The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 966 Corrupt Galactic Republic

965. The Corrupt Galactic Republic

In the Battle of Ruusan more than a thousand years ago, the Galactic Republic completely wiped out the Sith Empire, won the long war, and dominated the entire galaxy.

After that, the Council of the Galactic Republic declared that there would be no more wars in the galaxy, and then began to promote Rusan's reforms, reducing the country's military expenditure to an extremely small level, and vigorously developing the service industry and industry and commerce.

In fact, the original intention of this reform is very good, just like after you play "Total War Series" and wipe out all the enemies, the style of painting suddenly becomes "City Skyline". At this time, what you are thinking must be to disband all your armies that require high maintenance fees, and nothing can stop me from building...


Shit Power Station! ! ! !

But the fact is that although the Galactic Republic has disbanded most of its troops, and has only relied on the Jedi Order to maintain the order and rule of the Republic for a long time, the extra income of the Republic has not entered the treasury among.

Of course there were still decades of good times, but soon, the economic lifeline of the Galactic Republic was controlled by those super enterprises. The result of excessive commercialization is to allow these enterprises to develop excessively.

Gradually, these super-corporations found that it was much cheaper to bribe the relevant government workers than to follow the rules and act according to the constitution of the Galactic Republic, so corruption began to prevail.

To what extent was corruption at the end of the Galactic Republic? It has reached the point where no one in the government agencies of the entire Galactic Republic is free from corruption, and no one is free from accepting bribes, and this has even become a matter of course. Because there are no foreign enemies, no matter how corrupt or deficient it is, it will not cause serious consequences.

As for the outer ring planets and ordinary people who suffered from these corruptions, no one would care about their thoughts.

Because in the interstellar era, it is no longer possible for civilians to rebel against the government in the era of cold weapons, because you are facing countless star destroyers!

It's like the brain plague disaster that broke out on the planet Jabim before the outbreak of this civil war.

In fact, after the brain plague broke out on the planet Jabim, the planetary government asked the Galactic Republic for help, and then the Republic Council passed a motion to rescue the planet Jabim, and prepared a rescue plan of 1 billion credits.

But at the end of the Galactic Republic, there was almost no cash in the Republic's treasury. They could only let some super enterprises bear the money, and then the Republic would repay it through debt.

So at that time, the work of rescuing the planet Jabim was outsourced to the Trade Federation. Then the trade alliance backhanded a price of 5 billion credits, saying that the brain plague on planet Jabim was very serious and that investment must be increased.

Then the Trade Federation bribed up and down, and finally the Ministry of Finance of the Galactic Republic agreed to increase the expenditure to 5 billion, so the Galactic Republic owed the Trade Federation 5 billion credits.

Then, there is no more.

The Trade Federation sent a few spaceships over there to make sense of it. I punched in and signed in to show that I had been there, and then I didn't care about it.

But brain plague is not resolved? At least half of the population of the planet Jabim died in this brain plague. The economy and politics of the planet were on the verge of collapse, and then they went to the Republic to sue, accusing the Republic of ignoring them.

Then the Galactic Council began to hold the trade union accountable, and the trade union continued to bribe and mess around in the council. Then, for such a simple matter as whether the trade alliance rescued the planet Jabim, the Galactic Council had held a meeting for more than a month and had not reached a conclusion, so it decided to send a delegation to the planet Jabim to investigate.

Then those people who were bribed by the trade alliance began to work secretly, saying that there is no need for the Jedi Knights to intervene in the affairs of the planet Jabim, just let the Ministry of Commerce of the Republic send someone.

Then the Trade Federation continued to bribe the investigation team. The investigation team landed in several safe places on the planet Jabim, took a few photos and went back. They reported to the Galactic Council that it wasn't that the Trade Federation didn't do anything, but that the brain plague on Planet Jabim was too severe and exceeded their capabilities.

In the end, they also came to an absurd conclusion—wasn’t the brain plague finally brought under control? Do you see there are still living people on the planet Jabim? Doesn't this mean that the Trade Union has done something?

So the Galactic Republic finally gave the planet Jabim a reply after three months of investigation and wrangling: We have worked hard, but there is nothing we can do to help.

And what about the planet Jabim at this time? No one cares about the Republic for a long time, because the flame of Otto Stratus' revolution has already ignited the entire planet, and civil war has broken out.

This is the status quo at the end of the Republic. Their fiscal revenue depends entirely on the faces of those super companies, and their fiscal expenditures also depend entirely on the faces of those super companies.

In the end, a year into this galactic civil war, the Galactic Republic finally ran out of money.

In the face of increasingly severe front-line warfare, military investment must not only be reduced, but must also be increased. What should we do at this time?

borrow money.

Who to borrow?

the richest man.

Who is richest?

Interstellar Banking Association.

However, Rush Clovis, the representative of the Interstellar Banking Association on the side of the Galactic Council, said very arrogantly that if you want to borrow money, you can, and the interest must be 25%. At the same time, a new bill must be passed. Deregulate the Interstellar Banking Association.

Both of these conditions can be said to be slapping the Galactic Republic in the face.

Not to mention the 25% super interest rate. For the government of the Galactic Republic, it is self-evident what it means to relax the supervision of the national banking system.

It is equivalent to how the economic lifeline of your entire country works, how much money was spent, and how many things were done, you have no idea at all!

Such conditions are simply breaking the bottom line!

However, in the Galactic Council, there is still arguing about this matter. Supporters said that your Galactic Republic is so poor, it is estimated that if you sell your government, it will not be as rich as the Interstellar Banking Association, what happened to the relaxation of supervision? Rather than how to supervise the Banking Association, it is better to think about how to ensure that Coruscant will not be defeated by separatism.

But opponents say that the unlimited expansion of the war is the root cause of the financial crisis. What is the use of borrowing more money and increasing military spending? It's not like adding fuel to the fire.

The most powerful voices of opposition are Padmé Amidala, representative of the planet Naboo, and Bail Organa, representative of the member of the planet Alderaan.

At the same time, Padmé Amidala and Bail Organa are also advocates of the peace agreement.

"We must see clearly! Now this war is no longer a battle of ideas, but a war for the sake of war! The purpose of the war is no longer strong! Are we really going to hit the outer ring of the galaxy and drive them out? ’ cried Padmé Amidala.

Orn Free-Ta said coldly: "If you don't fight to the outer ring of the Milky Way, how do you end the war? Those planets that openly oppose the Republic, do you still want to persuade them to surrender with your lips?"

The speaker, Schiff Palpatine, just watched the quarrel coldly, and even looked at Rush Clovis, the representative of the Interstellar Banking Association, with a hint of pity.

In the parliament, everyone saw the arrogance and strength of the Interstellar Banking Association, but only he understood that this was only temporary.

It's time for the Interstellar Banking Association to change!

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