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Chapter 1094: 1094: Counterattack (2)

Chapter 1094 Chapter 1094: Counterattack (2)

It didn't take long for Yang Si to assist King Changshou and he jumped and kicked the old boss.

Yang Si, who had nowhere to go, went to Huang Song. Who knew that the gatekeeper of Huang Song's mansion looked low on people, and deliberately pressed Yang Si's post to make Yang Sibai wait for a few days. Yang Si was so arrogant that he took the book boy to Marushu and went to Weici, and one accidentally fell into the pit.

It can be said that if it was not blocked by the concierge, Yang Si should stay under Huang Song's account now--

The results of it?


After a few years, Yang Si staged the scene of the year again, undermining Huang Song's plan once more, and pitting him with blood.

Fate is wonderful.

Huang Song's mind flashed back to the memory of the year, and the nerves in the corner of the mouth twitched uncontrollably.

Did he owe Yang Si 1.8 million yuan in his last life?

Why just grab him?

Cheng Jing read the letter, two sword eyebrows twisted up, as if to make a knot.

Nie Yan on the other side had the same expression, and Jiangzhou was taken away by Jiang Yanji. It would be difficult to get it back again.

It never occurred to him that this man was so brave.

A certain confidant in the account said, "What does Liu Yan mean? A sneak attack on Luzhou, regardless of the friendship between the two alliances? The messenger of Zhongli Nie's is still in Cangzhou, staring at Cangzhou. At this point, if the two willows of Huang Liu Fight, it's cheaper for foreign enemies— "

Jiang Yanji looked a little rebellious, but her performance was quite good, not like a reckless husband who ignored the overall situation for the benefit.

At this moment, Luzhou continued to attack Luzhou in a cold way-to say she didn't mean it, who believed it!

Ghosts don't believe this ghost story!

Cheng Jing sneered, "What else could she do? She was dissatisfied with the losses she had suffered and tried to find a way back."

According to normal circumstances, Cangzhou and Luzhou have half of Jiang Yanji, but because of Meng Zhan's calculations, the entire counties of Luzhou and Cangzhou have become Huang Song's bag. The whole process was effortless, and Jiang Yanji would be surprised if he could tolerate this tone.

The counselor also thought of this layer, his face was a little gloomy, and his tone was a little cold, "Although so, all the layout is the reason of Meng Zhan, the protagonist just pushed the boat down the river-she ignored her Friendship, sneak attacks behind, it's shameless. "

After Cheng Jing heard, the corners of his lips evoked a radian. Moral benevolence cannot restrict the calculation of interests. If we really compare it, Huang Song will break the contract first. Meng Zhan did this round. Huang Song did push the boat smoothly, but it also hurt the interests of allies.

Jiang Yanji was furious, and it was normal for her to take care of her.

"So, Liuzhou Mu is really disregarding the overall situation?" Someone whispered softly, "Can the Nie's mission still be."

Nie Yan whispered softly, "I can't ask her this question, I should ask the principal."

Jiang Yanji took care of the situation, so she didn't turn around with Huang Song the first time, not even a question.

At this moment the ball kicked to Huang Song, he will also face a difficult problem-

In the end he cares about the overall situation, how can he bear it?

Or run to question and get back to Luzhou?

In a troubled world, whoever lays the ground.

Huang Song ran to "begging", most of them would return without success, but showed a joke.

This is second. If the two can't reach an agreement on this issue, the already fragile alliance relationship will immediately collapse.

Two dogs fight, play off.

Huang Song and Jiang Yanji fight each other, and in the end will only be cheaper Nie.

For the sake of the bigger picture, Huang Song must eat this loss, send someone to talk with Jiang Yanji, and come up with a plan that is satisfactory to both sides.

Regardless of the heaviest plan, Huang Song's major bleeding is inevitable.

Everyone in the account thought of this layer, looking a lot gloomy.

For a while, there was silence all around, only the crackling of a candlelight.

