The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1018: 1018: Better to surrender (5)

Chapter 1018 Chapter 1018: Better Surrender (5)

The man heard the words "seeing the poor figure", his eyes opened slightly, and his expression became fierce.

The first time he took out the sharp blade and darted at Jiang Yanji, the white sharp blade made a white light in the air.

The distance between them is less than five steps. If they can seize the opportunity to kill this person, then it is worth losing their life.

However, Jiang Yanji is not a battle of five dregs, and he will not be chased full of tents to run away--

She kicked the table case aside, and the small case flew towards the assassin.

The assassin did not hide, and rushed at Jiang Yanji, leaving the table to fall on himself.

He knew he had only one chance this time. If he accidentally missed it, he would never have the chance to kill Jiang Yanji.

Besides, how can it hurt to drop a table case?

If it weren't for Jiang Yanji, this assassin's judgment is naturally correct, and it might even be decisive.

Unfortunately, the assassin's assassin was Jiang Yanji, who could not be measured by common sense.

A watt board resting in her hands can be turned into a weapon for the corpse, and a table case passes her hand. Is it less lethal than wat board?

The assassin had only his own target in his eyes, and the dagger in his hand had been stabbed at Jiang Yanji's chest.

At the same time, the table case flew head-on, hitting the assassin's chest accurately.

The next moment, the table case cracked, the table legs were torn apart, and the wood chips exploded.

The assassin felt that he had not been smashed by the desk case, but was hit hard by the hill, and he immediately broke several breast bones.

The action of leaning forward and slaying because of this huge blow, more than one foot in the opposite direction, fell like a rag doll.

The internal organs are fragmented, and thick blood pours into the throat, overflowing the mouth, and half of the face becomes fuzzy.

Jiang Yanji stood up leisurely, looking calm as usual.

Accountant: "..."

It hasn't started yet, it's over.

Feng Zhen maintains the action of saving the car before, but his expression freezes in an awkward arc, looking funny and awkward.

Although Wei Ci is not so exaggerated, the tension and worry on his face is not fake, and the pale lips are stained with white.

"Lord, Lord—"

Feng looked at the sawdust on the ground in disbelief, incredulously skeptical.

This table case is not made of wood. It is clearly made of pure gold and silver. Otherwise, how can it have such great lethality?

Jiang Yanji's eyes were cold, and there was no trace of temperature in the eyes of the assassin.

The assassin was hit by the front of the desk case, and the whole person was still flying upside down. The sternum was almost broken. The internal organs were broken by the broken sternum. Seeing that they could not survive, "What do you want to call? The corpses are packed up, leaving me to have nightmares. "

Fengzhen: "..."

Have a nightmare?

Are you serious?

Feng Zhen looked back, he found that he was so scared that he was sweating, and his front and back were already wet with sweat.

The scene just now is really thrilling. The hero and the assassin are less than five steps away. The real life and death are instantaneous--

If Jiang Yanji is killed, the beginning of the cause will be forced to end.

The three armies had no head, and the northern Xinjiang was cheap for nothing.

The guards outside heard breaking into the tent, and they saw the assassin paralyzed on the ground and quickly half-knelt and pleaded guilty.

Jiang Yanji looked slightly warmer, she said, "It's okay, just drag this person down-wait, this drawing is left."

She picked up the topographic map inside the royal city, and the four guards each took one of the assassins' hands and feet and lifted him out.

If there were still a large pool of untapped blood on the ground, who would have guessed an assassination occurred in the account?

The guard went out, and Wei Ci enlisted his sin.

In any case, this assassin was brought to Jiang Yanji by him.

Failing to identify the assassin, he was guilty of oversight.

Jiang Yanji raised an eyebrow and said, "It's not strange that filial piety, don't say an assassin, even a hundred can't hurt me."

Feng Zhen on the side also helped to persuade, "The thief in northern Xinjiang is immortal. I thought they were already at the end of the crossbow. I didn't expect to have more resistance. Although Zixiao had faults, it was not the main cause. Since the protagonist has forgiven, don't worry too much about Zixiao . "

Jiang Yan Ji Wei is not Wei Ci, but can only symbolically punish March. Wei Ci feels that the punishment is too light and tries to make her a little heavier.

"The priority is not to investigate your blame, but North Xinjiang is the culprit." Jiang Yanji frowned impatiently, his tone was slightly "bad", "Zi Xiaozhen feels that he has made a mistake, and I will ask you to liquidate in the future, What now-not in a hurry-"

The news of Jiang Yanji's assassination soon passed into Sun Wen and the **** to let his ears go.

The two hurried over and found that the main account was neatly arranged and there was no confusion in the imagination.

"I heard that the assassin was assassinated. Is it a big deal?"

The **** calmed his expression, but his clothes were a little crooked, and at a glance, he knew that he was in a hurry, and his breathing was still a bit quick.

Jiang Yanji taunted mercilessly, "No, if only the assassins are of this level, they can hurt me."

Hearing this, Sun Wen decisively swallowed his stomach.

Needless to say, the protagonist is definitely not the one who suffers.

"Zaidao, look at the drawings of this king city--"

Jiang Yanji handed the drawing brought by the assassin to Sun Wen. Sun Wen took a few glances and was able to determine the true and false.

"At least 80% sure, the drawings are real. In order to assassinate the protagonist, Beijiang also worked hard and used real drawings as bait."

Sun Wen murmured, Jiang Yanji sneered.

"What a good intention, if you say so, that right-handed person is also poor."

Sun Wen frowned, "Assassin made excuses from North Xinjiang right?"

Northern Xinjiang has always looked down on the Han Dynasty in the Central Plains, and hostility is very serious.

Forgetting to say that the left phase of the northern Xinjiang is Wu Liba.

Unlike the Central Plains, which respects the right, North Xinjiang has always respected the left.

"That's all—" Jiang Yanji insisted, "In my opinion, the right-handed man is sincerely willing to surrender, so the drawings he brought are also true, but he never expected that the messenger he sent out was half-taken. Road interception, Li Daitao stiff-- "

Jiang Yanji became vigilant when he saw the assassin.

Because the assassin had a killing intention for her, if he was a true surrender, that person might be malicious, but he would never dare to kill.

Jiang Yanji also found that the other person's clothes were not very fit. Looking at the babies, others would think that it was crumpled in a squatting basket, so they looked confused, but Jiang Yanji was very precise about the size, whether he was not neat or fit, She knew.

The assassin's clothes are most likely not his own!

Jiang Yanji learned about the Northern Territory from Sun Wen. The right side is very contemptuous of the Central Plains. He often humiliates the Han people. He is a typical brutal man. How could this person study the Han literature with concentration and subordinates? What kind of ink?

(End of this chapter)

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