The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 847 The Lost Fleet (Seventeen) [Two Chapters in One]

846. The Lost Fleet (Seventeen)

21BBY, January 16, 4:22 AM GST.

Harm Galaxy, Galactic Republic 20th Army Fleet, flagship Elder, bridge.

The governor of the 20th Army, Octavian Grant, looked at the clock nervously. There are still 570 seconds left in the countdown!

Cold sweat dripped from his forehead drop by drop, and his fists were clenched so tightly that he trembled. Almost every piece of news coming from the direction of the Blade Fleet is bad news...

Just half an hour ago, a Lukehook-class battleship of the Separatists suddenly launched a hyperspace jump in full view and disappeared suddenly. At that time, Octavian still hoped that it was just this battleship trying to escape or that it was Sudden medical treatment indiscriminately jumping indiscriminately.

But soon there was a message from the Blade Fleet that this Rookie Hook-class battleship actually appeared there! Although the battleship was severely damaged when it collided with the Plague after jumping over, it still brought a large number of reinforcements!

Not only that, as the Rookie Hook-class battleship carrying an advanced high-power electronic jamming system passed by, the Separatists immediately took control of the electromagnetic environment of the battlefield, and the communication with the Blade Fleet was also interrupted!

"Why... can they start jumping ahead of time?!" Octavian grabbed the communicator in his hand and gritted his teeth. He didn't have the strength to crush the communicator, but he did make the device rattle.

"It is said that powerful users of the Force can do this... This shows that there should be a fallen Jedi Knight on the ship of the Separatists. Currently Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi is on his way, and he also It can help us achieve a hyperspace jump that does not require navigation..." The adjutant said respectfully from the side.

"It's too late..." Octavian took a deep breath, "This hyperspace tide is our last chance."

"Actually..." The adjutant glanced at Octavian carefully, and said, "The staff's suggestion retreat. The situation on the side of the Blade Fleet is not optimistic. In the worst case, after we enter that airspace, we will Besieged by a large number of Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers..."

Octavian shook his head, "No, not that fast. We still have a chance. The Separatists do not have the key to start the battleship, they must first crack the system of the battleship to start it. We can start the battleship immediately! This is us time difference advantage!"

The navigator came over and stood at attention and saluted, and said, "Your Excellency, the parameters of the hyperspace channel have been confirmed. We can start jumping after the countdown is over."

"Start warming up the hyperspace engine immediately! Reduce the power of the turret and increase the energy of the shield!" Octavian Grant decisively issued an order, "Scan the energy parameters of the Separatist warship."

"The scan is complete." The radar soldier replied, "They have also reduced the output of the turret, and the energy index of the shield is increasing!"

Octavian Grant stared at the Separatist fleet on the screen, "Then, see you on the next battlefield!"

At the end of the countdown, there is still no change in this cosmic space, but in the sophisticated hyperspace sensor, the chaotic hyperspace has formed an unstable channel at this moment. This channel swayed constantly like a flexible ribbon, and then gently brushed past where the Blade Fleet was.

At the moment when the two coincided, the supreme commanders of both sides, Octavian Grant and Admiral Trench, both issued orders at the same time!

"Start the hyperspace engine!"

"Start...jumping, tsk tsk tsk."


At 4:35 in the morning, in the airspace where the Blade Fleet is located, the Titan battleship Plague.

A heavy-duty turbolaser turret is adjusting its direction, and then starts to recharge. A huge shell filled with explosive gas is pushed into the barrel, and then a violent reaction occurs the moment the operator presses the button, forming a turret with hundreds of thousands of turrets. Wandu, has a super explosive plasma cluster, and then shoots out of the barrel instantly!

The green plasma cluster with a speed of at least one-fifth of the speed of light pulled out a long strip of light against the background of the dark cosmic starry sky, and then exploded on the hull of an Arquitens-class light cruiser.

devastating explosion...

The hunter team and more than a dozen other surviving clone warriors looked at the incomparably huge turret through the porthole, all silent. The front sight wiped his scope, raised the sniper rifle to aim in the direction of the turret, and put it down again.

"The White Line is finished...the light cruiser..." The technician looked at the battlefield information on the personal terminal and sighed, "Our fleet is failing. Even if we blow up the bridge of the Plague, they still have people in the turret The control inside... the Plague is not completely paralyzed."

