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Chapter 1097: 1097: Counterattack (5)

Chapter 1097 Chapter 1097: Counterattack (5)

Nie Liang seemed to want to laugh, but because of the large range of movements, he accidentally stumbled, and the just-rising smile was frozen at the corner of his lips.

"You guys are straightforward--" Nie Liangshun breathed, and looked at Wei Ci with a smile, "Liang Yuan thought that Zixiao was similar to your brother's spleen. Now, when you look at it, Liang looks away. You and Liang said this, Do n’t you be afraid of hurting yourself?

Wei Ci lightly opened his thin lips, "Mr. Nie also asked to open his mouth ... The tongue is thick and has a strange color. Is it strange to eat tea and drink on weekdays?"

Nie Liang looked directly at Wei Ci's face, and what the other party asked him to do, he did as a well-behaved patient who highly cooperated with the doctor.

"Strange? Yes! Occasionally I can't taste it or my tongue is dull. It's very bitter, but it doesn't taste as bitter as I remember."

Wang Wen asked, as soon as the process came down, every move seemed to flow, and it was pleasing to the eye.

If it wasn't for Wei Ci's identity, Nie Liang would have doubted whether Wei Ci lived in a secluded world and had a strong moral virtue.

"It's quite timely to find out. If you detoxify carefully, you will be better off if you are physically weak. Remember not to be overworked, and you don't need to spend too much energy. Otherwise, my husband is afraid that he will die early." Wei Ci said, "Ci can see that the elder brother introduced Mr. Nie as a confidant. According to the elder brother's temperament, Mr. Nie has three longs and two shorts under his eyes. He is afraid that he will be depressed for a lifetime."

Nie Liang wanted to smile bitterly.

Living in a troubled world, one day is a day of earning. How many years can the difference be between early death and end of life?

Nie Liang's identity was destined to stay out of the struggle, and was discovered in time this time, but escaped once and escaped a second time?

However, it was never expected that Wei Ci would even mention Wei Zheng.

There was a hint of confusion in Nie Liang's eyes. It seemed that Wei Ci was willing to help each other for Wei Zheng.

"The world's heroes are frequent, and they can be regarded as shining stars, but there is only one Nie Liang in the world." Wei Ci smiled lightly, and his overly delicate face instantly came to life, like flowers blooming, "Of course, Mr. Nie It's just that. "

Nie Liang was about to speak. He heard Wei Yi's footsteps at the tip of his ears and quickly shut his mouth.

"Zixiao, the prescription is here."

Wei Wei took several prescriptions, some in the form of bamboo slips, and some in folded bamboo paper, which were very well preserved.

Wei Ci took a closer look, his eyebrows were sometimes tightly frowned, and sometimes stretched, and Wei Wei's small heart was on and off.

"These prescriptions are not a problem. Regardless of whether they are medicinal materials or metering, they are all good recipes for the cold." Wei Ci sorted them out and put them back in place. "But—the cure should be treated according to the conditions. Symptoms, but this symptom is caused by poison instead of cold. Drinking these medicines will not only cure the symptoms, but will also easily deepen the toxin into the body-"

After listening to Wei Yan, he was trembling with anger. If it was not the right occasion, he would like to pull out his waist sabre and kill all the accompanying Langzhong.

"The elder brother just said that Lang Zhong had the same caliber. Behind this, I was afraid of being messy."

Wei Ci didn't say much, but the meaning was obvious. It was not an accident that Nie Liang was poisoned. The actions of several Langzhong were also instigated by the black hands behind it. Rather than venting the anger on several Langs, let the black hands behind be vigilant, it is better to count.

Nie Liang bowed his head slightly, his eyes glanced over a few rays of light——

He smiled weakly and whispered, "The scandal at the door of the house must not be spread out, making Zixiao laugh."

Wei Ci re-prescribes Nie Liang's prescription, "Mr. Nie has accumulated a lot of poison in his body, but detoxification is not a day's work, and Mr. Nie's body is not suitable for heavy medicine today, so he can only take it slowly. Sir, look back for a trusted medical officer. "

The thin, spring onion-like fingers hold the pen, and the pen is dropped, and the handwriting is clean and beautiful, looking pleasing to the eye.

Nie Liangdao, "No, Zixiao's medical technique is reliable."

Wei Ci did not answer, and wrote the prescription to Wei Wei.

"Mr. Nie, what else do you want to ask?"

Nie Liangxin knew that Wei Ci was going to leave.

"It's true ..." Nie Liang's eyes moved, a little embarrassingly. "There is licorice in the prescription. Can it be more important?"

Afraid of suffering?

Wei Ci asked with his eyes, and Nie Liang hesitated for a second between the two choices of "bitter death" and "humiliation", and decisively chose the latter.

Fengzhen, who has always been a background board: "..."

He seemed to know a secret.

Nie Liang couldn't get up to send him away. He had to be replaced by Wei Xie.

After leaving some distance, Feng Zhen's gossip factor couldn't help it.

"Why Zizi save him?"

Although I don't know Nie Liang's position in the Nie family, I always feel that this person is not easy to deal with, and it is a disaster to keep it.

"The owner of Nie's family is Nie Liang's grandfather. This old man was also a generation of young people. For example, this year, when he is old and full of energy, he still does not lose the young man. He controls Nie's authority with one hand." Wei Ci said coldly, "He Although he was not fainted, he did not choose a suitable successor. After a long time, the wings of his knees were gradually increasing, and the hearts of people were floating, and he began to think that he should not think.

Feng Zhen suddenly thought of Xu County, Zhejiang Province.

The two brothers Xu Pei and Xu Fei fought so fiercely, but it wasn't grandpa's preference for young grandchildren that caused a fight between his grandson and grandson.

Nie's situation is more complicated than that of Xu. Old Xu's two sons are dead, leaving only two grandchildren. Nie's is different.

"Every room feels hopeful. How can we get along in peace?" Wei Ci's eyes flashed a flash of memory. In the previous life, he lived in Luzhou in the seclusion. He also received the invitation of Nie's second room and tried to make him and his brother effective Fang Dadai, "Nie Liang is the best of his grandchildren. He also occupies the first name of the eldest son of Wufangyu. If the old woman's blue eyes are seen, the water in Wufang will rise, so some people can't help it."

After Feng Zhen heard this, he understood the whole story.

"So to speak-if Nie Liang is alive, he can stir up Nie's water even more?"

Wei Ci nodded, "That's the truth."

Feng Zhen pouted, "Look, that Nie Liang is not easy. If he were to live to clear out Nie's internal affairs, then he would be a rival!"

"Ci said, Nie Liang's body and bones are not suitable for consuming too much effort and energy." Wei Ci looked down. "Further, the internal forces of Nie's family are intertwined, and it can't be done in a day or two. Nie Liang Although he is the best of his grandchildren, the status and rights of Nie ’s five-family house are not great. If not, the mission of other countries will not fall on Nie Liang. He wants to clear Nie ’s family, and the road is still long. ”

Feng Zhen drew his mouth and asked blankly, "If you don't follow the doctor's order-"

Wei Ci said, "Vulnerable life."

Such things as infighting are common to every family, even the Shangyang Fengs who have a good family style are inevitable.

However, Feng's can clearly see that Feng Jin and Feng Zheng were educated from an early age and could not be snatched from their elder brother Feng Zheng, establishing a deep-rooted impression. Although this is a bit cruel and ruthless, the foundation and atmosphere of Feng's are indeed the cleanest of many families.

(End of this chapter)

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