The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 969 Tibring Planet Battle (Two in One)

968. Tibring Planet Battle

boom! boom! ! A large number of plasma grenades continued to fall in the sky, and then set off terrifying explosions on the ground.

Under this powerful firepower bombardment, the temporary deflector shield set up by the clone troops of the Republic was blown up, and the E-WEB blaster machine gun under the protection of the shield was also blown up.

"Be careful! It's a siege tank!" A clone soldier just shouted, and was submerged by artillery fire in the next second. The violent explosion blasted him more than ten meters high, and his body was torn into several pieces by the powerful energy .

"Damn it! Where is the AT-TE!! We need firepower for counter-suppression!" a clone frontline commander with blue armbands shouted.

"There's no AT-TE! There's nothing left!" Another soldier on the side almost yelled loudly at the commander's face, and at the same time raised his finger to the sky.

The commander raised his head, only to see five 30-meter-long, stubby light frigates just passing by in the sky. At this moment, more than 20 Galactic Republic V-19 Torrent light fighters flew over from a distance.

However, at this moment, suddenly two missile launchers were deployed in front of these light frigates, and then 8 missiles were launched instantly. These 8 missiles split again in the air, and then directly exploded a huge area several kilometers wide Explosion belt!

Boom boom boom boom boom~~~~! ! !

The fire coverage of the 5 frigates directly covered almost the entire combat airspace, and those Republic fighter jets were directly destroyed by dense explosions before they even had time to dodge!

The remnants of the explosion and the wreckage of the burning Republic fighter jets seemed to be raining fire on the horizon, colorful and full of the bleakness of death.

Such a scene almost stunned the clone commander...

But then he felt a huge force pulling him behind the ruined wall, almost in the next second, bang bang bang! ! !

More than a dozen rockets appeared out of thin air, and then plowed the entire place where he was just now to the ground! The gravel and sand splashed by the explosion fell down, smashing them into disgrace.

"Commander, now is not the time to be in a daze!" The person who rescued the commander was Anakin Skywalker. He pointed to the sky and said loudly: "What do you think these Valkyrie frigates are launching into the sky? Covering their Banshee fighter jets!"

The clone commander came back to his senses and looked at the sky. The three Banshee fighter jets had just exited the stealth system and sped away.

At this time, Captain Rex, the company commander of the Torrent Company who was with Anakin, patted the commander on the shoulder and said, "Okay, Captain Dudley, you still need your company to stabilize the position here!"

"Damn! My team was scattered by the bombing just now!" Captain Dudley immediately rushed out again, calling for his scattered soldiers to regroup during the communication.

boom! boom! boom! ! The sound of explosions was still heard. Looking at the plasma balls falling from the sky, Anakin Skywalker said solemnly, "No, these siege tanks must be killed!"

He yelled into the comm, "Ahsoka! Ahsoka! Where are you now?!"

"Master! Master Ron Schlien was shot down just now! I'm rushing to help!" Ahsoka Tano's eager voice came from the communication.

Normally if things weren't so bad she'd always call Anakin 'God's Boy', but now she couldn't care less about joking.

Anakin was taken aback, "What did you say? The fighter formation that was destroyed just now was led by Master Ron?"

"That's right! He was fighting against a fighter jet driven by a dark Jedi knight at high altitude!" Ahsoka Tano said loudly, and he could also hear gunshots and explosions from the communication. It was obvious that the battle was very serious. Fiercely, "By the way, what's the matter with you? Master!"

"No more, please rescue Master Ron as soon as possible." Anakin finished speaking, turned off the communication, and then said to Captain Rex standing aside: "It seems that we have to rely on ourselves. We need to launch a surprise attack and kill those attackers." City Tank!"

"But is there any plan? This siege tank is very maneuverable. It can complete the recovery work within 10 seconds and enter the marching stance to maneuver quickly. What's more shameless is that this tank also has strong firepower in the marching stance... …Didn’t we also launch a surprise attack yesterday? But they ran away.” Captain Rex said.

