The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 912 The Battle of the Western Territory: Outbreak

911. Battle of the Western Region: Outbreak

The planet Marathal is the most important hyperspace channel in the Milky Way—an important part of the southern side of the Hydia Channel, and the Malastal Fjord has become this hyperspace because of its unique environment. The place where the waterway must pass.

Although the Marathal planet is not the only channel connecting the core circle of the Milky Way and the Sesvenna star area, another major hyperspace channel leading to the Marathal planet-the Rima trade route was broken out by the separatists In the case of the harassment of the planet Sullust and the planet Agma, this place has indeed become the best choice for large-scale delivery of fleets and supplies.

Now, however, the Separatist Admiral Severance Tann has suddenly and unexpectedly raided the Marathal system, cutting off this important shipping lane.

Especially now that Dawn's star fleet is about to launch an invasion against the planet Eliadu at any time, Severance Tann's surprise attack is particularly deadly!

If the traffic here cannot be opened up in a short period of time and the transportation route is restored, then this will have a fatal impact on the planet Eliadu!

Flagship of the Galactic Republic Fleet, The Negotiator (The Negotiator) Jaeger-class battlecruiser, bridge.

"I've always had a question, General Obi-Wan," asked a clone commander in Clone Warfare armor with yellow shoulder pads. The planet Lenzon appeared on the planet Marathal?"

On his combat armor, his number is engraved - CC-2224.

"Use the Force to navigate, and even forcibly channel the chaotic hyperspace turbulence, allowing small fleets to pass." Obi-Wan Kenobi, wearing a brown coarse robe, stood in the middle of the bridge and explained: "Back then Master Cholus Cerbos also tried to use this method to bring the Galactic Republic's exploration fleet into the unknown star field... He succeeded, but also failed."

Obi-Wan sighed, "He did bring the exploration fleet into the unknown star field, but none of the entire fleet, including himself, was able to come back alive. Anakin and I only met because of an emergency. I got off the spaceship ahead of time and escaped unharmed."

On the other side, came a very young and magnetic voice, "Severance Tann, general of the Chiss, force-sensitive, and trained by the dead angel of the Lord of Sith. As a living in As a race in the unknown star field, the Chiss' understanding of hyperspace turbulence naturally surpasses others, and Severance Tann is invincible by virtue of this."

Obi-Wan Kenobi turned his head to look at the owner of the voice.

This is a young human man in his early 20s. His appearance can even be said to be handsome. If he devotes himself to acting, he will definitely be a superstar. His thick black hair was parted in the middle, and the front strands were dyed blonde.

And unlike other Jedi knights, this young man was wearing a black prudent combat uniform with expensive fabrics, and he also installed polymer alloy armor on the shoulders, chest and other fatal positions.

This attire did not conform to the simple teachings of the Jedi Knights.

"You know her well, Ferus Olin," said Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"I have a deep understanding of every dangerous person on Dawn Star. Moreover, I have spent a lot of time researching and investigating the behavior of the dead angels. Master Obi-Wan." The man named Ferrus Olin said coldly He said coldly, "I am different from you, Obi-Wan. I will never accept the death of my master Ciri Taki! And I must make the Dawn Star and the Dead Angel pay the price!"

"Siri-Taki..." Obi-Wan Kenobi's expression became very complicated, and he even had unspeakable feelings, "That's why I'm here."

However, he quickly adjusted his mentality, and said seriously: "The last person who acted with hatred was Shen-Jon. His ending was not good... Defeated, died, and fell into the dark side ..."

"I'm not afraid!! I'm no longer a Jedi Knight! No one can stop my revenge!!" Ferrus Olin roared.

The clone commander on the side, CC-2224 Cody, said coldly: "Then Mr. Ferrus, since you are no longer part of the Jedi Order and are participating in the battle as a civilian, please follow the command in the next battle." That will do. Of course, if you just want to hitch a ride to Marathal, you're already there, you're welcome. Severance Tann is just across the way."

Along the way, the clone commander didn't have a good impression of this young man who was dominated by hatred and perhaps some other emotions, especially when he used Ciri Taki's incident several times to Obi-Wan. - Kenobi cynicism case.

"I will obey the command, and this does not violate my goal." Ferrus Olin has not been overwhelmed by hatred at least, he said through gritted teeth, "I only hate why I was not there! Why didn't I participate The battle of Terminus! If I had been there, the master...maybe wouldn't have died."

Obi-Wan Kenobi walked over and put his hand lightly on his shoulder. Ferrus-Orin tried to break free, but failed, and Obi-Wan used the Force.

"Don't think about 'what if', because it will only make you fall into endless self-blame, and you will never be able to break free. The dead angel can be said to be the most dangerous enemy in this galaxy. Even Master Windu suffered from his poisonous hands. Seriously injured. What we have to do is definitely not to think about killing him with a single sword, but to advance step by step and defeat him in the end." Obi-Wan said earnestly.

"I accept your point of view, Obi-Wan 'General'!" Ferrus Olin bit the word general hard, "As a general, maybe your judgment is correct. But... I once thought that , you and Master should be close comrades-in-arms and partners... Now it seems that I was wrong."

Obi-Wan Kenobi's mouth twitched and he stopped talking.

At this time, the display screen in front of the battleship flickered, and a projection of a female Jedi Knight appeared. She had a sallow complexion and wore a large headgear.

"Master Obi-Wan, it has now been confirmed that all the Separatist warships have entered the atmosphere of the planet Marathal, but there is no intention to launch orbital bombing." The Jedi Knight said.

Obi-Wan nodded and asked, "What do you think their plan is, Master Luminara-Anduri."

"I think they don't want to engage our fleet head-on, but intend to delay the time." Luminara-Andry said, "However, this is not like Severance Tann's style of action."


[Easter Egg Chapter Attachment 1: Ferrus Olin. 】

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