The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1066: 1066: Eating Iron Legion legendary beast (h)

Chapter 1066 Chapter 1066: The Legendary Iron Eater Legion (8)

"what happened?"

"Let them calm down—"

The Gao Yue clan masters the powerful beast art, and the fierce beast behaves like a milk cat in front of them, and rarely gets out of control.

The Royal Orcs obeyed and tried to use instructions to docile the emotionally beastly beast.

Not only did it not play a role, but it caused the fierce beast to become more and more frantic, and the beast pupils glowed with blood.

"Waste-one by one!" The Gao Yue patriarch sitting on the elephant's back pulled the canopy fence with his hands. His rough face was a little pale, and he had no previous contentment, and he cursed, "Don't control them yet--"

The ferocious beasts are so manic, and the usual passwords do not work anymore. The orcs can only use a whip to deter them.

Did you know that a few whip went down, completely ignited the anger of the beast.

A tiger with a green and white forehead roared and opened his mouth full of blood to the orc on the back of the ferocious beast.

The Royal Orc did not expect to be thrown by a tame pet. Before falling to the ground, his face still had an incredible look.

Before he was struggling, the big tiger with a blue and white forehead had opened his mouth and bitten his neck, and struck his skin with a heavy breath. The sharp teeth were embedded in the fragile flesh. With a little hard work, the orc was Before the consciousness dissipated, I heard a crackling sound of the neck bone.

The **** breath permeated, completely inspiring the bloodiness of the beast.

As the Royal Orc was killed by the hanging white-and-white tiger, other fierce beasts rushed to other Royal Orcs.

The originally orderly army of beasts was in chaos, and a scream screamed out of the Royal Beast population. Before they called for help, the docile and beastly beasts had taken their lives. Bite, nibble, or use the claws to separate the Royal Orc's body.

The audience watched in a gap between the live broadcasts, and the barrage on the screen has not been updated--

The pandas in their memory are so adorable and swollen, one by one, they have burst out of action which is not consistent with their bulky body.

The forefoot used to hug the bamboo on weekdays has now become a weapon for harvesting royal orcs.

The seemingly gentle and harmless palm directly smashed the head of the orc.

The audience also knows that the molars of giant pandas are very developed, even the most powerful of the carnivores, but how powerful they are, their impression is still at the stage of cymbals. Today, I can see with my own eyes that people can even chew the femur in twos and threes--

On the battlefield, thousands of black and white regiments surrounded the Gao Yue army from all directions. The round face that should have been cute and flickering was terrifyingly fierce. The audience watched silently, and the Gao Yue people surrounded by giant pandas and other beasts were panicked.

The beast is the card card for the Gao Yue to fight. It is their specialty to control the beast to kill the enemy, but the Gao Yue's own combat power is not strong.

They were so confident that they never thought about the possibility that the beasts would break their control and turn their heads to help the enemy hit them.

"Don't, don't come over—"

The fierce beast riots, the royal orcs of the Gao Yue tribe are scared, and the fierce beasts once completely tamed by them become the most terrible black and white impermanence. Because of intense fear, his eyes widened, water vapor was flowing in his eyes, and bloodshot--

The Orc tried to defend the beast with a whip and a sword and halberd, but with little success.

Even if one or two were repelled, there were countless hungering beasts in the back, and they rushed towards them with open mouths.

The seemingly cute iron-eaters, the giant pandas, do their best to show everyone what it means to be a bear!

They ran and chased the royal orcs, and the fat on their bodies radiated a lovely arc as they moved.

However, no one appreciates this beauty at this moment.

Because once thrown by a giant panda, the weight is as high as Taishan, and other black and white dumplings will make up for it.

Although the Gao Yue clan was the enemy, they witnessed that they were dead without corpses in the siege of the beast. The mood of the people was very delicate.

The herd rioted, and the canopy on the elephant's back was thrown down by them. The Gao Yue patriarchs and elders sitting in the canopy first fell to death. Before they got up, the emotionally out of control beasts flew in succession. And sharp teeth greeted them.

After a few breaths, only the broken corpses with scars, flesh and blood were left on the ground, and their eyes widened before they died. As the breathing ceased, the intense desire to survive gradually disappeared, and only terrifying fear remained on the face.

Jiang Wu Ji Wu, who led all this, blew his jade flute.

She wouldn't play the flute at first, don't look at her posing pretty, it seems to be a feathered climber, but she's just playing blindly.

Feng Jin and others did not know the inside story and thought that she really used the flute sound to control the beast.

In order not to disturb her, the sound of the flute was unbearable.

Wei Ci, who was faintly aware of the inside, couldn't help crying and laughing. He continued to pretend to be nothing, just like Feng Jin and others.

"This battle-I'm afraid it's the easiest and most memorable fight in my life-"

Meng Hun whispered softly, staring at the enemy for an instant, for fear of something unexpected.

It turned out that his worry was superfluous.

Those fierce beasts only care about the Gao Yue tribe, rubbing them back and forth on the ground with violence, rubbing them back and forth, how can there be no control over them?

"If it would be so easy to fight in the future, wouldn't it be beautiful?"

Feng Zhen said with emotion.

Our army of tens of thousands of troops set off, the flags fluttered, the drums burst out, and the big guys were so imposing that they could not wait to string the Gao Yue tribe into lamb-what happened? From the beginning to the end of the war, they did not say to kill an enemy, even an arrow was not shot!

Watching the protagonist playing the flute throughout the whole process, endured the sound of the piercing ears, and watched the Gao Yue people eat their fruits.

No one believed it when they said it!

If fighting is so easy, Feng Zhen would like to listen to this flute all his life.

As soon as Feng Zhen's voice fell, the sharp and noisy flute in his ear came to an abrupt end--

As the flute disappeared, Jiang Yanji's eyebrows were tightened, and her rosy cheeks were pale and her forehead was cold and sweaty.


Wei Ci was close, and immediately held Jiang Yanji's slightly shaking body.

The right hand tightened the jade flute, the fingers of the left hand pressed against the sweaty forehead, and the paint-like black eyes flashed with murderous intention.

"I'm okay--" Jiang Yanji took a deep breath, and her tight lips raised a smile, her pale cheeks were alive, and she said to Wei Ci, "I was so happy, I almost forgot about the size . Rest assured, I'm fine, just take a break. "

Wei Ci's eyes flashed a little clear.

The Gao Yue clan controlled the beasts to defend their enemies. I do n’t know how much energy it took, the main character of the family would do it all at once, there must be a burden here.

"Manpower is sometimes exhausted, and I also ask the protagonist to take the noble as the most important thing. If the protagonist has taken care of everything, wouldn't he be incompetent?"

Feng Jin and others have similar ideas with Wei Ci.

As everyone knows, Jiang Yanji suddenly stopped, not because she did not have the strength to fight again, just because the subsystems joined forces to try to escape from prison.

Wei Ci said so, but paved the way for her.

(End of this chapter)

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