The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1389: 1389: Nan Sheng, the Autumn of Troubled Times (15)

Chapter 1389 Chapter 1389: Nan Sheng, Autumn of the Chaotic Times (15)

"Although Nanban is ferocious, it is not without any value." Lu Zheng said unpleasantly, "the main force is not dominant among the princes. It would be a great help to domesticate these captives and let them charge the main public. They are unwilling to use it for their father, and these strong and barbarous people are also a rare labor. Quarrying and paving roads and reclaiming barren fields ... these all require manpower. "

In troubled times, it does not mean that if you can fight, you can dominate the world. You also need to build and manage. The poor soldiers are not the right way.

Killing captives is the next best thing.

Unless there are special circumstances, such as the lack of food and grass in our army, we have to kill the captives, otherwise, under normal circumstances, captives are used to squeeze surplus value as cheap labor. Whatever the physical strength is, arrange what they do, and exchange the cheapest investment for the most lucrative returns.

In addition to killing the captives, the result is that the future enemy will die unyieldingly. Anyway, surrender is also dead, but it is better to die to the end.

In addition to stimulating the emotions of the enemy's deadly battle, is there any other significance?

"You don't need to teach these truths." [Ge Lin] After listening, a cold smile appeared on the corners of his lips. "You are from Dongqing, and the North Xinjiang Army was strangled by Liu Ye before raging everywhere. Of course you can't feel the same ... Nansheng people, who doesn't hate the Nanban thieves? The Nanban thieves are the biggest disrespect to the dead! It ’s hard to say that killing 50,000 captives today, even if they are 500,000 captives, will not be softened. Your father and son have not been attacked by the Nanban thieves. You cut your head and hang it on your horse, and your mother and wife have not been insulted and ridiculed by the South Barbarian gangsters. You have not experienced this, how can you know the hatred of the country and the family? "

[Ge Lin] These remarks can be regarded as humiliating. Rao Zheng cannot help but get angry.

"Hua Yuan!" He sighed angrily.

[Ge Lin] sarcastically said, "It's just a few words, you get angry ..."

Lu Zheng didn't find out, the other side's eyes showed a slight killing intention.

Without waiting for him to move, Yang Tao yelled at Lu Zheng across the distance, [Ge Lin] glanced at Lu Zheng unwillingly.

In between, [Ge Lin] was offline in seconds, and the master's personality was pushed out.

Yang Tao looked at the back of Hua Yuan's departure and frowned, "Mr. Lu needs to pay more attention."

Lv Zheng is unknown. So, "What does Zheng Zegong mean?"

Yang Tao said, "Just now, that man was killing you. If I didn't shout, I'm afraid ..."

He didn't say this to provoke alienation.

Yang Tao is brave and upright. He has many things, but he has too few eyes.

Lu Zheng shrank his pupils and hesitated, "After all, he is a colleague. How dare he dare to kill?"

Yang Tao said, "It's hard to say. That Huayuan feels strange, like it suddenly changed."

According to his understanding, Hua Yuan is a standard scholar, and riding and shooting is not good. Where can he be murderous?

That kind of murderous force can only be obtained by a warrior who has been on the battlefield for several years.

Lu Zheng didn't say that Hua Yuan was distracted and crazy, but he also became vigilant. After all, the behavior of the lunatic cannot be measured by common sense.

This victory became the watershed in the battle between the Barbarian Allies and the South Barbs.

The former is getting stronger and stronger, and the latter is gradually losing ground.

Each time they failed, there were thousands of young and captive prisoners in the Nanbu Four, and they died without exception.

As the war entered a feverish stage, what Lu Zheng was most worried about happened.

Because of the attitude of the Allied forces towards the captives, it has inspired the determination of the four deadly battles in Nanman.

With a large number of young men dying, barbaric women and young children also came to the front, which actually caused the Allies to stop.

Forgiveness is so, the allied princes still insist on their own way, insisting on the decision to kill the captives.

Yang Tao did intend to oppose it, but more than half of the people in his account were Nan Sheng people. As the principal, he couldn't ignore their opinions.

In just two months, the nearly killed Nanman prisoners were close to 150,000.

In the blink of an eye, it was midsummer.

The vicious sun caused the Allied soldiers to suffer, but the formerly weak Nanman IV was fighting more and more bravely.

The balance originally tilted towards the Allies was slowly tilted towards the south.

Yan Lin is not very optimistic about the current situation.

"Under this situation, the Allies continue to do their own thing, and will definitely usher in the counterattack of the Nanman Division-"

Yang Tao's expression was dignified. "It's hard to say ... in these battles, the Allied casualties have skyrocketed, which is extremely detrimental to our army."

The combat style of the Nanban IV was already fierce, and now it has a "beg to death" buff bonus, and its combat power has skyrocketed.

This resulted in a very embarrassing situation-Nanman IV, which was so badly injured, was even more difficult to deal with than before.

Sometimes Yang Tao couldn't figure it out. What did the Allies do?

Killing the Nanban captives to avenge the people of Nansheng, but they filled in more innocent lives.

Allied bad luck did not stop there. After a thunderstorm, some soldiers developed symptoms such as headache, nausea, nausea, and diarrhea. At first, the medics thought that a small number of soldiers were dissatisfied. In the past few days, more and more soldiers were ill, and even soldiers died of diarrhea. Everyone realized that something was wrong, but the disease had spread and many people were hit trick……

As a last resort, the sick soldiers could only be gathered in one place to take care of them. As a result, their condition did not improve a little, and soldiers died every day.

No one knows where the source of the epidemic is!

No, one may know.

Hua Yuan leaned against the tent to avoid the heat, and her cold eyes seemed to quench the venom, and the temperature of the surrounding air was lower than elsewhere.

If Lu Zheng were here, he would know that this colleague had lost his heart and went crazy again.

Yes, the personality on the line today is the "brother" of the deity Huayuan, who pitted Huang Song with millions of stone grains.

"Sir, the students have finished reading."

In addition to himself in Huayuan's tent, there is also An Xun's sister-in-law, a well-regarded young master.

The boy looked at Hua Yuan with a little hesitation in his eyes, "Sir, there is something unknown about the student ..."

Hua Yuan Yuguang looked at him and asked, "What is it?"

"In recent days, the epidemic in the camp has been rampant. Students think that this epidemic is related to the Allied drinking water?" The boy hesitantly said, "Not only has a large-scale epidemic emerged in our army, but similar incidents have also occurred in the Nanban tribe. Symptoms ... "

If this were not the case, the Nanman Fourth Division had already taken advantage of the gap in the damage of the Allied forces.

"How do you think so?" Hua Yuan asked.

"Previously, the students followed the husband to discuss the alliance with the Lanting public in Dongqing." The teenager said, "The students found that the drinking water in the other camp was boiled before drinking, and the food was also cooked after hot water. The wounded barracks side The water used to clean up the wounds of soldiers has been boiled repeatedly ... The student asked curiously, and the other party said that this is a rule made by Lanting. Because there is something dark in the water, although it is not visible to the naked eye, it is harmful to the human body. Once the shadowy It is very easy for plague to enter the human body through the population ... "

Hua Yuan gave a sigh of relief.

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(End of this chapter)

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