"The military technology of Dawn Planet is even higher than that of our Republic in many places..." Anakin Skywalker said, he opened the holographic map, pointed to the map that was constantly flashing and changing the situation and said, "We only have one chance... First let Our defenses retreated completely, and then we rushed to destroy them when the siege tanks were deployed again! The only weakness of the siege tanks is that the range is not as good as the AT-TE's heavy howitzers."

"It's too risky, General. Now we have almost nowhere to retreat. The Nitta Cheer-class assault landing ship is 5 kilometers behind us, and the battleship has not yet regained power. And once this battleship is destroyed, lose Without the supplies above, I think we will be starved to death on this Tibring planet sooner or later," Rex said.

"So I said, this is our only chance." Anakin said.

Captain Rex stared at him for two seconds, then nodded emphatically, switched on the communication and said, "Captain Dudley, immediately order your men to abandon the current position and retreat! There are also saber companies, turret companies, and shield companies. ...retreat at the same time!"


Anakin said to Rex: "Okay, everyone is hidden!!"

The fighters of the Torrent Company immediately hid in the ruins, crawling on the ground to hide.

Sure enough, after more than ten minutes, the roar of explosions from the position gradually stopped, replaced by more intensive gunshots.

Dawn Planet provided the unique triple-gun sound of the V-15 Defender assault rifle in the past. It was obvious that after seeing the soldiers of the Republic retreating, those Ishi-Tibs cooperated with the robot army to launch an assault.

"Row E, immediately move 10 meters to the direction of 7 o'clock... Row B, retreat to the direction of 6 o'clock, and give up the abandoned house..." Anakin-Skywalker kept sending out such instructions in the communication .

Under the foreknowledge of the Force, he actually perceived the time and area where these clone troopers' hiding places would be discovered, and then let the clone troopers hide in advance.

Footsteps and engines sounded all around, and gunshots were very close.

The Ishi-Tibu army passed by here, and they didn't even notice more than 100 clone warriors hiding under their noses!

"Not enough...not enough..." Anakin Skywalker was still talking to himself, "It still won't work."

Suddenly, his ears moved slightly, and he heard a different engine sound. He whispered, "It's the Vulture Chariot! Twelve! Listen, I have a new plan!"

"What trick..."

Before Rex finished speaking, he saw Anakin Skywalker jumping up suddenly, and at the same time opened the lightsaber in mid-air and swiped! At this moment, a vulture chariot drove by at high speed, and the lightsaber in Anakin's hand just passed over the driver's neck, directly chopping off his head!

The out-of-control vulture chariot crashed into the wall next to it. Fortunately, these high-speed chariots had safety systems and would automatically slow down without the driver's control, so they didn't crash into pieces.

At the same time, the other clone troopers also stood up from their hiding places, and retreated for a while at the vulture chariot that had just passed through them!

The clone troopers were extremely elite and quick-response. They understood Anakin's thoughts in an instant and came to cooperate immediately. Moreover, their marksmanship was very precise. All the drivers driving the vulture chariot were killed, and only 3 vehicles were crashed in the process!

Anakin Skywalker had already mounted one of the vulture chariots and said, "This is the new plan! Only in this way can we break through the Separatist front!"

Rex nodded, jumped on a vulture chariot, pointed at a few people and said, "It's all you guys, go! Others, go ahead in cover and look for opportunities to respond!"


More than a dozen clone troopers, in a group of two, drove the vulture chariot at full power, galloping towards the rear of the Isi-Tibu's line.

Along the way, Anakin-Skywalker kept adjusting his route so that they could avoid the Isi-Tibu soldiers who were coming to intercept them. At the same time, he also used the Force to lock the area where the siege tanks were located!

Just ahead, the roar of the engine is very close!

Anakin turned the motor to the maximum, and then drove the vulture chariot directly into a ruined wall. Behind it was the huge figure of a siege tank!

