The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1500: 1500: Nieliang attacked Yang Tao, sword pointed at the world (39)

Chapter 1500 Chapter 1500: Fa Nieliang Attacks Yang Tao, Sword Refers to the World (39)

Sun Wen withdrew his hand and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. "Jin Wudong's fall of the capital is against common sense. The protagonist dreams of barrenness and hunger and starvation everywhere. Maybe it is a sign that troubled times are coming. In the desperation, a god-man gave a book. It just so happens to cater to 'liveliness' ... "

Jiang Yanji listened to Sun Wen's honest lie for her, and was very satisfied. She did not pretend that she was fighting so fiercely today.

However, Parkin responded quickly, he said, "The general will hear that the women's camp generals practice the physical training also passed down by the protagonist, can you say ..."

Jiang Yanji laughed, "I did improve it based on the god-man's book, because I found that the original version can only be practiced by me. Once an ordinary woman cultivates, not only is it not good, but she is in danger of exploding. I changed it slightly, and the effect Doesn't seem to be bad either-- "

Several people were persuaded.

Not only because the person who said this is Jiang Yanji, but also because of the female camp soldiers, that is real evidence.

Women's camps are not large, but their physical fitness is similar to that of young men. Some are excellent and can surpass them.

In addition, they have a continuous set of fighting techniques.

If ordinary men do not practice martial arts, two or three may not be able to win a female soldier.

Parkin was still surprised. They turned out to be a complement of the three-point yang that was congenitally missing.

The salted fish listened to Jiang Yanji's fool, and gave her a thumbs up secretly.

What is the highest state of lying?

It is natural to pinch countless lies together and turn them into truths that others cannot refute.

[Smuggling in Africa]: Watching the anchor lied seriously, I really believed her evil.

[Fireworks on the other side]: The anchor cannot be regarded as a complete liar, at least that exercise is really useful. A few days ago, there was not a hot search, saying that it was a dying martial arts hall hanging sheep's head selling dog meat, saying it was teaching martial arts, and it turned out to be the anchor's body training.

Male students have made progress, but not as fast as female students. One female student beat four or five groups of salty pigs on the street?

Speaking of this hot search, the salted fish all remembered.

The cause of the incident was that the female student took a bus and encountered four or five idle salty pigs who were touching the buttocks and trying to take off the **** under her short skirt. The salty pigs even knelt down and called their father and mother. If it wasn't for someone to call the police in time, the police would save the dogs' lives, fearing that they would be beaten into the ICU by a bad-tempered female student.

Finally, it was found out that the female student was underage and had studied martial arts for five years. Usually, she only consulted with the students in the martial arts hall, so she didn't care about what she did.

As soon as the report came out, the martial arts became a celebrity.

There was a constant stream of parents enrolling, and the issue of selling dog meat by others could not be covered. The owner was cleaned up by netizens.

Think about that hot search, and then listen to Jiang Yanji's words, the female salted fish eagerly tried, the male salted fish shivered.

[Kill Matt Lee 4]: Baby QAQ, do not want to marry a weakened moderator as a wife, is there any way to survive domestic violence?

[Dung Sea Madness]: Is it too late for me to apologize to my wife with a washboard? It ’s true that my wife has been a fan of her since she started broadcasting the live broadcast. I feel that I ’m flustered in private to learn what kind of bodybuilding techniques—no wonder, I had to slap me with mineral water. Auntie Jiao, yesterday the elevator broke down, she actually climbed the fifth floor with a gas tank!

[Smuggling in Africa]: It's cold, can't afford it, don't struggle. Don't mess with your wife in the future, domestic violence will kill you.

[Floating peanut candy]: It's time to set up a "women's and men's protection organization" to protect the poor **** men who have been domesticated ...

The salted fish chattered, but Jiang Yanji remembered their joke.

She just lied and said that "when a woman is created, she lacks three points of yang, and needs to practice to make up for it", but it is to lay the foundation for the future.

To improve the status of women, it is not enough for women to take power alone. After all, too few women can climb to the position of power, and they have physical drag on themselves. In terms of the current farming society, it is impossible to get closer to men in terms of production, and improving their status is empty words.

Either science and technology are developed enough to change the mode of social production and liberate manpower from the field, people naturally have the energy to care about human rights. If you ca n’t even get enough food and clothing, what are human rights and gender equality? Either enhance the competitiveness of labor production.

Jiang Yanji intends to focus on the latter while developing technology to advance the former.

For her, human resources are gender-neutral, and it is a shame to waste human resources.

She lied to cast a layer of mythology on the practice of physical training, and it will be much simpler to promote the whole people in the future.

For women, practicing this is not only to bridge the physical gap with men, but also helps fertility and reduce the chance of dystocia. The medical technology in this era is too backward. Women marry early, and the first childbearing age is generally concentrated at the age of sixteen or seven. The body is not yet fully developed, and the probability of difficult or miscarriage is extremely high. After giving birth to a mother, she walks halfway through the ghost gate.

If the practice of physical training can reduce the difficulty and pain of fertility and reduce death, isn't it a good thing?

Jiang Yanji returned home with victory. The soldiers looked at her not as if they were looking at people, but as if they worshiped God with their eyes.

Nie Liang's heavy rain that burned the Zhanjiang Pass, his arrows stopped in midair today, and everything indicated that Jiang Yanji was destined to be the Heavenly Son.

Don't look at them always saying "the child doesn't speak strangely and strangely." There is really a spiritual event that they believe faster than anyone.

After the triumph, the **** sent a secret letter to Jiang Yanji.

"Where did it come from?" Jiang Yanji said again at the look of the paragraph, "How is the fight over there? Still stuck?"

Because of the communication inconvenience, this letter from Jiang Yanji was actually an old news more than a month ago.

"A mountain ghost grants shipbuilding magic?"

The **** smiled and said with a smile, "It seems that the protagonist is really the one who destined to return."

One after another, "Divine Dependent", what is not the Son of the Chosen?

Jiang Yanji laughed, "Let's get this out. It's best to make everyone know that Nie Liang is so angry."

Today's "miracle" and the defeat of Nie Jun are enough for Nie Liang to drink a pot.

Jiang Yanji was about to leave. Seeing the **** let the words stop, he asked, "Is there any evidence?"

"It's true." The **** gave way, "Since the protagonist is the son of destiny, he is naturally proficient in the gods ..."

Jiang Yanji laughed secretly when the **** let a serious liar.

Someone else was confused by her, but she was told by the eunuch, and she was superstitious for no reason.

I thought so, but said, "That's true."

The **** flashed a glimmer of gloom through the eyes, and every word seemed to be poisoned.

"That being the case, why doesn't the protagonist reveal a little of God's will, telling the world that Nie Liangshou is near?"

Jiang Yanji: "..."

Documentary evidence, you are really more and more showy!

Tong Jiuyi, He Ruxiu?

_ (: з 」∠) _ There are still three votes left. It seems that it is appropriate to break two hundred before the early morning. But because it's too late, Shiitake will release a chapter first and make up four chapters tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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