The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1513: 1513: Nie Liang attacked Yang Tao, the sword pointed to the world (52)

Chapter 1513 1513: Nie Liang attacked Yang Tao, the sword pointed to the world (52)

Nie Qing also asked curiously, "How do you know what's on the third row of Father-in-law's bookshelf?"

Emperor Europe, "I said it blindly, but it felt like something was being said ..."

Nie Qing: "..."

Wei Yi stepped forward a few steps, put her right hand on the hilt of the sword, and pulled out the sharp sword. Both Emperor Ou and Nie Qing secretly said "My life is off".

"Master Father-in-law, wait!"

Ou Huang raised her hand to stop the other side from approaching, her expression full of nervousness.

She swallowed the saliva carefully, "Master Father-in-law, don't do it, Xiaoyao do it yourself, don't be tired of you."

Nie Qing also said just now that even if he is dead, he must not die in the hands of Wei Ai. Ou Huang feels quite justified.

Fan Chenhu glanced at Wei Wei suspiciously and asked him, "When did Nie Yang become Zishun's son-in-law?"

Wei Wei also said, "I'm also curious, how did this father-in-law come?"

Originally Wei Wei suspected that the people who had left these strange words were related to Nie Qing, but after seeing a real person, she felt that she was stunned.

Fan Chen asked again, "What's on the third row of your bookshelf?"

Wei Zheng glanced at him coldly, seeing Fan Chen inexplicably cold, "He talks nonsense, do you believe it?"

Fan Chen: "..."

It wasn't that he wanted to believe it, it was because of Wei's reaction that he had to believe it, and now he was curious and scratching his lungs.

Wei Zheng's eyes turned to Ou Huang, and the cold and murderous eyes saw Ou Huang and Nie Qing shudder in the dark.

"Bring people back for questioning."

Fan Chen asked him, "Don't directly kill Yishu?"

Wei Ho head did not return to the tunnel, "Can't kill yet."

Emperor Ou was **** by many flowers. Because the rope was very tight, she even shouted for pain and heard that Fan Chen was impatient.

When the person was taken to the camp, Ou Huang was pushed by violence and fell to the ground. Her tears came out in pain, and her heart was aggrieved!

"who are you?"

Wei Zhengping retreated, leaving him, Ou Huang and Fan Chen at the scene.

"I've called your father-in-law, who do you say I am? Your son-in-law ..." She was about to complain. Jiang Yanji sent her a text, and she continued, "No, precisely this body It ’s your son-in-law. I said, can you have the least respect for Shan Gui? I saved your son-in-law and the eldest son of your old master. That ’s how you treated the life-saving benefactor? ”

Wei Yan sneered, and he was most impatient of what he said.

Ou Huang resolutely calmed down and said, "I was a mountain ghost cultivated in the mountains. I came out to play yesterday and found the camp village was so enchanting. I came to see it with curiosity. I didn't expect to see a good show. The one named Nie Yang Someone gave Yi son-in-law to your son-in-law, using this technique to change the appearance of the two. Now, Nie Yangtang and the emperor have occupied your son-in-law's identity, and your son-in-law has carried a gangster for him! "

"Do you have evidence?"

Ou Huang said with a stubborn neck, "No evidence, but you will kill me. I only hope that you will be calm when you see the son-in-law dying under your sword. I am a mountain monster, invisible and invisible. If this body is dead, I am at best away from my soul, but your son-in-law is not so lucky. "

Fan Chen listened for a long while, and was shocked at first, then shocked.

"Are you strange?"

The emperor Ou pointed out from Jiang Ji's remote instructions, "Your forgetfulness is so great, isn't it that the queen after the annihilation of the kingdom is wood-like? There are ideal fairies who can run to become queens. Can't the divided mountain ghosts come out to do good deeds? "

The queen demon queen is a matter of wooden puppets. Many people think that it is the people's blind pass, but Wei Chen Fan Chen and others have news channels. The demon queen really turned from a living person into a wood-made puppet.

Emperor Ou reluctantly calmed down and continued to repeat the words of Jiang Yanji.