The vulture chariot suddenly collided with the siege tank at close range. One second before the impact, Anakin had already stood up, and the lightsaber in his hand instantly cut off the barrel of the siege tank!

When he was still in mid-air, he had already raised his hand, and under the surge of powerful force, all the fired bullets and blast energy beams were bounced away! Then he fell to the ground, his figure turned into a flash of lightning and shuttled between several siege tanks, killing all the Ishi-Tibu soldiers around the tank.

Other clone troopers also began to fight against the guards guarding the siege tanks. Under such mental arithmetic and unintentional raids, those Isi-Tibs were beaten to death by just a dozen clone troopers.

At the same time, the soldiers of the Riptide Company who were not riding the vulture chariot also took advantage of the chaos caused by Anakin and the others to launch an attack on the Separatist army. Not only them, but the other companies that were retreating also decisively turned around and launched a counterattack when they found that the separatist army was a little chaotic, and some retreated and some were at a loss.

Anakin-Skywalker successfully destroyed 8 siege tanks, making the defensive pressure in this direction much less. At the same time, Ahsoka Tano also rescued the downed Master Ron Schlien and came to meet him.

The clone troopers stabilized their line again. After another day of brutal and bloody battles, the Nitta Hurricane-class assault landing ship behind them, which was severely damaged and forced to land, finally regained its power, and the clone troopers started Orderly shrink the line of defense and retreat to the battleship.


On May 11, 21BB, the 41st Storm Legion and the 501st Legion of the Galactic Republic retreated from the planet Tibulin.

In this bloody battle, the Republic paid the price of more than 20,000 clone soldiers killed, the 501st Legion and the 41st Storm Legion also suffered heavy losses, and the Separatists suffered even heavier losses.

Facts have proved that courage cannot narrow the gap in combat effectiveness between the two sides, especially when the robot army was temporarily shut down by the nano-virus. Although the Isi-Tibu mobilized an army of one million to attack the front of the clone army, they also made great achievements. Good results, the oppressive Republic army keeps retreating.

But their casualties in this battle were 140,000!

This astonishing battle loss ratio was achieved in the later stages of the battle, when the Valkyrie frigate came for reinforcements and the Separatists occupied the air supremacy.

This shows how powerless the ordinary recruited soldiers on these planets are when they face clone soldiers, super soldiers who have been trained to target killing machines from the beginning of embryos...

However, although the loss was heavy, the planet Tibrin finally completely got rid of the rule of the Galactic Republic. Count Dooku's dark follower, Sora Balk, as the acting planetary governor, began to assist the planet Tibling to establish a formal planetary government.

And with the failure of the Battle of Tibring Planet, the Galactic Republic also lost the possibility of threatening the Fourth Civilization Fleet assembled on Dora and Glenpine from the rear, allowing the Fourth Civilization fleet to use all forces to Concentrate on the direction of the planet Eliadu.

However, this cruel battle left an indelible shadow in the hearts of the soldiers of the 41st Storm Legion. Soldiers of the 41st Storm Legion who participated in the battle dyed their hair red and shaved it into a distinctive double-striped hairstyle to commemorate the Battle of Tibring Planet.


The cruel war is still going on...

However, at the same time, Coruscant, the capital of the Republic, was far away from the battlefield.

With a crisp sound of ding, two exquisite crystal wine glasses lightly collided together, and the precious lavender wine in the wine glasses rippled with the impact, and exuded a charming aroma of wine.

"You are still so charming, Miss Padmé. The war did not take away your youth and beauty, and you are still the charming lady..." Rush Clovis sat in front of him with a smile "But 10 minutes ago I was worried that you invited me to dinner with the intention of putting me on the table and eating me alive," said Padmé Amidala.

" are still so funny, Clovis." His humor made Padmé Amidala laugh out loud. Although the two had broken up for more than a year, Padmé Deme also has to admit that Clovis is indeed a very good man.

It's just that now her heart has been filled with another dazzling man, and there is no room for others.

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