The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1027: 1027: Individual abacus (3)

Chapter 1027 Chapter 1027: Everyone's Abacus (3)

"Lang Jun is back—" Zhu Qingning was sitting in the hall embroidering. Hearing the voice of a slave asking for peace from outside the door, she quickly got up and greeted her. Before her two steps, her family Lang Jun came forward quickly and stopped her. "What are you doing so carefully?"

The corners of Nie Yan's lips were light, and the bright smile lined the bit of cinnabar and red blood in his brows.

He said, "Wu Niang is now twins. If there is nothing wrong with it, wouldn't it be to kill her husband?"

Zhu Qingning's cheeks were blushing, and she seemed to be authentic, "Oh, why do you treat me so well? It turned out to be for the belly."

In the face of this "proposition to send," Nie Yan was not panic, but instead helped Zhu Qingning back to the main hall.

"Wu Niang's words are very disturbing, obviously she loves Wu Niang, so you value the children in your womb. All of you are for your husband's heart, and you are distressed to everyone." It's getting colder now, remember not to wear so thin. "

"The house is very warm and cannot be frozen," said Zhu Qingning. "The month is getting heavier and the clothes I made a while ago are tight."

Zhu Qingning stroked the slightly convex abdomen with his right hand. The originally thin waist was slightly plump because of pregnancy.

Although lost, it gave her a touch of mature women's unique charm.

"Let people do more, don't say that you are fat for one lap, and for every thirty or fifty laps--"

Before Nie Yan's words were finished, his ears had been pinched by a slender soft palate, and Zhu Qingning gritted his teeth in his ears.

"Three or fifty laps? Mo said to be fat for three or fifty laps. Even if there are only three or five laps, I'm afraid you already have other beauties around you."

Nie Yan did not dare to struggle, she could only lean to her with her strength and support the mat with her other hand, so as not to press her.

"Wu Niang, who's chewing your tongue in your ears? It's like a man like a husband?"

Nie Yan said that he saved his ears.

Zhu Qingning pursed his lips and said, "I don't even have a place to walk around. Who can chew my tongue in my ears? But my body is getting heavier and sometimes inconvenient. It's really early I'll arrange someone for you-- "

Nie Ye's parents are not there. Zhu Qingning has no mother-in-law to put pressure on her. It is logical to live happily after marriage.

In fact, it was really happy at the beginning.

As she became pregnant and became heavier, she also liked to think more.

Nie Yan frowned and said jokingly, "Mrs. is not such a virtuous person. For your husband, remember that what you said before getting married-if other women look at your clothes and jewelry and rouge gouache, the relationship is good, you It ’s a generous gift. But if anyone looks after your husband, do n’t talk about it, even if you think about it for a while, you have to give that woman a look-- ”

Zhu Qingning looked cold and hummed angrily.

"Do you want me? It's not your protagonist, what's the matter with you so much Yingying Yanyan?"

Zhu Qingning is a pregnant woman, she would have thought more easily.

Looking at Yingying Yanyan in the house, she always felt like she was sticking something in her heart, and she was uncomfortable.

She also knew that her husband was self-contained and would not touch an unscrupulous woman, but she couldn't be surprised.

If his wife is pregnant and cannot serve him, what if he can't bear to eat?

Rather than letting her husband cheat on the outside, and touching a woman who doesn't know where to come, it is better to pick one who knows!

No matter what it is, Zhu Qingning is not happy, and his emotions are on the verge of an explosion.

She was the father's youngest daughter, the night pearl held in the palm of her hand. Why did she push her husband to other women?

Can't do it!

Nie Yan frowned. Although he had exquisite thoughts, he was a man, thinking and women were not on the same channel.

How did he know that his wife had a lot of thoughts these days because of the maid in the house?

"After all, it's the kindness of the protagonist, and it's hard to quit. Let's take a look at it in the middle of the house. If you look at the heart, you can sell it directly."

Nie Yan never saw the maid in the house. To him, the maid was just the servant girl who waited for his wife.

If these nieces make the wife uncomfortable, they will naturally be sold.

Nie Yan laughed, "Women are so decisive before, why are they indecisive now?"

Zhu Qingning said with a long sigh, mournfully, "I don't know, I can't help thinking about it during this time, I can't help it."

Nie Yun proposed, "Why not just repair a letter for your husband, and ask your mother-in-law to come with you for a while?"

If enlightened by his mother-in-law, the wife should not think about it and scare herself.

Zhu Qingning shook his head. "This is not appropriate, my mother is old, and it is not appropriate to spend a lot of time on the boat."

Nie Yan said, "So-so take some time to stay at home for husband?"

Zhu Qingning smiled and frowned, the couple snuggled up and talked a lot, and the surrounding area was filled with pink dog abuse.

"That's right-Cheng Yun-"

Zhu Qingning remembered nothing.

"Huh?" Nie Yan responded vaguely.

"This morning, the housekeeper went back and said that he had found a servant woman. This servant woman claimed to be Lang Jun's mother-in-law--"

Zhu Qingning knew that his husband had been looking for his own life, and from there he went to Dongqing, but the clue was broken.

Under Huang Song's account, Nie Yan did not give up his journey to find roots.

"My nursing mother?"

Over the years, Nie Yan has seen too many scammers who want to mix their eyes and be skeptical about the identity of this "brother".

Zhu Qingning said, "Lang Jun would like to meet?"

Nie Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and the bright red cinnabar between the eyebrows became more beautiful, he said, "See you then."

The couple had dinner together, and Nie Yan coaxed Zhu Qingning to fall asleep, and then pulled away to see the so-called "brother".

"You said-are you my nurse?"

Nie Yan looked coldly at the old woman kneeling in the hall.

The old woman waited for a day tremblingly, and heard Nie's voice, Zhu Luoyu plate, crisp and sweet, could not help looking up.

At a glance, his lips suddenly fluttered.

"Like-like-really looks like-"

Muttered in the elderly woman's population, seeming to recall something.

Seeing her performance, Nie Yan immediately became a little interested, and asked with amusement, "Like what?"

The old woman cried, "Erlang Jun is too much like Mrs. Yun!"

Mrs. Ma?

Nie Yan frowned, always feeling that this time there may be different gains.

"Who the lady you said is?"

The old woman said, "Mrs. Xi is the biological mother of Erlang Jun--"

Nie Yan did not believe that more people looked like in the sky.

In addition, there are flaws in some places.

The old woman said that he was a "Mrs. Grandma's" child, and claimed to be his nursing mother. From this, it can be seen that Madam Grandma's husband's family should be good. Now that it's good, how can you make a boy who was born a short time be trafficked and end up in the middle?

Nie Yan asked, "If you say so, is there evidence?"

The old woman said, "The old slave remembered clearly, Erlang Jun was born with cinnabar between the eyebrows, and was born fat and white, very beautiful."

Nie Yan: "..."

He hasn't covered his cinnabar. What kind of evidence is this?

(End of this chapter)

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