin three months ago, right? I was still in the training camp on Planet Kamino at that time!" , Immediately forgot about the quarrel just now.

"That's right. She destroyed the defense of Sarabine planet in front of us, causing a blackout in the core world. This is our shame, and this shame can only be repaid with blood!" The clone soldier who had just quarreled was categorical Said.

"Hi! Tell me earlier! How can I get back what I lost! I just like you like this! Hahahaha!" The obstacle-removing king laughed and walked over and grabbed the soldier's shoulders, "I am CT-7751, and the obstacle-removing King! What about you?"

The soldier slapped the obstacle-removing king's hand away, but still nodded and said, "I'm AE-1149, iron box."

Another clone trooper came over and said to Shen-Jon: "General, we have searched within 100 kilometers around and rescued more than 200 survivors. There may be more places farther away, but We are running out of time. According to intelligence, some garbage dealers have disclosed the news of our arrival on Planet Mingban to the Separatists."

"Then let's leave as soon as possible." Shen Qiaoen nodded.

This unrecognized army hurriedly gathered the supplies on the crashed warship as much as possible, and then started the hyperspace engine at the same time as the five generous-class communication frigates arrived here from the hyperspace after hearing the news. , walk away.

After another week, Shen Jon finally got a piece of information from Casal Fogg——

Two months ago, the Confederation of Independent Galaxies secretly restarted an abandoned base on the planet Irene (Aereen). It exceeds the energy level required by an ordinary colony or even a military base.


At the same time, the Irene planet base.

"You must know this, General Cheng. Now the load of the Irene planet base has reached its limit, and it is no longer able to afford larger-scale experiments on the Krant planet (Krant) experiment base. And most importantly, we now lack Funding.” A female Neimoidian wearing a tall hat was sitting on a small quadruped walking robot, and said while accompanying a tall and straight general to inspect the situation of the base.

Standing next to her was Lieutenant General Cheng Shitao, deputy commander of the Fourth Civilization Army.

His face was indifferent at the moment, and there seemed to be some grooves on his face where wrinkles had begun to appear, "Your Trade Federation didn't promise like this before. And Earl Dooku has also ordered to fully support the research and development of the extractor project, and now you are procrastinating like this." Pull, who will be responsible for the delayed research progress?!"

"Obviously, at least this responsibility will not fall on Star Dawn." The female Neimoidian said, spreading her hands.

"Plure Barron, director of the star area, you must give me a clear explanation!" Cheng Shitao snapped.

"Now we're putting a lot of money into a new program..." Pruehl-Barron said, "the DS-1 program."

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