After a long while, Huang Song sat back to his original position with a stern tone, "It's up to Huai Ling and Youmo to handle it."

Luzhou, who just got it, hasn't covered it. Now it's time to change hands. It's false to say that it doesn't hurt.

Everyone looked at each other, they all wanted to stop, but for a while, they couldn't think of a way to break the situation.

Cheng Jing and Feng Yan could only take orders.

Nie Yidao said, "According to the letter, Yang Si did not launch a killing after taking troops into Luzhou. He captured the former Captain An An and was only imprisoned-according to the opinions of Liu Yanmu, he did not want to destroy the alliance with the protagonist. Most of the time, there is still room to turn around— "

Jiang Yanji did not kill Huang Song's soldiers. Except for the injuries during the confrontation, the other prisoners were imprisoned.

Huang Song frowned and asked Nie Yun, "What's your opinion on Cheng Yun?"

Nie Yan considered, "According to the views of Liu, Muzhou may not want Luzhou."

Don't you want to be Luzhou?

Don't Luzhou, what can you do with a surprise attack on Luzhou?

"Why do you say that?" Huang Song asked.

Nie Yan arched his hands, hesitantly said, "Yinzhou is located in the south, but Liuzhou pasture land is in the north."

Huang Song frowned, got up and fetched a Kun map, and looked up carefully.

Jiang Yanji's governing land is all concentrated in the north, northern Xinjiang, Chongzhou, Maruzhou, Yun County, and Qianyan County in Cangzhou.

If Luzhou is taken, Luzhou and Jiang Yanji have too little relationship with the land, and the two Cangzhou counties in the middle of Huang Song are as if cut off from it.

Seeing this, Huang Song understood something.

Nie Yidao said, "Liuzhou Mu is afraid of using Chouzhou to exchange the two counties in Cangzhou."

Not only did Nie Min understand this, but Cheng Jing and Feng Min also knew it.

Because Jiang Yanji wanted something, there was room for bargaining in the negotiations.

"No-the second county of Cangzhou-"

Huang Song refused to think about it. The pain in his face became stronger.

The two fattest pieces of meat in Cangzhou are the two counties in the hands of Huang Song. Horse resources are concentrated here.

If the two counties of Cangzhou are exchanged for Luzhou, this means that Jiang Yanji will own the entire Cangzhou.

Northern Xinjiang and Cangzhou are the war resources that the soldiers must fight for. The horse racecourses are in these two places.

Without war horses, the combat effectiveness would be low.

Huang Song feels distressed. Why don't other conspirators distress?

The second county of Cangzhou managed to eat their mouths, but now they are forced to spit out, who is uncomfortable?

The strategists looked at each other, they voted with their eyes, and selected Fengsong as a representative to appease Huang Song.

Feng Xuan said, "Master, you should make your decision sooner rather than later."

Huang Song was upset.

"Master, what you need to know—the lost Dongyu, the harvested mulberry elm—the second county of Cangzhou in exchange for Luzhou, may not really lose."

Huang Song was calm, he was always willing to listen to Feng Yan's words.

"Huaiyu what does this mean?"

"It is a pity to lose the second county of Cangzhou, but it may not be a blessing for Liuzhou Mu to take Cangzhou. Beyond the gate of the gate, there is a Beiyuan tiger watching, Zhanjiang guards the ambitious Zhongli Nie's, the protagonist sits firmly in Haozhou, and there are Peipan County and Shanghai County-"

Huang Song glanced down at Kun public map, his face changed suddenly.

According to Feng Yan, Jiang Yanji was attacked on all sides.

"Fighting for one life but not for a short time. Forbearing a loss and seeking a plan for the city, the protagonist does not need to care about temporary gains and losses."

_ (: з 」∠) _ Today there are only two changes. Sorry, tomorrow the mushrooms must be updated early. I stayed up late yesterday and stayed awake for a long time. I fell asleep for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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