The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1103: 1103: I want 100% (two) in the four seas of Kyushu [for monthly tickets]

Chapter 1103 Chapter 1103: I want 100% (two) in the four regions of Kyushu

"Master ... is this?"

"I made a sandbox." Jiang Yanji's tone fluttered, as if waiting for a compliment, "How are you doing?"

Yang Sidao said, "The protagonist's hands are clever and clever, and he has done so wonderfully. It is as if the entire mountains and rivers have been reduced and moved here."

At present, the sand table is the simplest and roughest, but the sand table made by Jiang Yanji is very delicate and three-dimensional, and the mountain shape is clear at a glance.

Jiang Yanji accepted his compliment, and the radian of the corners of his lips was deepened.

"But-what is this little flag?"

Yang Si picked up the small flags scattered on the side, and the head of a black and white iron-eater was painted on it. After a long time of viewing, she felt very magical.

"It will be used as a battle flag or family emblem after preparation—" Jiang Yanji seemed to say, slipped his mouth, coughed awkwardly, raised the tone sharply, and shifted the subject bluntly. "Don't you think this flag is very discerning? There are so many people with the surname Liu below. If one day a prince with the same surname Liu pops up, the two will face each other and the banner will say 'Liu'-who is ugly and who is embarrassed-"

Yang Siwei narrowed his eyes.

He didn't care what Jiang Yanji said in the second half, he did not care about the previous one.

When the battle flag is fine, the hero uses whatever pattern he likes, but this family emblem--

Changing the clan emblem is a clan event, not even the clan chief can make the full decision.

Although the protagonist said that he was from the Liu family, she and the Liu family were almost implicated, and he had never been friendly with the Hejian Liu family in these years.

In this way, she wants to change her family emblem, there is only one possibility--

Stand alone!

For example, Langya Wei's is a side branch separated from Zhongzhou Wei's. Although they share a common ancestor, they are two families in terms of relationship. If the protagonist also intends to leave the Liu family independently, and cut off the connection with the Liu family between the rivers--

Yang Si sighed in his heart, thinking about his recent conversation with Wei Ci. He sighed slightly.

Is this the intention of the protagonist to completely clarify the relationship with the clans and cut off the signs of interference from foreign relatives?

Jiang Yanji has just painted two small flags, and Yang Si has made up a lot of "truth."


Yang Si woke up, and the nerves of the corner of the eye were pumped uncontrollably.

"Sir, you really want to treat this thing—"

Yang Si swallowed the rest of his words back to his stomach.

"Isn't it good?" Jiang Yanji laughed. "I painted it according to the iron eater beside Zixiao, you see-like it? Chi You used the iron eater legion to fight against the Emperor Huang, and the ancient ace troops took it as the battle flag- — Stay with me, imitate the sage, isn't it excessive? ”

Jiang Yanji painted the Q version of the Iron Eater, with a large face and a baby fat face.

If the black and white color matching is too obvious, no one else can recognize what a creature with two punches on the flag is.

People in ancient times pay attention to freehand drawing. The style of Q prints is——

This Amway can't eat it!

Yang Si resisted the urge to vomit, and said, "Zi Xiaogong is good at painting and painting. Is this banner pattern better to help him polish?"

I believe that with Wei Ci's clever hand, one or two will be saved.

Jiang Yanji didn't look up. "You make sense, Zixiao's art is really good."

She turned to take a blank banner, wrote a "yellow" character, and inserted it on the sand table in Luzhou.

Yang Si occasionally helped his hands, sharpened ink, and handed small scissors ...

Not long after, the other boundaries of the sand table were marked with small flags.

"Someday, I will leave the entire sandbox with my flag."

Jiang Yanji flicked a small banner on the top of Zhejiang County, which said "Xu" on it.

Her strength was not great, but the flag was too light, and it fell down with a bounce, and Jiang Yanji fetched her own Iron Eater flag.

"like this--"

She popped off the "Xu" banner and put in her own Iron Eater banner.

Yang Si looked at her hand in amazement, releasing the iron-eater banner with her spring-like fingers—

In between, he seemed to see a scene of Jin Ge Tiema flashing from his eyes, with killing and shouting in his ears.

Is this the main character's next move?

Attacking Xu's?

Sure enough, it was plastic brothers and sisters. Xu Pei's goods occasionally asked the protagonist's recent situation, but he did not expect his protagonist to turn around and want to insert him.

This knife went to the other's heart.

"Xu's can't be underestimated—" Yang Sidao said, "Xu Pei occupies Zhejiang, Shanghai and half of Zhangzhou, and has a rich family."

Based on Zhe County, Xu Pei has now swallowed Hu County. He still secretly stabbed neighbor Yang Tao and snatched half of Zhangzhou.

If Yang Tao hadn't developed his forces in Nansheng, Xu Pei would grab him half of Zhangzhou, Yang Tao would definitely fight with Xu Pei!

The original cousin Xu Fei, who was quite equal to Xu Pei Dou, was still living in a small place for a while.

Yang Si and Xu Pei have been dealing with each other for several years, and they still know him.

"It is for this reason that he was chosen." Jiang Yanji laughed. "I originally wanted to operate with Bo Gao, but 'teachers have no name'-the only conflict has been resolved, and no reason can be found for him. Other than this In addition, if I do something against him, the border line will be under great pressure, and it will give the hidden enemy a chance to sneak in. As a result, I will lose more than I can, but let him go first-- "

Yang Si nodded. "It's true. It's not good to start with Huangzhou Mu now."

Jiang Yanji said, "Bogao doesn't work, but Xu Pei can do it here."

Yang Sidao said, "But ... why?"

What is the famous teacher?

There must be legitimate reasons for sending troops.

Resting here with Jiang Yanji, the word "just" can be removed for a reason.

At very moments, there is no reason.

"You said-if Xu Fei asks us for help, should we send troops?" Jiang Yanji's lips gradually smiled, and the words in his mouth made Yang Si shudder. Love, you can't help but die. "

Yang Si: "..."

Xu Pei and the protagonist, you also have an old friendship with each other. You have been in alliance for a while!

With this reason and Xu Pei turned his face, Yang Si can already think of the picture of Xu Pei vomiting blood.

Throw it away after using it. His protagonist has the potential of a scumbag.

Because of their ability to do things, Yang Si, Cheng Jing, and Nie Yan quickly completed their written work, and then only exchanged land.

Huang Song removed all his people and things, Jiang Yanji also released the captives, and ordered the garrison to withdraw from Luzhou.

This is already a win-win situation, each with its own gains, so this meal of "sandwich" is quite enjoyable.

Jiang Yanji and Huang Song came up with interest, and they were still laughing and remembering the past—

Obviously they have fought several times back and forth, and they are not worried once or twice, but their relationship is still so "iron".

The audience was most impressed by the live broadcast. From the perspective of Jiang Yanji, they saw her count Huang Song more than once.

Of course, Huang Song counted Jiang Yanji a lot.

The two men have torn their faces, and now they can pretend that nothing has happened, and restore the iron relationship that once worshiped the handle.

Ha ha--

Changing his face almost like a tornado.

Tired of heart, never trust friendship anymore.

Xu Pei: QAQ said good friendship?

Xi Ji: Eaten by a dog, with a cold face JPG.

In the last three days of December, there are double monthly passes. Are all your monthly passes ready? Mushrooms are ready to burst out in the last three days, ending the 17-year period.

(End of this chapter)

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