The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1379: 1379: Nan Sheng, the Autumn of Troubled Times (5)

Chapter 1379 Chapter 1379: Nan Sheng, The Fall of the Chaotic World (5)

"Well-did that let the cooked duck fly?"

Jiang Yanji was a little reconciled, and she was determined to do Yang Tao, but Wei Ci told her that she couldn't do it, and she was really panicked.

Wei Ci laughed. "The protagonist said this was bad, not to watch the cooked ducks fly, just to watch them cook more well."

Jiang Yanji's eyes turned, and she smiled softly, "Zixiao's words are very satisfactory to me."

Wei Ci bowed his head slightly, and the radian of the lips raised slightly.

The **** asked, Yang Si and several other insiders to look coldly and hum in his heart.

A jio kicked this cold dog food!

Jiang Yanji had to adjust his plan, but Dow did not have this tacit understanding, still scratching his head and trying to get things done.

How can we stir up the relationship between the two princes and let them fight each other?

This problem is extremely challenging and stumbling a voter.

If Jiang Yanji was a male, they would be able to collect the most beautiful women in the world, imitate their predecessors, and come out with "a daughter Xu Erfu".

For men, the humiliation of Green Hat and the hatred of wives are more than anything.

However, Jiang Yanji is a woman and Yang Tao is a man. Unless one is a "kid guy" or a "ji guy", it won't work.

"It may not be possible, I heard that Liu Ye's children are not near male, and only women are waiting beside him." One of my dear brothers was amazing, he said, "That Yang Tao seems to be male-like ... He has no relationship with Yan Lin, the conspirator under the account. , The two married each other's younger sister as their wives, and they often sit together at the same table, lie down and lie down together, and sleep on their feet ... if there is nothing, I'm afraid it is impossible ...

After everyone listened, they were speechless for a long time.

It makes sense to refute!

Originally, they had to give up the "beauty plan". This man said that they were actually eager to try.

Compared to other strategies for cutting meat and bleeding, this "beauty plan" is cheap, cheap, and very cost-effective.

"It's wrong, it's wrong."

This operation is too fussy. What should I do if I accidentally capsize?

Many old antiques are more inclined to conventional operations, such as forging Yang Tao ’s soldiers across the border to kill and plunder the scriptures, such as forging Jiang Yanji ’s soldiers across the border to kill Yang Tao ’s people, thereby provoking contradictions between the two parties. In addition to disguise, they can also use financial resources to bribe Yang Tao's confidant ... There is no loyalty in the world that cannot be shaken by money ... Dow has money. As long as they have enough money, they can naturally draw Yang Tao's confidant. First pretend to surrender, sell Jiang Yanji's armament secrets, wait for the timing to sell Yang Tao, perfect!

This is the normal style of two sides and three swords, "beauty plan" or something, it is degrading Sven.

Surprisingly, in the end this "beauty plan" prevailed.

Dow people: "..."

Choose "beauty plan", the reason is naturally not the most showy of this operation, just because the best concealment and practicality.

If it is done in a conventional way and framed, as long as the leaders of the two parties are not stunned by anger, they can quickly find them by following clues, which is too risky. It's better to use a beauty measure, not many people handle it, and the confidentiality is naturally strong.

Even if something happens, you will be able to abandon the "beauty" and leave yourself alone and retire.

How does it work?

The Dow people set their sights on the person who brought up this operation.

Since it was you who proposed it, let's implement it!

What is a "beauty plan"?

Raise his chaos to mystify, enter the United States ** voice to confuse.

In short, the use of beauty as a sugar-coated cannonball disintegrates the enemy's will and renders it ineffective.

In view of the different genders of Yang Tao and Jiang Yanji, and their sexual orientation becoming fascinated, the conventional "beauty plan" may not work.

"Beauty plan" has to change!

He made people look for portraits of Yang Tao, Yan Lin, and Jiang Yanji. All three are public figures, and the portraits are not secret.

Yang Tao has a broad-bodied temperament. He often fights with ordinary soldiers. Yan Lin is not a high-cold male **** who refuses to travel thousands of miles. Not to mention Jiang Yanji, let alone the entire Maruju, the entire Xiangyang County Last name, who doesn't know her face?

All three belong to people who often brush their faces in front of ordinary people, and naturally there are many portraits flowing out.

The man took the portraits of the three men, and also came across the "personal evidence" of the three men.

Barely found a substitute with five or six points.

Dress up a little, practice your manners, and draw scoops according to the gourd. Despite the lack of charm, the appearance is similar.

Because they were found according to their looks, the three were of different origins and ages.

If you don't speak, you can deceive unfamiliar people. When you speak, you will reveal flaws.

The man gave the three of them a generous sum of money, signed a deed of death, and bought out his life. "Whatever you want, you do what you should not do. Otherwise, your family can only hold Go to Lord Yan with silver and enjoy the blessing. "

The three shivered.

Facing the coercion of power, how can there be any other way out than compromise?

Considering the silver given by their family and each other, the three knew that their future was slim, and they still had to bite the bullet.

The other party sent the substitutes exactly like Yang Tao and Yan Lin to Maruju, and the people exactly like Jiang Yanji to Zhangzhou.

It is worth mentioning that all three are men, including people who resemble Jiang Yanji.

"Can this be done?"

Dow and others looked at it, and he was worried.

"Naturally it works."

"Well, look at the suspension. Those three ... so crude, how can they afford this heavy task?"

What are the three people from the backcountry or the backyard who used to provoke two princes to fight each other?

No one wants to take a closer look when they take off their clothes!

Not to mention the ability to learn, that is, talking and manners are not comparable to genuine one finger.

When they saw three counterfeit goods talking, their potty and worn yellow teeth were exposed, not to mention the drama.

They couldn't imagine Yang Tao, Yan Lin, or Jiang Yanji, all three of them spoke with missing big yellow teeth.

That's all. The three of them have strong accents, bad breath, and they must have a good face.

It started with face value, and finally yellow teeth and bad breath.

"The mountain people have their own tricks!"

Dow and others could not help but roll their eyes in secret.

They want to see what kind of tricks this product can play?

Jiang Yanji, who was following them closely, was also curious and moved to the small bench to wait for the show to begin.

"I remember, Hanmei has seen Zhengze and Shaoyang?"

Jiang Yanji held the seeds and looked at Li Yan with a smile.

Li Ye was unclear, so honestly, "The end general has indeed seen it."

Jiang Yanji said, "I've been busy training in the past few days. You remember to go around the city gates and see if anyone who looks like them appears."

Li Yanran, "How could they ... appear in Marushu?"

Jiang Yanji said, "I haven't said that it is genuine, it is said to be high imitation! I just don't know if imitation looks like--"

Li Yan couldn't understand the meaning of "genuine" and "high imitation", so he could only stumble on it.

What the protagonist says is what.

Rarely she is in a good mood, so coax.

The protagonist is in a good mood, looking for something less, and his own Waner will be able to accompany him earlier from work.

Alas, this is probably the sadness of the dual staff.

Thinking of Yang Si, he felt healed a lot.

Happiness is comparable.

(End of this chapter)

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