The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1020: 1020: Better to surrender (7)

Chapter 1020 Chapter 1020: Better to Surrender (7)

To say poison, it is estimated that no one has ever poisoned Jiang Yanji.

Not only the mouth is poisonous, but also the ability to reverse right and wrong, and others can only look up.

Obviously the three princes intercepted the right-hand confidant, Li Daitao stiffened and took the opportunity to stab her.

When this happened, she became a right-hander and three princes sent messengers to her.

She accepted the surrender of the three princes, promised the three princes to help her take the king city inside and out, and she spared the three princes' life.

Seeing that the transaction was about to be concluded, the rightist also sent someone to surrender.

I didn't know that surrender was false, assassination was true.

She managed to escape a disaster, and became so angry that she killed both of them, one frustrated and the other hung outside the camp.

The three princes never expected that Jiang Yanji would talk nonsense with white teeth, this is the rhythm that will force him to death!

The six princes opened their eyes with anger and stared at the three princes with horrible and vicious eyes.

Seeing this, the prince stepped forward to persuade him.

Everyone present may be rebellious, but the three princes are impossible.

"The King is pleased to be angry. You and your third brother are intimate. You know him, but how can he betray the enemy?"

The six prince sneered, "Isn't it the young man's confidant who is hanging in the willow thief camp?"

The Grand Prince whispered, and he quickly set his sights on the right.

Seeing that Suhasa was not in good shape, his right heart was a little stunned, and his fat cheeks oozed thick sweat, and his heart was disturbed.

He knew very well that if he proved that the three princes did not betray Beijiang, would he not admit that he had betrayed Beijiang?

For his own life, he could only hold on to the three princes sending his confidant to the enemy. His confidant was looking for opportunities to assassinate Liu Yan.

The prince threatened, "Right look, you can think clearly before you speak--"

He had a bad relationship with the three princes, but he couldn't allow the third child to be vilified to death.

Right-handed Suhasa secretly reared his teeth, but the words spoke indirectly sentenced the three princes to death. "The old minister sent a confidant to kill the willow thief last night, but the willow thief was cheated, and there were countless expert guards around him, and this assassination failed. Others, The old minister did not know. "

The right-hand voice had just fallen, and the three princes faced with golden paper, their eyes looked dim, their feet were soft, and they were almost unstable.

"Okay-really a lonely good brother-" Six princes laughed, pointing at the three princes, "Come-"

"Now that our enemies, our brothers should work together to fight against the willow thief. How can we fight inwardly and damage our arms?" The prince blocked, "the king, the words of the thief can't be trusted. The demon girl set up a plan, not just to let You killed the third child? "

The six princes were so angry that they were half-faced.

"Presumptuous-in the end are you acting king, or are you alone? Where are you here to speak, step back-"

The big prince had no choice but to resign.

Although the three princes were not beheaded on the spot, they were also arrested.

"My third son, Gu Gu will find a way to protect you-the sixth son can't be trusted anymore, he's crazy--"

The big prince secretly went to jail to appease the three princes.

The three princes sneered and said nothing.

When the big prince left, the smile on the corners of the three princes gradually widened, and the laughter overflowed his throat, and the sound changed from low to high.

"Northern Xinjiang is about to die-it is really about to die-Master, the children cannot protect North Xinjiang-the children are incompetent-"

The three princes laughed enough, and their red eyes dripped with murky tears, and their strength seemed to be sucked away, and they fell to the ground softly.

He took a dagger out of his arms and pulled out the blade.

He had already foreseen the end of the northern Xinjiang, but he did not want to see in the hands of the fallen enemy of the northern Xinjiang, it would be better to end his life before that.

At least before his death, the Liu thief had not succeeded, and the northern Xinjiang had not changed hands.

Below Jiuquan, he had a little face to see Master.

The dagger drew a white light in the air, the sharp blade pierced into the chest, and the pain spread across the limbs.

The foreheads of the three princes rose sharply, their bloodshot eyes were almost protruding, and their eyes were filled with hatred and unwillingness.

Life was quickly lost from his body.

"The newspaper-Your Highness Three has committed suicide in prison-"

The big prince heard the news and was completely blank.

Third child ... committed suicide?

The response of the six princes was similar, but he asked.

"The third child really ... feels guilty?"

The third prince also has a brother's sibling, the fifth prince.

Although the five princes were stupid and kept pulling their brothers back, he heard the other's death and rushed to the palace to make a noise.

The imperial court turned into a pot of congee, and the right relative was uneasy, except that the real culprit also smiled at the situation.

Feng Zhen and others have always felt that they are hard-hearted, but when they encounter their own protagonist, they feel that they are still far behind.

Bingbuxue removes a nail in his eyes, dare to ask who else!

It is a pity that such a protagonist does not want to be a counselor.

Sun Wenyou sighed with emotion, "I have run out of breath in northern Xinjiang when I meet my protagonist-"

Although the king was defeated, but occasionally there was a sense of sorrow and sorrow for the rabbit. Northern Xinjiang rarely had two smart people, all of whom died under the calculation of the principal.

Wei Ci said, "The prince is the son of destiny, and it is natural that the northern Xinjiang will fight against her."

Sun Wen raised his eyelid and glanced at Wei Ci. The expression on the other side was very light. He didn't mean to be flattering.

"Child of Destiny?"

"Unification of the world, dominates Kyushu." Wei Ci said, "doesn't believe it?"

Sun Wen stroked his beard with a smile and said, "If this is the case, the old man can be considered a big profit and bet a big treasure."

No matter how terrible the three princes died, he was just an enemy, and Wei Ci and others had no extra time to have mercy on him.

The army rested for two days, resharpening Huohuo Beijiang.

When the bright trumpet sounded, hundreds of thousands of troops surrounded the city, and the people in the city were heartbroken.

"Isn't Old Seven Old Eight dead yet-what does Liu Zei mean?"

The six princes, wearing a pair of thick dark circles, asked the ministers violently.

All the ministers stunned, only one person was listed for a while.

This man was stunned, "the king-the thief will sever the cord of the two highness-"

The six princes were pale.

Three days have passed and the seventh and eighth princes are extremely tenacious, and they have not sighed, and even have a little consciousness.

"Feng Junshi, how about the two of them—"

Feng Zhen put his hands in his sleeves, his eyes narrowed, and sneered, "Are you angry? Cut the twine and they're out of breath."

The soldier died, and obediently climbed the arrow tower.

The Seven Princes and the Eight Princes were vaguely conscious. When they heard that they were going to cut the twine, they suddenly turned back and their eyes lighted up.

Hachioji had hemoptysis, and said hoarsely, "Liu Zei-you are indifferent-"

Although the Seven Princes didn't say a word, they looked crazy.

Regardless of the two soldiers, he cut two ropes with a knife.

The arrow tower is extremely high, and the living creatures will all die when they jump, let alone those with only one breath such as the Seven Princes and the Eight Princes.

When the two corpses landed, Jiang Yanji brushed out his sword and pointed at the northern city of Xinjiang.


Sorry, the remaining three chapters are connected with tomorrow ’s two more guarantees _ (: з ”∠) _ shiitake mushrooms go to sleep first.

(End of this chapter)

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