"It is impossible for a super warship of this size to have only one command center," Hunter said.

"Damn it! Find the other command center and blow it up!" the Wrecker King roared.

The technician shook his head, "No chance, there are at least 1,000 Granite soldiers on the Plague looking for us now. After blowing up the bridge, they have been completely enraged. Besides, we can't hide here for too long... ..."

"Then what should we do?" The Wrecker King was furious in his heart, and he punched hard on the wall beside him.

Just as the hunter was about to speak, a metal plate next to him suddenly moved!

Everyone reacted immediately, and more than a dozen blasters were pointed in that direction instantly! However, when they wanted to pull the trigger, they found that the triggers were all stuck.

"Don't be impulsive, soldiers..." The metal plate was lifted, and the Zabrak Jedi Master Ith-Kos stepped in, and then leaned feebly against the wall.

"General Is-Kos!" The two clone troopers beside him hurried over to support him.

All I could see was that Is-Kos was covered in wounds, including gunshot wounds and burns. His cloak had long been torn off, and blood continued to ooze from under the tight-fitting suit. In his waist, a piece of shrapnel penetrated deeply. This is his most serious and almost fatal wound.

"General, I'll treat your wounds." The clone soldier iron box said while taking out a first-aid kit. It turned out that he was a medical soldier in the army.

First spray the hemostatic potion, then carefully dig out the shrapnel, then use the stem cell spray to seal the wound, and finally irradiate with the nanomedical device.

In less than 2 minutes, the fatal wound on Ice-Cos's body healed a lot.

He nodded and said, "Thank you, soldier. After the impact, I have been looking for it, but now on this battleship, you are our last strength... Fortunately, the Separatists don't know this yet —they're looking everywhere with their warships, and that's spreading them apart, and this is our chance."

"What plan do you have, please tell me." The hunter said firmly.

"There is no point in continuing to stay on the Plague. There is a shuttle docked next to a damaged cabin about 800 meters away from us. Take it over. Then you enter a Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser and drive the battleship back to the Republic , that's the last thing you can do," said Ith-Kose.

"No problem! Let's do it!" The obstacle-clearing king slammed his two bowl-sized fists and said loudly, "Go now!"

"Don't worry!" Is-Kos stopped him, "Don't be impulsive. Let me distract some of the enemies first, and then you see the opportunity before going over... You are all excellent soldiers and know what to do when."

"But... General!" The iron box hesitated.

"Stop talking. I'm a Jedi Knight, and my chances of surviving are much greater than yours... It's just decided, don't wait for me after grabbing the shuttle, take off immediately! This is an order!" Is-Kos firmly Said.

The front sight nodded and picked up the sniper rifle, "Good soldiers obey orders. We will definitely reach a battle plan!"

Ith-Kos nodded heavily, glanced at all the dozen or so clone troopers, then lifted the metal plate and rushed out.

After a while, there was a burst of angry roars from the Granites and intensive gunshots outside.

The hunter looked solemn, and he nodded his head rhythmically, calculating the position and distance of the gunshots. After a while, he slammed the wall, "It's now! Go!"

More than a dozen clone troopers rushed out immediately and moved quickly towards the intended target.

Along the way, I encountered some scattered Granite soldiers and B-1 battle droids, all of which were easily killed by these clone troopers.

They fought all the way, and sure enough, outside a damaged cabin, there was a Granite shuttle docked!

The hangar platform of the Plague has been destroyed, and the storage area has also been severely damaged. Therefore, when these Granite marines came over, they basically found a bomb that was blown up from this battered battleship. The gap or hole is drilled directly and landed.

Easily dealt with a few left-behind Gran soldiers, and these clone soldiers filed into the shuttle.

The hunter was at the end, and while shooting to suppress the furious Gran men who were chasing after him, he looked into the distance. The sound of gunfire and explosions kept coming over there, and it was very intensive. There was no doubt that it was Ith-Kos who was fighting a large number of Gran soldiers!

The hunter took a deep breath, clenched his fists tightly, he hesitated.

"Hunter!" The front sight said in a deep voice from behind, "Good soldier, obey orders."

