The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1015: 1015: Better to surrender (2)

Chapter 1015 Chapter 1015: It Is Better To Surrender (2)

The seventh prince said sadly, "We have been arrested by Liu Zei ... now her prisoner ..."

He was badly injured, and the arrows on his shoulders were all dirty. If he didn't handle them well, he might get pus and rot.

Hachioji's heart was agitated, and he didn't seem to believe this reality.

"We got caught?"

He is not an innocent person, he fell into the hands of the enemy, and he can imagine the end.

The seven prince nodded heavily. "Well."

"That being the case ..." Hachioji hurriedly asked, "Is there anything in the royal court?"

He and the Seven Princes are both princes of the imperial court, representing the face and majesty of the northern court. If they were insulted, the imperial court would have no face.

The imperial court cannot allow the enemy to humiliate them, and will definitely send someone to negotiate with Liu Zei and negotiate the terms in exchange for the two.

The seven princes knew what the eight princes thought, and half a while, slowly shook his head, uttering the expectations of the other side, and said sadly, "The Liu Zei hasn't meant to see us so far. People come to redeem us? "

The seven princes have always supported the eight princes free of charge, and the eight princes are still strong competitors to replace the king.

The two were a confidant of the six princes. How could the latter give up the benefits in exchange for the two?

As everyone knows, the royal court has exploded.

The six princes had not slept for two days, and for fear of squinting, the enemy broke through the city and entered the royal court.

Without sleep for a long time, his nerves are extremely fragile, and the ministers underneath are still nagging, making his brain hurt.

"Noisy--Apart from being noisy, can anyone help you with your loneliness?"

The emotions of the six princes erupted, and his angry voice made the ministers quiet for a moment, and did not dare to squeak.

"You! Stand up and say!" The six prince casually pointed at a minister. "If you can't tell how ugly you are, you'll be killed!"

The ministers were as quiet as chickens, and no one dared to make this predatory bird.

Only the prince of the six princes dared to stand up. He is the main faction. Dumiao Hackui also died in battle. He is going to avenge his son.

The six princes had a guilty conscience towards the old man, so he reluctantly restrained his mania and listened patiently.

Laozhangren said that there is only one core-war!

As for the strategic layout, nothing is mentioned, and the reckless husband has only muscles in his mind.


What battle?

Hit your head with a willow thief?

They had been blocked in the city by Liu thieves, and they were like kings of ten thousand years. Their morale was extremely low and they couldn't beat them.

The six princes endured the urge to vomit blood in his heart. On the surface, he still had to stabilize the old man. He still depends on the old man.

"Reporting king, an arrow shot from outside the city, with a letter from Liu Zei on it."

The six princes refreshed and quickly said, "Read it quickly and see what it says."

The Minister of the Northern Territory knows few Han characters, and in the end he can only pass the letters to the Three Princes for him to read on their behalf.

The three princes opened the letter and looked gloomy, his throat seemed to be holding something, and he couldn't read a word.

"Boss—Even you have to disobey the order of the King of Solitude?"

The six princes were so angry that his anger made him short of breath, his chest was violently wheezing, and he was panting like a cow.

The three princes hesitated for a moment and read the above content with difficulty.

The Seven Princes and the Eight Princes have become prisoners of the willow thief. If the northern court of the Northern Territory wants to redeem the two, they must surrender to the city-the surrender of the city is not complete, and the royal court will become a prisoner of the step-if they agree She only cleaned the royal court and did not hurt other nobles.

This is the ultimatum issued by Jiang Yanji. If the northern Xinjiang does not know what to do, don't blame her for being ruthless.

"Get off-all are lonely off-" The six princes were out of control. He rose directly from the throne, rushed to the three princes, took the letter in his hand, and tore it into pieces in two or three times. Who do you think you are? Dare to be so threatening! "

The northern court is the most noble race in northern Xinjiang.

According to genealogical records, they are descendants of the gods worshipped in northern Xinjiang, and their bloodlines are extremely honorable.

Don't think that only the Central Plains family pays attention to the lineage, the northern Xinjiang barbarians are more concerned about the lineage.

The Northern Court of the Northern Territory is a god. They were born to control the earth's beings. Would mortals want to control their life and death?


However, the gods or whatever, to put it plainly, put gold on their faces.

If not, how can the royal court overpower other families in northern Xinjiang and become a royal family?

The three princes looked at the madness and anger of the six princes and asked indifferently, "If not, what should the old seven and the eighth do?"

The six princes furiously pulled out his waist dagger, and said to the three princes, "The lone is the king, you are only ministers. You do n’t worry about solitude, but you ask the lone what to do? Waste-all waste-Gu Yao What is the use of your waste? "

The three princes looked at each other coldly, and he knew that the brother was almost driving crazy.

The chaos was chaotic and everyone had no idea.

On the second day, a mobile arrow tower was pushed hundreds of steps away from Wangcheng, with two people hanging on it.

Amazingly the half-dead Seven Princes and Eight Princes.

There were two long strips hanging on their necks, with a few big words written on them.

A long bar says-[when the two princes died]

Another bar reads-"The day when our army broke the city, Seoul and other prostrations"

The clan of Liu's clan was also painted on the end, arrogant and arrogant.

Although the guards on the city wall of Wangcheng couldn't understand Chinese characters, they had bad intuition and quickly passed the news back to the royal court.

The six princes sat sternly, their faces were too dark to see, and the quarreling courtiers could not let him return.

"On behalf of the king, the old minister would like to invite him to fight."

"... Instead of being humiliated, it's better to integrate and go out of town and fight against Liu Zei!"

Laozhangren was thinking of revenge for his son, this is the only seed in his veins.

Now that the only son is dead, he is the equivalent of a broken son and grandson. Rather than being so humiliated by the enemy, he might as well fight a battle.

Laozhangren regarded death as home, and was willing to fight the royal family to the end, but other nobles were unwilling.

Why die if you can live?

How much is the bone worth?

They don't pay attention to courtesy, integrity, shame, filial piety, and faithfulness.

As long as they are alive, they can continue to enjoy glory and prosperity, but they just change to a loyal owner.

If surrender can save lives, why should they bury the royal family?

"It's better-let's go down," said an old minister, his voice was not loud, but it attracted everyone's attention. He bravely said, "Now the thief is like the sun, the sky is breaking, sooner or later. Rather than increase casualties as soon as possible-- "

Before he finished speaking, a white light flashed in the air, his neck was cold, and hot blood was splashing to the ground.

The three princes retracted the scabbard, his face was somber and authentic, "You will descend without a fight. Are you still a man of northern Xinjiang with a strong bone?"

If Master Wu Lipu is still alive, he will fight to the end. How could he think of the enemy's humiliation?

_ (: з 」∠) _ Feeling your body hollowed out. Strange, did the recent chapter say that it was swallowed by the mother, I remember that the chapter in the last chapter yesterday said that there were more than two hundred, and then it was only one hundred and eight.

(End of this chapter)

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