The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1493: 1493: Nieliang attacked Yang Tao, the sword pointed to the world (32)

Chapter 1493 Chapter 1493: Fa Nieliang attacked Yang Tao, and the sword pointed to the world (32)

There is more than one Berning who wants to make a contribution, and the five million salted fish in the live broadcast also want to add a foot.

[Pulse activation]: Make a plan to make a character, begging for a "dream back to the millennium" adventure.

[I want to be a school tyrant]: I searched for a long time, and suddenly saw the content of Qi Dan Tian Dan setting off a fire in the Warring States Period. I felt there was a drama. Should the anchor also try a thousand cows? His horns were tied with knives, his tails were tied with hay and lit, and thousands of cattle rushed to the enemy camp.

[Smuggling in non-Emirates]: Save it, don't make a fool. You also want to use this idea to slap character, for fear that you will never have an adventure in your next life.

Big guys are big guys, and when he speaks, he is an expert.

[Ghost Talent Guo Fengxiao]: The Fire Niu Zhen heard unclear, in fact, the feasibility is very low. If you remember correctly, in the civil war before the founding of the People's Republic, both parties also tried the fire ox, but the effect was very poor, because the frightened cattle would never rush towards the enemy. Horns tied with a knife? Watch out for the knife on yourself. Fire Niu Zhen? Might as well get a bull array directly, the feasibility is higher.

After all, animals can't understand humans, and it's even less likely that they will be banned like soldiers.

Although there are records of the fire ox formation in history, the history cannot be trusted, and the actual operation difficulty must be considered.

If you can't make a plan, you can make another plan.

[Self-cultivation of Xuezhu]: The fire is not good, then we can learn to learn from our wife, Cao, and the night raid on the nest of the classic battle of Guandu. The anchor sent soldiers to attack their logistic silos. As long as they burned their food, this battle would be a good fight.

[Musician Zhuge Qinmo]: Oh, do you know where Nie Liang's logistics granary is?

The salty fishes were so keen to "suggest ideas" just because Jiang Yanji's gift to the upper emperor made them collective fryers.

The Ou Huang is simply not decent. If someone is treated as a 5 million lottery winner, the other Ou Huang is worth five yuan.

People are more mad than people!

The Ou emperor has not yet held a wedding, but has already released wedding photos online.

Spend high prices on expensive custom-made fabrics, and ask professional veteran tailors to customize wedding dresses, one-to-one like the dresses of Liu Zhao's wedding. A complete set of head and face jewelry, there are more than 20 pieces scattered, all put on and then put on wedding dress to make up makeup, it is envy everyone!

The emperor also added a sentence.

[This will be a family heirloom in the future. Women are not passed on to men, and I hope that my future daughter will be beautiful. 】

Ou Huang drank the photo, and the salty fish downstairs identified her mother-in-law.

Because of the encounter with the emperor, the salted fish were more enthusiastic about "dreaming back to the millennium".

I don't know who said that speaking more in the live room can increase the winning rate, and the number of barrage has doubled in recent days.

The salted fish tried their best to "suggest ideas", but Jiang Yanji did not accept any of them. The advice given by Berning was somewhat feasible.

The people discussed and came up with an approximate battle plan.

As the so-called mountains are not just me, I will be mountains, what can Nie Liang keep curling up?

The day-to-day battlefield can't make them hurt their bones, so they can only make an idea in the night.

Jiang Yanji originally rejected the suggestion of a night attack, but after the improvement of Park Ning, the night attack was a way out.

As is known to all, Park Ning did firecracker business before following Jiang Yanji. The ancestral craftsmanship is very secure.


On this night, the camp was still calm and the patrol soldiers returned to work normally. The bonfire outside the camp occasionally made one or two popping sounds.

Because Nie Liang was unwell, Nie Qing took the initiative to take on trivial military affairs and help his father share the pressure as much as possible. Occasionally, he could ask his father-in-law for advice. With Wei Wei's careful guidance, Nie Qing was a clever man who knew a little bit, and soon got started.

He was busy, and Nie Yang was still idle.

"I don't know what you're taboo about, so I can't believe you for my brother?"

Nie Qing knew why Nie Yang was unwilling to get involved in military affairs. It was because Nie Yang was the grandson of Sanfang. Now Nie Liang, who is in power by Nie, is the eldest son of Wufang. Nie Yang is worried that he may cause Nie Liang's suspicion and dislike if he has too much military power. After all, Nie ’s internal contradictions are very deep. Old Nie ’s grandfather refuses to accept the old. The big guys feel that they are qualified to control Nie ’s. Dislike.

Thinking of this, Nie Qing couldn't help chuckling.

Although he and Nie Yang are cousins, they have a better relationship than their brothers. How can he arrogantly distrust his brother?

Nie Yang rolled over lazily, and he said, "No, the younger brother is mediocre, and still doesn't disturb his brother."

Nie Qing put the lamp closer, and scrambled to read the tablet with slightly sore eyes.

When he finished processing the batch, Yu Guang saw Nie Yang finished eating the whole two plates of pastry, but shook his head helplessly.

"Don't eat too much at night, it's easy to accumulate nausea. How old you are, you don't even notice this."

Nie Qing had to be stunned again, and Nie Yang was agitated to prepare for the chanting.

Nie Qing is good, but it's a bit uncomfortable to manage it too much.

As he said, there was a rush of footsteps from the outside camp, "The newspaper--"

Nie Qingdao, "What is it?"

The commander said, "An enemy figure was found in the southeast camp."

For a moment, the word "night attack" came to Nie Qing's minds.

"Order everywhere to guard against enemy forces." Nie Qing asked again, "how many enemies are there?"

The commander was certainly not clear, but he was sure that the size of the enemy army was not large, at most not more than a thousand people.

The night raid of a thousand people was not enough for Nie Ying, who was holding more than 200,000 troops.

"What can more than a thousand people and horses do? Not to mention it was discovered by our army. It was a night attack, but rather a self-death." Nie Yang pretended to analyze in a different place, and then guessed, "brother, maybe the enemy will There are other soldiers and horses, are they fighting against each other? "

Although the system made him feel itchy, he had to admit that having such a guy is equivalent to having clairvoyance and ears.

According to system feedback, the enemy army has a total of 3,000 troops, divided into three channels, each with thousands of people.

The soldiers and horses that passed the command of the soldiers might be the fog bombs that attracted their attention, and the enemies also kept their backs.

Nie Qingsu Rong said, "This matter needs to be reported immediately without delay."

He had just stepped out of the camp and found a fire in a certain direction.

Is this ... the enemy attacked?

Before he could finish his thoughts, there was a series of sounds of firecrackers blowing.

It seems that in order to cater to these two incidents, another sneak attack occurred, and the enemy fired hundreds of rockets into the Nie camp.

Wei Wei was so angry that he didn't scold anyone.

"What do night soldiers do, why are no enemies within 50 feet of the camp?"

The range of the arrows is limited. Even if it is a long-range crossbow, if you want to shoot the rocket into the camp, you must get close enough.

Such a short distance was not found, Wei Wei almost vomited blood.

The soldiers guarding the outskirts of the camp were also aggrieved.

They didn't see anyone, they didn't find any enemies until the fire was on.

_ (: з 」∠) _Kavan has got Kavan, I'm sad, there are two more left.

(End of this chapter)

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