943、Bet everything

"Tell me, what are you going to do?" Severance Tann asked coldly.

"Detonate the stars." Ling Liang said lightly.

Severance Tann's face was filled with sarcasm immediately, and then he burst out laughing, "Explode the stars? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Now you tell me I want to detonate the stars?"

Immediately, her face became serious, "You should know that once we detonate the stars, the crisis of diplomacy and public opinion will be even a hundred times greater than orbital bombing, right? Once we do this, then we will not be able to get the entire galaxy in the future." Any support. Huh...how? Sending 10,000 people to fight for their lives, you tell me no, now detonating stars may cause billions of casualties, you would rather? And, why do you think Wilhof-Tower Will Kim be defenseless?"

Ling Liang said: "What I want is not to destroy this star, what I want is to create a large-scale stellar flare."

Severance Tann just looked at Ling Liang, but still sneered: "Do you think I haven't thought about it? The duration of stellar flares is too short, and we can't do much. And this kind of thing , there is only one chance, maybe some warships of the Republic can be destroyed, but no decisive results can be achieved.”

Ling Liang shook his head, stuck out a light screen in front of him, and quickly typed out a large number of mathematical formulas, as well as the mathematical model of Eliadu's stars, and said: "Yesterday, I asked the Ji Wen astronomers to help me calculate developed a mathematical model and used their zero-mode probabilistic approach to run thousands of simulations. No one in this galaxy knows more about stars than them, as a Given living in a Trisolaran galaxy."

"Say it." Severance Tann was a little lost in interest.

"A large X-10-class flare will occur on the Eriadu star three days later. This flare will affect the communication and electronic equipment operation of the Eriadu planet and the Eriadu satellite, and also It will cause the power of the planetary shield on the two stars to weaken, and the flare lasts for 4 hours." Ling Liang said.

"We can't do anything in four hours." Severance Tann said coldly.

Ling Liang shook his head and said, "No, we can use a transport ship full of supermatter to rush towards this flare, and once it detonates, it will trigger further reactions from the stars, raising the level of this flare explosion to X -20 level. With a flare of this magnitude, the planetary shield on the Eriadu satellite will be forced to shut down for about 2 hours because the power of the planetary shield on the Eriadu satellite is not as good as that of the Eriadu planet, to avoid the shield capacitor from melting. And Because there is supermatter involved in the stellar reaction, this flare will simultaneously generate a hyperspace storm..."

Ling Liang wrote down a lot of data while talking, then raised his head, and said firmly: "...this storm will reduce the traffic volume of hyperspace channels in the entire galaxy to one-tenth within three months. "

Only then did Severance Tann get serious, and said: "The traffic volume has been reduced to one-tenth? It is also a result that has a great impact on us, but it is obviously more detrimental to the Republic. That is to say, within 3 months In China, the logistics level of the Republic will drop to the same level as ours?"

"That's right."

"Then how can you achieve such an accurate result, instead of the energy being too small and causing no waves at all, or the energy being too large, causing this flare to cause large-scale civilian casualties?" Severance - Tenn asked.

"I have asked the mathematician Baher Barnacle of the Ji Wen University to come here urgently, and he will preside over this mathematical calculation."

"How much supermatter is needed?"

"At least 1500 tons."

"Hehe... 1500 tons of super matter? This is equivalent to half a year's output of our fourth civilization."

"Because my purpose is not just for the three-month hyperspace storm."

"what else?"

"During the two hours when the stellar flare level is raised to X-20, we need to forcibly land on the Eriadu satellite, and at least 100,000 troops must be transported there."

"You should know that in order to launch this landing, my fleet must attack the defense line of Planet Eliadu head-on, and it will definitely suffer heavy losses. And when the planetary shield is restored after 2 hours, these 100,000 people will not get any Support. And I must remind you that the Fourth Legion, now on the planet Marathal, cannot catch up."

"If these 100,000 people can destroy the planetary shield generator of the Eliadu satellite and turn off the orbital defense system, we will have a chance to occupy this satellite. Then, this is a battle between the Eriadu planet and our own satellite. It's a contest between them. In order to achieve this goal, I have to press whether there is a fourth army or not."

Severance Tann snorted coldly, "What? You want to use the power of our entire navy to accompany your army to die? If we fail, then we will completely lose the chance to capture the planet Eliadu .”

"According to the incomplete fuzzy calculation of zero-mode probability, the probability of success is about 22%." Ling Liang said.

"Look at your words, the words are full of vague, approximate, and incomplete words, and then you actually think that the 22% you got has any reference value? Hahahahaha..." Severance Tann mocked.

Ling Liang stared at her pair of red eyes, and said word by word: "I will personally lead this army to land on the Eliadu satellite."

Severance Tann was a little moved and looked at Ling Liang in silence.

Ling Liang went on to say: "In order to win, no one in our fourth civilization is afraid of sacrifice! I refuse to die meaninglessly, but when we need to sacrifice our lives without hesitation, each of us is obliged! Then What about you, Severance Tann. I know you're from the Chiss, but the question is, are you from the Fourth Civilization?"

Severance Tann was still staring at Ling Liang with sharp eyes, but she still didn't speak.


At this time, the planet Marathal, the capital pixel city.

In order to completely drive out the separatist forces, regain control of the entire planet Marathal, and restore the shipping lanes around the planet, the Galactic Republic launched an attack here.

After Severance Tann launched a surprise attack that wiped out half of the Republic's fleet on the planet Malaster, and then walked away, everything seemed to be moving in the Republic's favor.

No matter how much loss they suffered before, it is an indisputable fact that the Separatists no longer have fleet cover. Under such circumstances, the Army of the Republic will be able to receive all-round support.

But the actual situation is that the clone army of the Republic is still struggling.

Their offensive in Pixel City has been repeatedly blocked. Separatist robot legions and army units seem to be everywhere in the city. The clone soldiers don't even have a place to stay, and they are constantly attacked.

Moreover, the Separatist army launched several targeted attacks, destroying the spaceport where the Republic's PTB-625 planetary bomber was located, and later destroyed a large number of artillery positions, causing the Republic Army to lose half of its AV-7 self-propelled artillery.

The separatist army has sufficient supplies and accurate intelligence, and it seems that they have come prepared.

But what made Republic Force Commander Obi-Wan Kenobi puzzled was—they were clearly the separatists who were the invaders?

Thanks to readers 1381944591789137920 for the 1500 starting point coins! ! Thanks to the book friend 20220614235456325 for the reward of 100 starting coins! !

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