The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 905 Corellia's New Star

904. Corellia's Nova

Time has entered 21BBY, March.

The flames of war ignited throughout the galaxy have intensified again...

On March 15th, the Interstellar Banking Association and the Fourth Group suddenly launched an attack on the northern border of the galaxy. They assembled a powerful force of 30 Behemoth-class battlecruisers and more than 50 Generosity-class communication frigates to launch a surprise attack.

The fleet of the 8th Army of the Galactic Republic surrounding the planet Megeeto was almost on the verge of collapse in front of such a powerful force. Jedi Master Sass Tin personally led a squadron of fighter jets to raid the flagship of the Separatist fleet when the battle situation collapsed. .

Ulu-Ulex, the dark Jedi who was in command, was almost killed by Sass-Tin. When he fled in a hurry, the Republic fleet finally seized the only opportunity to evacuate the battlefield while the Separatist fleet was in chaos.

Immediately afterwards, Ulu-Ulex, who had regained his strength, led the fleet and drove straight in, and began to attack the important node in the hyperspace channel leading to the planet Ord-Mantel, the headquarters of the Eighth Army, the planet Janfatal ( Janfathal).

When the planet was under siege, the long-term oppressed workers on the planet launched a strike, refusing to produce any products for the planetary government to resist the invasion of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies.

After analyzing the battle situation, the Supreme Strategic Command of the Galactic Republic believes that the offensive in the northern border cannot be ignored, because it is likely to lead to the loss of control of the relatively stable northern border of the galaxy after both the western border and the southern border battlefield have been hit.

But now the fleet in all aspects is stretched, and manpower and commanders are also very insufficient. After discussing with the Jedi Knights, the Jedi Knights said that now that Master Windu is seriously injured, the Jedi Knights really cannot provide more manpower to help Northern battlefield.

So the Supreme Strategic Command of the Republic approached a splinter Jedi Order, the Order of the Artis.

The sect rejected the leadership of the Jedi Order, but continued to serve the Galactic Republic as a semi-independent small group led by a male human Jedi named Dijnn Altis.

Jain Artis readily accepted the call of the Republic, and he led a team of Jedi Knights from the Altis sect to the planet Coruscant to participate in the discussion of the battle.

Afterwards, the Speaker of the Galactic Republic, Schiff Palpatine, personally issued an administrative order and dispatched a fleet from the Corellian galaxy to reinforce the planet Janfatal.

The joint fleet of the Interstellar Banking Association and the Fourth Group deployed half of their forces on the planet Janfatal, and the other fleets went to the surrounding galaxies to expand their achievements. At this time, the fleet led by Jayne Altis launched a surprise attack on them.

Many of the Galactic Republic's fleet are small spaceships produced by the Corellian Engineering Company, plus some Jaeger-class battlecruisers under Master Sass-Tin. Although there are a large number, the battle situation is still not optimistic.

The Behemoth-class battlecruiser showed great power in this battle. The half-axis-based concentrated energy plasma cannon equipped on the bow——Yamato cannon was powerful, causing great damage to the large battleships headed by the Jaeger-class. In the face of those small warships, the air-to-air scattered laser cannon arrays on both sides of the behemoth class also played an excellent role.

The appearance of this kind of battleship forced the Galactic Republic fleet to use a large number of fighter jets to hit and attack the Behemoth-class battlecruiser, and in this way, the suppression of the Generosity-class communication frigate was relaxed.

Although the Generosity-class communication frigate is already a very backward warship, the twin heavy-duty turbolaser cannons installed at the bow of their ship are also extremely powerful. Now without the containment of the Republic fighter group, the Generosity-class communication frigate was able to give full play to its firepower, and instead caused greater damage than in the previous battle.

Seeing another failure, at this time, the flagship of the Republic Fleet suddenly received a communication.

This communication came from a Cheer-class assault landing ship called 'Leveler'. The young captain of this battleship provided some operational suggestions. He analyzed the battlefield situation very carefully and suggested that the fleet commander adjust the formation. Divide the fleet into ten squads to harass in batches to delay the time, and then let the army land on the planet Janfatar as soon as possible.

He said to the fleet commander: "Separatism, a new type of behemoth-class battlecruiser, uses such explosive energy that it will definitely need a longer charging cycle. The cooling time of this cycle is the moment when we launch a counterattack. And , because of the disparity in the strength of the fleet, I suggest launching a landing operation as soon as possible to quell the strikes on the planet and regain the support of the planet."

The fleet commander carefully evaluated his suggestion and nodded in agreement, "Your battle plan is very reasonable, and I will adopt it. Since you are the captain of the Cheerer-class assault landing ship, you may be more familiar with landing battles, then The ground battlefield will be left to you to command."

"Yes!" The captain gave a military salute.

The fleet commander looked at the young general who seemed to have just turned 30 years old, then looked at his military rank, nodded and asked, "What's your name, Captain?"

"My name is Gilad Pellaeon [Note 1]. It is an honor to serve in your fleet, sir." The captain replied.

The admiral waved off the comm, and he took Captain Gilad-Pellaeon's advice.

The Republic fleet was immediately divided into ten formations, giving full play to the flexibility of the small spaceships of the Corellian Engineering Company, maneuvering in a wide range around them, and avoiding direct combat with the powerful separatist fleet.

At the same time, with the Correction as the core, they sent all the landing ships to land on the planet Janfatal.

The Jedi Knights who participated in the battle were also divided into two groups, or they were originally two waves, and they couldn't pee together from the beginning.

Suss-Ting is better at flying fighter jets for interstellar combat, and he stays in the space battlefield to continue fighting.

And Jayne-Altis led the Jedi Knights of the Altis sect to participate in ground combat. They will reinforce Atal, the capital of the planet Janfatar, stabilize the ruling government of the planet, quell the strike rebellion of the workers, and then as soon as possible Activate the defense system of the planet and take off fighter jets to reinforce the space battlefield.

No matter how bad it is, it can provide supplies to their fleet and drag the battle into a protracted war.

As Gilad Pellaeon predicted, once dragged into a protracted war, the weakness of the Behemoth-class battlecruiser will be revealed.

Two days after the battle, Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano led two Jaeger-class battlecruisers to the planet Janfatar for reinforcements.


[Note 1: Gilad Pellaeon was born in 51BBY, and he was exactly 30 years old this year. The battle on Janfatal planet was the first battle of this generation of legendary generals. Too bad I can't find any pictures of him when he was younger. 】

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