"I'm so unlucky, how good it is to practice squatting in the mountains, but it's hard to find a trip but I encounter bad things, and I am involved in the dispute between the princes of the world, and one accidentally contaminates endless cause and effect." She broke a jar. Expressing his fearlessly to Wei Wei, "Nie Yang in your mouth seems to be linked to the evil demon, I don't know where to get it, Yi Rongdan. Everything is justified, as long as a person dies, Yi Rongdan's effectiveness will disappear. But try to be true or false? Anyway, I am not afraid of death, your son-in-law has only one life. "

Wei's sword-shaking hand was shaking, and his heart was erratic.

"You just left the text?"

"I asked boy Nie Qing, he told me to write. Since you don't know if you should believe it, why not give him a chance to defend himself?"

Wei Zheng asked again, "I'm talking, may he hear?"

Ou Huang felt relieved, and the anchor showed Ma Dingliang, who seemed to frighten Wei Wei.

"He can hear, if you want to ask something, I can tell you."

"If what you say is true, I will treat you as a benefactor. If there is falseness, you will be clear in the end."

Emperor Ou glanced at Jiang Yanji and sent her another barrage. She was excited, "Okay, our mountain ghosts don't like causality with mortals, especially those who are involved in the world. I save Nie Qing's life, you remember Best regards, silver and silver goods. "

Wei Yan sank and asked several questions.

For example, where did the worshiper worship, what did the two say, what did Nie Liang say when he brought his son to worship, what promises were privately promised when Nie Qing married the eldest daughter of Wei ... Nature, very few people know. Even if Nie Yang and Nie Qing intersect each other, these little things are impossible to know.

In order to prevent accidents, Wei also deliberately set traps.

For example, he asked Nie Qing what books were on the bookshelf in the southwest corner of his study. In fact, there were only a few pianos in the southwest corner and no bookshelf.

Nie Qing replied one by one, and Ou Huang recounted one by one.

Wei Zheng became more and more frightened, and Fan Chen on the side was pale.

"Do you believe it now?" Ou Huang made a stab in Wei's heart. "You almost killed your daughter-in-law."

Wei Zheng used the tip of the sword to lift the thick rope away, and the emperor finally regained his freedom.

"I can only maintain six hours with a mortal. After six hours, Nie Qing will regain control of the body."

Fan Chen asked, "Is there a way to eliminate Yi Rongdan's effectiveness and let the young master return to his original appearance?"

Ou Huang shrugged. "No way, I don't know."

"If the fairy can help the young master return, great grace and great virtue, don't forget it."

Where does Ou Huang know? When secretly anxious, Jiang Yanji showed him the clear way, "You have asked for it, but there is a way."

"any solution?"

"You grabbed Nie Yang and gave it to Liu Ye. The sword in Liu Ye's hands can cut off the evil spirits in the world. That evil spirit is in possession of Nie Yang's body." Ou Huangdao, "As long as you help Nie Yang's evil spirit, Yi Rong Dan's effectiveness will naturally be lifted. Of course, although I am a mountain ghost, I have heard mortals fight fiercely, Liu Ye is your enemy. However, there are trade-offs in everything. In the end, it is Nie Yangju who takes possession of Nest, so that Nie Qing can't see the light in his life, or tolerate humiliation for a while, and let Liu Ye help you remove the demon, you choose. "

Wei Yan shivered after hearing it, and almost did not stand still.

He sarcastically said, "Liu Yan, really destiny? All the strangers in the world have helped her do it?"

Ou Huang wanted to answer "of course", but Jiang Yanji sent a barrage.

"That's not good. Whoever got the last in the world is who destined to return to," she laughed. "I said, mountain ghosts are not easy to practice, and can't affect the change of the emperors of the world at will. Such a huge cause and effect. Can afford it ... Believe it or not, you choose. "

Fan Chen said, "This is also true, if the mountains and the ghosts all help Liu Ye, where will the Savior."

The more Nie's chaos, the greater the benefits of Jiang Yanji, if Nie Qing returned, it would be harmful to her.

Baby goes to the gym. See you in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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