The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1523: 1523: Nieliang attacked Yang Tao, the sword pointed to the world (sixty-two)

Chapter 1523 1523: Fa Nieliang attacked Yang Tao, the sword pointed to the world (sixty-two)

Yang Tao laughed, "If so, everyone in the Zhao family can't justify themselves even with their mouths full ... Well, why bother?"

Although there was revenge for killing his father, Yang Tao has not suppressed Zhao's behavior in these years, at most, to prevent them from jumping up.

Zhao's status in Zhangzhou is not as good as before. Anyway, he has no worries and can still live.

Now, in order to seek a further future, when the two willows in Yangliu fought, Zhao's betrayed one side and took refuge in the other side, and used the war as a capital to climb the ladder and promotion. Fall in the sky, into a mud?

They really looked at Yang Tao's dissatisfaction, and that was when Yang Tao was defeated before he gave his arms to the enemy.

So can't wait, plainly still greedy.

How does the icing on the cake compare to giving charcoal in the snow?

Yan Lin sneered, "Everyone has his own life, and the Zhao family is overthrown. That's why they blame themselves."

In a troubled world, it is wrong to not stand in the team, it is also wrong to stand in the wrong team. I really blame Zhao for his shortsightedness and bad luck.

Whether Jiang Yanji or other princes, they all hate the capricious villain from the heart.

Yan Lin killed the Zhao clan by Jiang Yanji's hand, which is also their end.

Yang Tao looked coldly at what happened to Zhao, but Zhao and others didn't think so.

"When Yang Tao collapses, I can wait for the sharp blade on my neck to finally set aside."

Since Yang Tao's rise again, the Zhao family has been trembling, for fear that one day he would think of killing and exterminating the clan.

At this time, he turned to Jiang Yanji and presented the map of Kun, which is crucial to the battle. Do they need to worry about Zhao's future? After the post-war commentary on merit, Zhao's can also rank high. In the future, they will not say anything about covering the sky in Zhangzhou, which is also a giant.

"Yang Tao ’s children have a deep background in Zhangzhou, and the soldiers and horses are the elite sailors left by Yang Ye. Patriarch, you said they ..." The confidant showed a little worried expression, and said, "Although Liu Ye is strong, he fights on the road Fighting against the water can't be compared. "

"It's nothing to worry about."

The clan Zhao is very confident in Jiang Yanji.

According to the hidden line inserted by Zhao Shi in the Shuizhai Village and compiled, Jiang Yanji's account of the sailor is very good. He can't see the persuasion of the northern dry ducks facing the river. If they engage in water warfare, even if they are not as powerful as Yang Tao, they can win by quantity.

They also presented Kun maps, and their odds soared by at least 30%!

Zhao Shi and others were dreaming beautifully, but they did not know that disaster had already come.

A few days later, several bad news came to the ears of Feng Zhen and others.

After Feng Zhen and Yang Si discussed, they dispatched 30,000 sailors and divided them into three paths. They went down the river and attacked three key points in Zhangzhou, preparing to hit the enemy by surprise. Unexpectedly, the good news did not come back, but the news that the sailor had been attacked by the enemy was returned, and the casualties were not clear.

"Enemies raid?"

Feng Zhen's hand trembled, the pen in his hand fell on the desk case, and the ink was blackened.

He hurriedly walked to the sand table and glanced at the place where our army was attacked. No matter how he analyzed, there was no ambush in this water area. The water area was wide and the field of vision was wide. Where did the enemy come from and attack? Fall from the sky?

But there is nothing wrong with your own report, so ...

This means that there is something wrong with your own intelligence!

There was a possibility in his mind, and the blue forehead rose with his anger.

"Quickly go through the details one by one."

Feng Zhen squeezed one corner of the sand table with one hand, and his fingers became white due to excessive force.

It was said that Feng was so angry that Feng Feng really moved. Wherever he dared to neglect, his speech speed doubled.

Feng Zhen stared at the Kun Yu map presented by Zhao's eyes. Two clusters of flames ignited under his eyes, and it seemed to burn the picture out of his eyes.

"Send support, if you can catch up, order Pioneer Marine to turn around and return!"

This is the disadvantage of the backward communication news. If real-time communication is possible, the Pioneer Marine Division can return the news when it finds that something is wrong. Fengzhen then ordered the adjustment of combat instructions to reduce unnecessary injuries and losses. It was too late to order reinforcements and withdrawals.

"The newspaper--"

The first commander had just gone out, and another soldier rushed to the front with an urgent report.

Feng Zhen had already anticipated that, while ordering people to be detained by Zhao, he was letting the soldiers read the urgent report.

There are many waters in Zhangzhou. The surface of some waters looks very gentle, but the underwater is surging with dark tides and reefs.

If the sailor at the helm did not pay attention, it would easily cause the ship to sink on the reef and sink into the water. Where is the combat power?

The naval forces on this road were quite wary, and found that the underwater situation was not right. They immediately sent people to report, but did not dare to delay the military order, and chose a compromise. First let the army stop for half a day, and send dozens of soldiers to take a boat to explore the waters ahead.

An investigation for half an hour revealed that the water was very dangerous.

The boat is okay, but a large warship carrying hundreds of people has a deep draught. If it passes, it will most likely sink and sink. The commander who led the sailor discovered the problem, and immediately realized that the information given above was wrong. There was something tricky in it, and he hurriedly prepared to return.

The luck of the other sailor was even worse, and he directly encountered the main force of the enemy who was waiting for the rabbit, and the battle was extremely fierce.

In this confrontation, not only Feng was so angry that Yan Lin and others didn't look good.

The camp was quiet, and everyone dared not even breathe, and could not help turning to the "culprit".

Yan Lin was sitting at the bottom right of Yang Tao. The bamboo report in his hand was pinched off by him, and he didn't even feel the fine spines stuck into his skin.

Yang Tao and Yan Lin were brothers who grew up wearing a pair of pants. They knew how the other was angry and shuddered secretly.

"Shaoyang, this battle is not without gain ..."

Yang Tao originally wanted to plead for the generals. However, his little partner's aura was too stressful. The weaker he talked, the more he dared to beep.

According to Yan Lin's plan, this battle will surely swallow Jiang Yanji's account of 30,000 sailors, making them all lonely souls on the river.

The actual operation is far less effective than expected.

Not only is the enemy's operation beyond their expectations, but the ability of his general is also disappointing.

As mentioned earlier, Feng Zhen intends to take advantage of the superiority, send the three parties to the down stream, and surprise the target with the fastest speed.

The three lanes are elite, but there are only two lanes in the real confrontation. The third lane enemy forces are planning to retreat when they find something wrong. What makes Yan Lin angina is that the ambush allies are still motionless, they do n’t know how to intercept them, and watch the enemy ’s whole body. Back, are they pigs?

Who leads the ambush this way?

Yan Lin glanced at the name, not only the heartache, but also the brain.

The general is a veteran who has reached the age of years and has been with the protagonist Yang Xun in the waters.

_ (: з ″ ∠) _ Today's monthly pass is basically inactive and sad.

PS: So the shiitake mushrooms are going to make a big move. Tomorrow the monthly ticket will increase by two hundred and four. The current monthly ticket is 920.

(End of this chapter)

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