Only then did the hunter turn around, nodded heavily, and went back to the shuttle to close the hatch.

The shuttle took off immediately, increased its speed to the maximum, and flew towards the direction of the Blade Fleet at high speed.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

In this airspace, a large amount of white light suddenly began to flash! This is a physical phenomenon that warships are jumping out of hyperspace! And these white rays of light are very dense and even connected into one piece!

There are a large number of fleets approaching here!

"A battleship is coming!!" The technician driving the shuttle shouted.

Before he finished speaking, dozens of huge warships appeared here in an instant, and then these warships fired at the selected target without any hesitation, even without raising their shields!

"It's our fleet!" The technician looked at the dozen or so Jaeger-class battlecruisers that appeared on the sensor screen, "There are also... Separatist ones!"

2 Rookie Hook-class battleships, and more than a dozen other mixed formations consisting of Cole-class battlecruisers, Martha-class heavy cruisers and Sowa-class aircraft carriers! On these battleships painted with blue and white stripes, the hexagonal logo of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies is extremely eye-catching!

The airspace where the shuttle was located was instantly filled with countless lasers, blast energy beams and missiles! The siren on the console kept alarming, and the technician driving the shuttle was like a small boat going up and down in the stormy waves, precariously.

The fleets of both sides immediately took off all fighter jets, and these fighter jets did not fly to the other side's battleship formation, but went straight to the blade fleet!

The technician concentrated all his energy on driving the shuttle, and tried his best not to let himself be hit by stray bullets, "Here! There is another Dreadnought that no one has entered!"

"No!" the hunter shouted suddenly, "Find a battleship occupied by the Separatists!"

With a serious face, he added: "We don't have time to warm up the engine of the battleship."

The technician nodded, and immediately turned around and flew towards another Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser whose engine was already warming up.

At this time, the two vulture robot fighters finally stared at their shuttle, turned a sharp turn in the air and rushed towards them. The laser cannons in front kept firing, and the red laser irradiated on the deflector shield of the shuttle, producing bursts of explosions. Energy ripples.

"We're being targeted! Hurry up!" the Wrecker King shouted.

"I know! I have a plan!" The technician issued an instruction remotely while controlling the spaceship. All I saw was that the hangar platform of the Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser began to close slowly, and then the shuttle flew in just at the moment when the hatch closed.

The two vulture robot fighters couldn't dodge and crashed directly on the battleship.

"Quick! Quick! Grab the boat! Grab the boat!!" The Wrecker King roared loudly, picked up his six-barreled blaster machine gun and rushed out, followed by more than a dozen other soldiers.

The Granite marines inside the battleship apparently also got the news, and they immediately gathered in the direction of the hangar platform to deploy a line of defense. Dense blaster beams poured down, and the clone troopers hurried into the bunker.

"No! There are too many of them!" Iron Box shouted.

The technician quickly manipulated the terminal, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Yes!! Destroyer King, hold on! I'll come as soon as I go!"

"What do you want to do?!" The Wrecker King didn't even bother to look back, he could only fire wildly, suppressing the continuous rushing Gran soldiers behind the bunker.

There are more and more Gran soldiers, at least a hundred of them rushed here.

"Bastard! What the hell did the technician do?!" The Wrecker King roared loudly. He threw away the six-barreled blaster machine gun that had been emptied of blaster gas, pulled out his pistol and fired a burst of fire. Luckily, he got caught in a single shot. The Lan people knocked him to the ground.

As soon as the words fell, suddenly the cabin on the other side exploded! Then three two-legged combat mechs over 4 meters high rushed over!

After the three mechas rushed over, they immediately opened fire on the Gran people, and the double-mounted blaster cannons made the Gran people cry and run away.

"Hahaha!!" The technician laughed loudly during the communication, "The battleships of the Blade Fleet are full of such AT-PT walkers!"

"Oh! This is so cool! Hahahaha! Let's go! Grab the boat!!" The obstacle removal king was so excited that he jumped out of the bunker and rushed forward.

Under the cover of the firepower of the AT-PT walker, they smashed the bridge of the battleship all the way.

When passing by a row of portholes, the hunter looked at the burning starry sky through the window, his face sank, "But... most of these things will fall into the hands of the separatists..."

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