The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1542: 1542: Nie Liang attacked Yang Tao, the sword pointed to the world (eighty)

Chapter 1542 1542: Fa Nieliang attacked Yang Tao, the sword pointed to the world (eighty)

Parkin said with emotion, "If one person fights one army, is it a nightmare?"

In this battle, their losses were not small at first, but their subsequent losses were not large. The enemy was opposite to them. They took advantage of them in the early stage, and were beaten down by their own army in the middle and late stages and called for dad. No matter how Fan Chen used his violence to suppress the floating army, Nie Jun still went a long way.

I never expected that the person who reversed the war situation would be his own protagonist, and beat the arrogant enemy with violent means.

The original number of enemies was larger than them, and the main man was leading the soldiers to cut the numbers on both sides.

There is such an operation in the world!

Qin Gong muttered, "An ordinary person waves a knife all night, and his arm will be used up. Looking back at the protagonist, he is still energetic.

Parkin should also reconcile, "Inhuman!"

At this moment, the two even suspected that their protagonist was a mortal god-man, who made them play for mortals.

Little did they know that the protagonist who was taken to heaven by them was being taught by the old chief who had fallen asleep.

Jiang Yanji was so depressed that the old head and the elderly could sleep peacefully, and she spent the whole night fighting and killing the enemy.

There is hard work and hard work, so the old chief can't show mercy, can you give her some face?

[Your dad]: Your mentality is really problematic.

As the so-called official university level crushes people, the old head is not only the boss of Jiang Yanji, but also the kindness to support and teach her, even though she is already depressed, Jiang Yanji can only listen to the training obediently, while listening and playing Yawning.

[Your dad]: Do you really think that beheading Tiannao will complete the task entrusted to the federation? Can you succeed?

Jiang Yanji heard some brain pain, she said, "What does the old chief specifically mean? I have a normal mentality."

She really didn't know what was wrong with her, but the onlookers were clear. Maybe the old chief really saw something. She listened respectfully.

[Your dad]: You have long suspected that there is a problem, why are you still in the ambush of the enemy?

Jiang Xi Jixi laughed, "Isn't that what the old chief said, it ’s been assimilated as a pig and a tiger for a long time, so remember to make no mistake next time."

After she had said this, the old chief was silent for a long time, and it took a long time for Jiang Yanji to make a large speech.

[Your dad]: This is part of the reason, but isn't it that you are in a hurry to achieve success?

Jiang Yanji frowned slightly. What "eager for success", she looked very anxious?

"Old Chief, your old man is not right. When did I rush for it? If it is urgent, it would have been too long for you to mail me a Mech battleship or other firearms. It is not easy to sweep the world. Take a step back I can use my abilities no matter how bad I am, but I do n’t have one. How can I say I'm in a hurry to get success? ”Jiang Yanji felt a bit wrong, and the old chief had no need to blame it.

[Your dad]: You said no? Aren't you anxious to siege the city, anxious to solve the immediate issue, and anxious to return to the Federation? For this purpose, your mentality has changed, far less serious than before. To put it bluntly, you have lost even the basic awe of life. You knew that something was wrong and that the spiritual realm could help you detect enemy situations and avoid harm, but you never thought of this layer. Rather than being assimilated and forgetting about this ability, you might as well say that you have no intention of using them subconsciously.

The more Jiang Yanji heard her brows frown, the outsider seemed to wipe the blood of the sword blade again and again.

"If the old chief has anything to say, why bother?

[Your dad]: Are the lives of the soldiers important to you?

Born as a genetic warrior, she was educated at an early age to sacrifice everything, including her own life.

Jiang Yanji can sacrifice his life, what else can not be separated?

In order to achieve the goal, it is normal for the soldiers to sacrifice their lives.

Jiang Yanji said, "Of course it is important."

[Your dad]: Do you really not know that the enemy has set an ambush, or do you still know that you still have an ambush?

Jiang Yanji sneered, "What's the difference?"

[Your dad]: Whether this is an ambush or not, you have to be hooked, so ... Of course you don't need to use the spiritual realm to investigate the enemy situation. You do n’t have to, just to prevent yourself from knowing the truth, ca n’t help but make a fuss? You use yourselves and your soldiers as bait to lure your enemies. Are you really afraid of an accidental overturn? In your plan, how many people do you plan to sacrifice to complete this bureau?

Jiang Yanji blinked and smiled, "I don't understand what the old chief said."

[Your dad]: You want to wipe out Nie's soldiers and horses, right?

Jiang Yanji said, "I've been here enough. Isn't it good to solve the Nie family early and end the war early?"

[Your dad]: You can admit it.

Jiang Yanji said nothing.

This bureau not only counts Wei, she also counts.

If Wei's retreat is true, then it is best that the soldiers and horses dispatched can sneak up on the Nie camp, and it can be considered a victory.

If Wei Wei's retreat was a round, what would it be? Jiang Yanji brought himself into Wei's position and roughly speculated on the opponent's intentions, no exception was to set ambush to eat and attack the soldiers and horses of the Nie Ying, and even more, arrange the ambush to attack the Zhanjiang Pass--

If the attack on Zhanjiang Pass is sneaked in, Wei Wei will definitely do his best to dispatch all soldiers and horses.

Jiang Yanji looked at these two options, and his brows never stretched.

In the end, she intends to calculate the plan, regardless of whether the enemy is a real drama or a fake drama, and will know in a while.

No psychic exploration is used ...

This point, as the old chief said, one was that she didn't remember it, and the other was that she didn't plan to use it.

Whether or not this is the enemy's scheme, it is always in her calculations.

Except for a few people, this plan was unknown to Qin Gong and Park Ning.

The reason why secrets are secrets is that fewer people know them, and the less they know, the fewer flaws they expose.

She was able to save the lives of the two, but could not guarantee that other soldiers would survive.

The old chief scolded her in anger, mostly because of this.

In order to achieve his goal, Jiang Yanji pushed the unsuspecting soldiers to death.

"Old chief, I have never been a good person. The rule of gene warriors is to use whatever means to achieve their goals, the necessary sacrifice is inevitable." Jiang Yanji calmly said, "Overall, the Nie family is now destroyed, but the overall loss of our army is small. some."

Let Nie's bungee jump, the two armies fought one after another, and one after another. The cumulative losses were too great.

It would be better to assemble their forces and set a dead end for them, which would directly defeat them and cause them great vitality.

in spite of--

This plan will sacrifice some innocent soldiers.

[Your dad]: If you are a federal fighter, you will sacrifice it without hesitation?

Jiang Yanji said, "Give the least loss for the greatest benefit, why do you think I won't?"

To put it simply, it doesn't matter to her whether or not Wei's game is real. He really retreated, and He led his soldiers to ambush them. If it was a false retreat, she would like to lead soldiers to step on the trap.芃 芃 Pushing the soldiers down to pretend to be stupid made the old chief angry. However, 芃 芃 intends to sacrifice some people for the final victory _ (: з 」з) _

(End of this chapter)

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