The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1189: 1189: Fa Xu Pei, the first kill of the princes (59)

Chapter 1189 Chapter 1189: Fa Xu Pei, The Lords Kill First (59)

"The hateful thieves--"

Xu Pei's relatives were sent home by soldiers sent by Qin Gong. As soon as they entered the gate, they saw the cold and empty courtyard.

Because they were trying to escape, everyone could only pick as many valuable small pieces as possible, leaving the large pieces in the old house for the housekeeper to watch, and had the opportunity to move later.

I never wanted to run away and failed. As soon as I returned home, I found that my family was also patronized by the thief. Many domestic servants were also injured.

Several mortal chambers cried without tears and found that the large pieces that they could take away were evacuated by thieves.

The shelf of Duo Bao Ge, which was loved by a certain room, disappeared, and all the toys on it disappeared.

Asking the servants who stayed at the old house, the servants said that they hadn't walked long before their feet, and a group of masked bandits broke in to plunder.

Fortunately, these bandits have no vision, and only robbed of gold and silver belongings, more valuable objects, such as a solitary antique piece.

Compared to the latter, those robbed gold and silver vulgar things can only be regarded as the tip of the iceberg.

Mrs. Xu Pei was angry, but at the same time she was glad that the bandits who had been robbed by the fire were shallow-eyed and didn't know good goods.

"Scared for a day, all return to their respective courtyards and rest, the next thing will be discussed tomorrow."

Mrs. Xu Pei casually sent the weeping cell to her room, impatient and at the same time slightly faint.

These chambers are beautiful but have no foundation. The private storage is full of gold and silver vultures, cloth linings and rouge gouache. It is also the worst hit area by bandits. They suffered the most, but it didn't help to cry when she came to her. She wouldn't be kind to subsidize.

Xu Yanxiao looked at the show coldly, without a wave on her face.

Waiting for the elder lady to let go, she followed the other women's family members and saluted, and returned to her own yard.

"Go and check the treasury and see what you've lost—"

Xu Yanxiao casually made an excuse to spread the first-class waitress who was waiting.

She wants to be alone.

The girl murmured, "The bandits are so greedy, how can they leave us? It's a white investigation, so they must be robbed."

Both feet seemed to dig into the ground and refused to move at all.

Xu Yanxiao endured anger.

"Let you go, you go, and make excuses."

This girl-in-law relied on her being the first lady, and never took Xu Yanxiao's words to heart, and directed her to do something to blame.

The girl narrowed her neck, seemingly timid, and turned around with a disdainful expression, and snorted slightly.

"An orphan who has no father and no mother. She has no money at hand, what private store?"

The girl murmured in her mouth and complained and had to get the lock to open the private store.

Although Mrs. Xu Pei never took heart for Xu Yanxiao, but in order not to criticize the outside world, she also prepared a lot of good things for Xu Yanxiao.

However, although the things are good, they are not commonly used and marked valuables. They are large and impractical, and can only be placed in private warehouses.

The few items that can be exchanged for silver and silver are mostly secretly exchanged for money.

Xu Yanxiao's life in Xu Zhai was very unsatisfactory.


The girl looked at the contents of the private library and snorted in amazement.

Everyone's private treasury was looted by robbers, but Xu Yanxiao's private treasury was neat and tidy, and there was no footprint on the ground.

Xu Yanxiao knew this and groaned, "Yue Mo is the courtyard too inconspicuous, the bandits have no time to search. Go to get the Buddhist scriptures, prepare pens and inks, and I will chant the scriptures for my mother. Do n’t tell me So as not to cause unnecessary discussion. "

People in the whole house have been looted, but it is inevitable that they will cause red eyes.

Clinker, the girl turned her head and passed on the matter and the words of Xu Yanxiao to the lady.

The old lady sneered and scorned, "I don't know how to raise a wolf."

What can be concealed in this matter, will it be that their elders will covet her money?

On the second day, Xufu welcomed special visitors.

Qin Gong had a tender face, but his burly figure was paired with that armor, and no one dared to treat him as a child. Xin Zhaogong is worried about the safety of the young and old at home on the front line. "

The old lady looked somber and looked at Qin Gong's eyes and installed a knife.

In her opinion, Xu Pei was relieved to write a homework here, and it was obvious that he threatened him with his family members and ordered him to submit.

She won't be fooled.

The eldest lady was straightforward and straightforward, "Lan Tinggong, who had never thought about the beautiful scenery, actually used such a trick, is it really her eldest husband?"

Using relatives to coerce others, she is still a man ...

Alas, is she still a personal hero?

Qin Gong laughed, "Mrs. really misunderstood my lord, there is no malicious intention in this move."

no offence?

Ghosts don't believe it!

The old lady refuses to write a house book, who knows what tricks the enemy will play with this house book?

Qin Gong refused to see her.

He didn't show his face, but secretly sighed that this man was far less visionary than the elder lady.

The eldest lady in Qin Gong's mouth was not Mrs. Xu Pei but Xu Yanxiao's biological mother, Mrs. Xu Fei.

If she encounters this scene, she will surely write a home letter, and in the letter will explain the situation at home in detail, soothing her husband who fights outside.

With the family book, this proves that the family members are safe and sound.

If the husband reaches the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted, he will be more concerned about his family members and will not go out and desperately.

If there is no homework, maybe the husband has a bad temper, and desperately fights the enemy to the end, and finally loses his life.

Qin Gong was too lazy to mention each other, lest he beware of the donkey.

He turned the subject to Xu Yanxiao, pretending to ask, "I heard that the daughter of Wen Gong, the old master, is now living in the government?"

The old lady nodded.

Qin Gong said, "Yesterday, Ben will listen to the soldiers returning, saying that it was a band of thousands of bandits who took advantage of our army to enter the Zhe County, looting and committing crimes. Even the letter Zhao Gongfu was hit by poison. For chewing, please ask your wife not to be disgusted. "

Suddenly, the old lady heard that it was nasty, and the bottom of her heart was not taste.

Qin Gong first mentioned Xu Yanxiao and said he was worried that the chewing on the house was not enough, and Bianer Bianer sent it for chewing. What does this mean?

Although Fu Shang was patronized by bandits, he was not too poor to expose the pot. Qin Gong was worried that she would be hungry for an orphan girl?

The old lady was displeased, and her face became even colder.

Qin Gong did not seem to see, and made a request to see Xu Yanxiao.

The old lady was even more angry.

This is to see for herself if she abuses the orphan?

Because the defense of men and women is not serious, Qin Gong is an old minister of Xu Fei, and Xu Yanxiao is still young. He cares about the old master ’s orphan and his daughter. Xu Yanxiao looked at Qin Gong and blushed, "Why are you here?"

"At the end of the day, he will set off for the South Expedition, taking advantage of the high momentum, and won the residual land boundary of Zhejiang County in one fell swoop." , So come and file a sentence. "

"Who is worried?" Xu Yanxiao added annoyance to her face, realizing that she said something heavy, and said with red ears, "Remember to come back."

Qin Gong nodded and stood up to leave after a while.

(End of this chapter)

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