The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1346: 1346: Raising a Daughter (2)

Chapter 1346 Chapter 1346: Training Daughters (2)

Fighting outside was so hot that people in the rear were largely unaffected.

In order to increase employment opportunities and reduce the disruption of law and order by the unemployed travellers in the country, Jiang Yanji carefully studied and paid for dozens of official roads. Two meals are provided to workers free of charge every day, and a certain amount of copper money subsidies are given according to the amount of labor. One linen will be subsidized throughout the year. If workers can complete the entire project in advance, participating workers can receive an additional ten days of rewards.

These official ways can not only facilitate the dispatch of soldiers during wartime, but also benefit the people in peacetime. For example, people can transport surplus fruits and vegetables to other places for sale and increase additional income. If it is left in the past, it will take 10 days and a half to walk the mountain road alone, and when the farmers pull the fruits and vegetables to reach their destination, the goods have already ran out, and now it only takes one day to arrive and the fruits and vegetables are fresh.

Jiang Yanji also encourages women to go out to work and support their families. In addition to the physical work of building roads, other positions suitable for women are also provided. Improving women's social status is not something that can be achieved in a moment, and it takes a long time to reverse the inherent impression.

For example, she knows that some women pay more for embroidery and weaving at home than their husbands who are migrant workers. However, these women's income can only be called "subsidy for the family" instead of "supporting the family." They all felt that they were not the ones to support the family, and it was the husband who propped up the whole family. It has become the norm to take the initiative to put yourself in a vulnerable position.

However, with Jiang Rongji's strong rise, this natural trend is slowly turning around, and it is a good phenomenon in the end.

There were occasional waves, but everything was moving in the direction she expected.

When the convoy escorting Huang Song and others crossed the Maruzhou border, everyone felt that the pervasive killing atmosphere in the air gradually faded, and replaced by a calm and peaceful atmosphere. Huang Song's anxious heart slowly calmed down and began to observe carefully Views along the road.

Huang Song was sitting in the carriage and reading a book, a snoring sound of an old cow came from his ear, and a strange smell came in.

He frowned, lifted the curtain and looked out, and saw a couple left and right following the old cow, and the cow sat with a baby girl in blue and white clothes on his back, and a diagonal bag . Huang Song thought it was her parents and daughter, and after listening carefully she realized that she was wrong.

This man was a hunter in a village in Marushu. His hair was called up to serve as a soldier. He died in battle two years ago.

The widow who became small became a widow. A widow had a hard time with her four-year-old daughter in the village. The man often offered help, and the two of them went to the right eye, then became a halfway husband and wife under the persuasion of the iceman. The man also regarded the young daughter as the biological flesh. Some time ago, he received news that the young orphan was selected to study at Jinlin College. The man couldn't sleep for days.

No, the couple are preparing to send their daughter to the college.

Despite being a baby girl, it is only talents who have the opportunity to study in this era.

Everyone said that he was blessed and raised this adoptive daughter with heart. Would he worry that she would not give herself an old age?

He thinks so too, when he has his own children in the future, his baby can also use his sister's book to learn a few words.

Outsiders don't have this benefit.

Huang Song also heard about Jinlin College, but he didn't pay too much attention to these years. He only knew that it was an enlightened private school.

Looking at it now, he felt that he was thinking wrong.

Huang Song lifted the curtain and asked the man with a smile, "This big brother, are you going to the market?"

The man heard someone shouting for himself, turned his head and looked for a long time, and saw Huang Song's convoy was so tightly guarded that his face was pale.

He trembled and said, "Not a cricket. Send the baby to school."

Huang Song asked them to come closer and say that this couple are ordinary people, how dare they be disobedient?

"Send a child to read?" Huang Song glanced at the girl riding on the cow's back. She was nervously clasping the bag of the messenger bag and opened her bright eyes. She was not cute, but there was a child-specific Energetic, "It's not easy and expensive to go to school this year."

The man tried to relax himself, and the guard guarding the carriage automatically gave way a little to make it easier for the man to approach.

"I am a shepherd in the state, and it won't take a few big boys--" The man shook his head, "Sent to school and eat well."

The official responsible for selecting children said that children eat and drink in the academy for free, and make clothes for free all year round.

Huang Song pretended to be surprised, "Is there such a good thing in the world?"

The man said, "Of course there is. The girls in the family at the head of the village have all studied for three years."

Huang Song asked a few more questions, and the men answered enthusiastically, some of them were clear and some were vague.

After all, it's a rural hunter who doesn't know a single character. He can simply express what he knows.

Huang Song turned his head and asked a question that was unexpected.

"... Listen to the elder brother's words, wouldn't anyone be unscrupulous and deliberately let his child replace the place for school?"

This kind of thing is not impossible. Some parents are very likely to rob the places of relatives' orphans for their children.

The man froze, angrily, "Which black-hearted dare to do this?"

Huang Song laughed, "Is it always possible to do anything, there is no preventive measure on this issue?"

Since it is to show gratitude, these benefits should really be carried out to the martyrs' orphans, otherwise it will be difficult to see them.

The man quickly waved his hand and said, "This won't happen, who dares to do so, and not afraid of being entangled by ghosts?"

Huang Song had doubts in his heart, but unfortunately the man didn't know much at the moment and couldn't help him.

He didn't know that Jiang Yanji had never seen people's hearts as beautifully. When she first formulated these benefits, she would consider all the places she could consider. A special person from the military barracks will visit each family regularly. If the adopted orphan family shows signs of child abuse, not only this family will be severely punished, but the abused child will also be sent to a special place to raise it.

Each child keeps a record, which is convenient for Jinlin College to select children of appropriate age. There is no way for outsiders to cheat.

Despite the huge amount of engineering, Jiang Yanji felt that these things were necessary.

The sun rose at noon, and the group finally arrived in Xiangyang County.

As soon as they entered the city, the couple took the old cow to ask for directions. The people immediately saw the clothes on the back of the cow and enthusiastically showed the way.

The elder who escorted Huang Song said, "Would you like to go straight home?"

There were only three people escorted this time, one was Huang Song, one was Cheng Jing, and one was windy, and they were just packed and shipped to Maruzhou.

The identities of the three are somewhat embarrassing. They cannot be regarded as prisoners, but they cannot be regarded as good people. They cannot be given freedom. There is some trouble in how to deal with them.

(End of this chapter)

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