748: Mire

Day 17 of the outbreak of fighting.

Jedi Master Nokuna's army was slowly retreating, more like a rout than a retreat.

Thanks to the good training and discipline of the clone soldiers, if they were replaced by other ordinary troops, they would have already blown up their nests after going through everything in the past few days.

Since they retreated from Chuka City, they have been constantly pursued by the Jabim National Army and the robot army. These pursuers were not in a hurry to catch up and wipe them all out, but let them continue to retreat while fighting, and then chased after them like a cat catching a mouse.

This will be a road of death.

Except for the Zephyr-G suspension motorcycle and a small number of suspension vehicles, all the heavy equipment of the clone army was paralyzed in the mud and was destroyed or captured by the Jabim National Army. They could only rely on their own feet in the endless heavy rain and mud. walk.

For a way out.

In contrast, the robot army of the Jabim National Army is non-stop, and the anti-gravity skates of the Cloud and Rain Commando hardly consume physical energy.

It's not that they can't catch up, they just wait for their prey to be exhausted and vulnerable, and then kill them in one fell swoop.

Nokuna's clone army has 8,000 people. During the battle in Chuka City, they stubbornly evacuated more than 4,000 people even if they were trapped internally and externally. Of course, Master Nokuna's desperate battle played a key role in allowing the clone troopers scattered by the A-series robots to regroup and break out.

But even if they break through, there is still another hell waiting for them.

In the endless rain, even a little wound would become inflamed, infected and suppurated soon after being soaked in water, and then lose the ability to move, and be trampled to death by the robots that followed.

In the past few days, they have traveled a total of more than 50 kilometers. This is a road of death of more than 50 kilometers. The number of people has also been reduced to less than 1,000. Almost everyone who survived was exhausted and exhausted.

As for the wounded, there are none...

Because of the wounded, all fell behind and died.

And now, finally ushered in the last moment...

Alto-Stratus led the Yunyu Commando, who had recharged their batteries and had enough food and drink in the past few days, started the attack again.

Facing 1,000 clone troopers who can barely move their legs, this is a massacre!

Master Nokuna dragged his tired body to charge again and again, but in the end he was exhausted and fell to the ground.

Artor-Stratus walked over and grabbed the Twi'lek by the tentacles above his head and lifted him up.

Master Nokuna's consciousness has been confused, he has not eaten for several days, and has been continuously injured in continuous battles. He has almost lost the ability to judge, and he just muttered the creed of the Jedi Knights with the only strength he had, "Don't Passion is needed, calm the mind... Do not follow ignorance, obey true knowledge... Do not indulge in lust, calm and understand... Do not have chaos, peace remains... There is no death, only the force of the force..."

"There is no death? Ha! Another Jedi lie!!" Alto said resonantly, "Wherever you Jedi Knights have passed, only the smoke of war and corpses are left! But you keep saying that there is no death!" die?"

He grabbed Master Nokuna's tentacles, exposed his neck, and roared loudly, "When I saw my sister died in my arms, her legs were completely crushed by your walking machine, This is death?! When our people fell under the brain plague of interstellar pirates, this is death?!?!?!"

Swish! ! He cut off the head of Master Nokuna with a sword, and roared: "The Jedi Knights and the Republic have brought us endless suffering, and now! All these pains will be returned to every Jedi Knight who invaded our home! !"


On the other front, Jedi Master Cyrus finally made up his mind to retreat.

In the past few days, they destroyed the resistance of countless Jabim National Army, killed tens of thousands of Jabim soldiers and the robot army of the Confederation of Independent Star Systems who came to reinforce them.

But they are still struggling in the rainstorm...

These Jabim soldiers are delaying their steps with their lives.

What is even more troublesome is the race they have now confirmed to be called Jackals!

These jackals have excellent eyesight, and they can see the target clearly from a long distance even in the rainstorm. This is something that even their equipment cannot do. Therefore, every jackal is an excellent sniper. They run extremely fast, have excellent marksmanship and are cruel by nature. Many clone troopers died under their sniping.

In order to eliminate these gnolls, Master Cyrus had to organize a fast mobile force composed of Jedi knights to drive the Zephyr-G suspension motorcycle to drive away and kill the gnolls.

But even so, they still suffered heavy losses.

It has been confirmed that the several troops that had lost contact with them were all wiped out, and only 2 Jedi Knights who were sent out to look for them came back, and they also brought back new news.

Earl Dooku's dark follower - Asajj Ventress is on the battlefield in this direction!

With this powerful killer here, every attack of the Jedi Knights is at stake with their lives! Even if jackals can't pose a threat to Jedi knights, Asajj Ventress can!

The clone army on Master Cyrus's side also has 8,000 people, and about 1,400 people have been reduced in the continuous battle. The remaining people began to retreat in an organized manner, and they did not leave too many openings for the pursuers.

And the army of the Jabim National Army has also merged with the robot army and the jackal army to form a powerful army, and began to launch continuous attacks on Master Cyrus' army!

This army does not have much heavy equipment, because the main large-scale combat machinery is basically reinforced to the other side to encircle and suppress Master Nokuna on the battlefield, but it is still the case. The ordinary soldiers of the Jabim National Army and the B-1 The robot-dominated army still launched a resolute offensive.

In this way, the two sides launched a bloody battle in the torrential rain in Jabim. Even if the powerful clone army of the Republic caused heavy losses to the Jabim National Army, it still did not stop.

Until the news that Master Nokuna's troops were completely wiped out...

This was almost desperate news when Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi's army arrived for reinforcements.

The 8,000 clone warriors under Master Nokuna were wiped out, and more than half of Master Cyrus' army was lost, and they are gradually retreating to their headquarters, the Cobalt Base.

The number of dead and injured Jedi Knights has reached 18.

And they also lost most of their heavy equipment, and now there are no more than 10 AT-TE walkers left in the army.

This battle has completely become a bottomless quagmire.

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