Chapter 189: A Competition Between Speeds

"Yes, in this Linglong Tower, each floor is a separate space, and it is not affected by the size of the Linglong Tower.

Bai Ruyan also explained to Lu Changqing.

"The Holy Lord also introduced this before Father, but you are asleep."

Holy Maiden on the side gave Lu Changqing a blank look.

"Uh... it turned out to be like this, I really blamed me for not listening carefully."

Hearing what Holy Maiden said, Lu Changqing only knew.

Originally, he planned to study and study what was going on, but now he was directly slapped in the face.

"Why make it so long!"

At this time, Lu Changqing and his party also walked for nearly ten minutes, but they had not come to an end.

It was not how long the corridor was, but because of the pressure of the third floor, it was difficult for the three of them to take each step.

"This may also be a kind of tempering "Seven One Zero". You don't feel it. The more you move forward, the stronger the coercion."

Lu Changqing directly erected the two of them, and put one arm on the neck of each, in order to reduce the consumption of the two bodies.

"and many more!"

The three of them were walking and found that there was a corner in front of them. Lu Changqing asked them to stop.

At this time, the long corridor had already made Holy Maiden and Bai Ruyan sweat profusely.

Lu Changqing glanced inadvertently.

Looking at Bai Ruyan's sweat-soaked clothes, she vaguely outlined her perfect lines.

This is not what Lu Changqing wants to see deliberately. Who makes two people so close to him, they can touch each other as soon as they turn their heads.

Lu Changqing looked at Holy Maiden again, and sighed silently. In terms of figure, Bai Ruyan completely beat Holy Maiden.

"What's wrong, Senior Brother Lu?"

Bai Ruyan also let go of Lu Changqing, she asked.

We "have nothing to do after walking such a long way, and there is a corner here, things are definitely not that simple."

Really "Fake? Don't scare us."

Listening to what Lu Changqing said, Holy Maiden also said with his waist.

With that said, Lu Changqing didn't know where he was, and took out a stone.

He threw it towards the corner, listening only to the sound of rocks rolling.


Just when Lu Changqing thought that he was wrong, there was a sound of breaking the wind.

When the sound stopped completely, the three of them would poke their heads out to look.

Around the stone, arrows were stuck on the ground, which should be caused by the mechanism on the wall.

"This powerful attack can be withstood by ordinary defenses. I don't know why such a mechanism is designed?"

Seeing this scene, Lu Changqing was also puzzled.

After all, this level of attack can be resisted by anyone with a bit of strength.


"It's not good! The road behind is beginning to collapse!"

With a loud noise, I remembered that Holy Maiden looked in the direction they were walking, and the road before development was collapsing little by little.

"Go! Go through here first, this level is definitely not that simple, and I haven't found the entrance to the next level."

With that, Lu Changqing formed a shield in front of him, and he held the shield and walked in front of him.

Behind him, Bai Ruyan and Holy Maiden also followed.

Sell ​​it!

The mechanism on the wall kept shooting at Lu Changqing, and he absorbed the attacks of three people alone.


Gradually, Lu Changqing found something wrong.

He found that his moving speed was getting slower and slower, and he was even about the same as Holy Maiden and the others.

"Why is this?

Lu Changqing, who was aware of this problem, was also thinking about how to solve it.

"So, this mechanism is not as simple as it seems.

"Senior, do you have a solution?"

Listening to the voice of the master craftsman, Lu Changqing also understood that the master craftsman must understand what is going on.

"These arrows are covered with a layer of energy. After they are hit, they will slow down, but the slowing effect is not obvious."

"But precisely because it is not obvious, it will not be noticed, and the effect will be superimposed."

"In other words, the more times you are hit, the slower you are.

Hearing this, Lu Changqing also knew. He suffered the attack of three people alone. No wonder it became like this.

"Boy, there is no way, you can only force through it, you can run as fast as you can!"

The divine craftsman waved his hand and said.

But the fact is not the case, the master craftsman also perceives it.

The speed at which the road descends is proportional to the speed at which they advance, that is, they are unlikely to fall...

But with the getting closer and closer, they can only speed up subconsciously.

Facing the heavier and heavier pressure, their speed is slowly Ascension, which should be what the creator thought.

"There is no way, I can only do this! You block me!"

Taking a look at Holy Maiden and Bai Ruyan behind him, Lu Changqing also directly picked up the two people and rushed towards the end of the corridor.

Although Lu Changqing felt that there was something soft on the top of his head, he was not in the mood to think about it.

Although the two were at a loss for a while, when they saw the flying arrows, the two still subconsciously defended.


Gradually, Lu Changqing saw the end of the corridor, and he speeded up and ran over.

At the moment he ran away, he seemed to have taken off the lead stone on his body, and he was relieved a lot at once.

It was precisely because of this that Lu Changqing didn't control it all at once, and he collapsed to the ground.

The two Holy Maiden who had been picked up by Lu Changqing also fell directly on Lu Changqing's chest.

"Finally free!"

Lu Changqing fell to the ground, breathing in air.

"Don't be happy too early, it's not over yet!"

Listening to Bai Ruyan's words, Lu Changqing also stood up.

"No! Nothing is wrong, right!

Lu Changqing saw that the entrance to the next floor was on a platform, and 2.9 there was only one way to the platform.

And on this road, magma spurted out from time to time, affecting the action.

The three of them could feel the hot feeling before they got close.

"It's over, this time, I can only rely on myself, I can't help you."

Lu Changqing said to Bai Ruyan and Holy Maiden on the side.

Whoever "I want you to help, I can totally do it myself!"

Listening to what Lu Changqing said, Holy Maiden also slapped her waist, but she must admit that Lu Changqing was indeed helping her.

"Brother Lu is troublesome. We originally came to exercise on our own, so let us do it by ourselves.

With that said, Bai Ruyan also walked up that road.

"Don't worry, I am stronger than you, let me try the water for you first!".

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