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Chapter 1559: 1559: Nie Liang attacked Yang Tao, and the sword pointed to the world (97)

Chapter 1559 Chapter 1559: Fa Nieliang attacked Yang Tao, the sword pointed to the world (ninety-seven)

Yang Tao was so angry, Feng Zhen was so angry, but Qiu Meng could n’t be so angry, and he walked back and forth like a hot pot ant all night.

After waiting for dawn until dawn, he asked the servant who asked for the news again, but Yang Tao didn't expect to send troops to cut off food.

Father Qiu had no accident, but instead scolded his younger son.

"Yang Tao is also one of the vassals of the world. Look at those top princes. Which one is careless?" Father Qiu taught the youngest son carefully and saw him openly ask for advice. His heart was greatly satisfied and continued Su Xu said, "Anyway, even if we have such a relationship with Yan Lin, it is not enough to fully trust Yang Tao. He will wait and see."

Qiu Meng was dissatisfied. "My son knows this, but Yang Tao doesn't know how much risk his son needs to take to send him a message."

The bigger the action, the easier it is to be discovered. Once discovered, Zhao is their lesson learned.

He risked his life to pass information to Yang Tao, and every opportunity was precious. Who would have expected that Yang Tao was still suffering.

Mr. Qiu shook his head. "That's why you are a vassal and you are still a little bit out of the crowd."

Not a little vigilant, can't live three episodes understand?

Qiu Meng was sullen, but he did not dare to talk back. He still needed this old immortal support.

After a while, Qiu Meng gave Yang Tao two more messages, both of which were true.

Because Qiumeng is just a small master book, responsible for re-doing the first step of returning statistics for the grain and grass. At most, it knows where the grain transport fleet will pass, but it does not know which grain silo the grain and grass will eventually fall into. He wanted to know more, and he had to entertain in private. In order not to cause suspicion, Qiu Meng also took great pains. As everyone knows, all this is under Fengzhen's eyes.

Fu Wang wondered, "Is Yang Tao unwilling to be hooked? Or is he suspicious?"

Feng Zhendao said, "It's impossible to suspect, but he has a big appetite, and it's true that he intends to eat fat."

"Yin Tao for so long, Yang Tao is also calmed." Yang Si said, "So, next time we send someone to transport tens of thousands of stone grain and grass?"

Feng Zhen smiled and played with the objects in his hands, and the light of the eyes was a little fun.

"Wait a minute, it's not the right time," Fengzhen said. "In addition, Jingyang Granary also sent more staff to station there."

Fu Wang wondered, "Why? Could it be their goal is Jingyang Granary? Qiumeng can't get the news."

Feng Zhendao, "How can't I get it? Yang Tao and others are natives of Zhangzhou. Our army has several different water routes for food transportation, but the enemy can roughly lock some places nearby to be more suitable for food storage. Yang Tao is so sinking. It's frustrating. On the one hand, Wan Shi's forage is not enough to attract him. On the other hand, he also wants to find our granary and take it or burn it at one time.

After listening, Fu Wang couldn't help but take a breath.

"Unexpectedly, Yang Tao also had such a thought."

Feng Zhendao, "No one can look down, no matter how open Yang Tao is, he has followed Yan Lin for more than 20 years."

As the so-called near Zhu is close to the black, the pure white rabbit will be blackened by the ink.

Yang Si smiled, "Maybe you think too much."

Feng Zhendao, "Being well prepared and cautious is always right."

Yang Si laughed, this was a ten-year-old snake bite afraid of the rope, Feng prodigal son will have today!

It may seem calm on the surface, but it is actually a dark tide.

Both Fengzhen and Yang Tao are secretly testing the opponent's bottom line, waiting for the best hands-on time.

As a chess piece between the two parties, Qiu Meng felt that he was playing a clap between the two vassal forces.

On this day, he delivered another heavy news to Yang Tao.

He was relieved and said, "If Yang Tao can't grasp the news, he won't argue in this world, he can admit defeat early."

Why do you say that?

Because there were 100,000 stones in the grain this time, in view of the large number, in order to prevent accidents, military mentor Yang Si personally escorted the soldiers.

This is the secret of the secret. Qiu Meng used silver money to get the word out of the drunken "colleagues".

If Yang Tao's willingness to send troops to attack the grain team this time, not only could he capture 100,000 stone grains, but he could also capture Yang Si, one of Liu Yan's left and right arms. Yang Si ’s reputation in the southern realm is not low. He captured him and used his flag sacrifice to fight the morale of the enemy.

"Why should I go?"

Yang Si shook the golden fan, and he looked impatient. He was not Fengzhen and he didn't like to die so much.

Feng Zhen said, "You won't go this bait. I'm afraid Yang Tao will ignore the grain and go straight to the Jingyang granary."

Yang Si took a sip and said, "You prodigal son is going to die, why don't you take me to the water?"

Feng Zhen laughed, "Blessed are the same things that are difficult to share, and those that make achievements and achievements are naturally your benefits."

Yang Si: "..."

I've seen someone who is thick-skinned, never seen a colleague as a bait to seduce an enemy, and he's shameless!

"What about you?" Yang Si asked him.

Feng Zhen laughed, "Naturally, she is guarding the Jingyang Grain Depot. Maybe Yang Tao and his protagonist generally like the soldiers in front of them, so they make a lot of money."

Yang Si rolled his eyes.

If Yang Tao was as uneasy as his protagonist, he would not believe that Yan Lin would still hang on to Yang Tao.

"Why did you choose to do it that night?" Yang Si asked another question, looking at the bottom line, "I see that you have been watching astrology for the past few days. Maybe you also learned Wei Zixiao that **** stick Do you know how the wind is? "

"I am a native of Zhangzhou, and I still need to be able to figure it out when I look at the weather? Wei Zixiao is a **** stick, I am not." Feng Zhen said with a smirk. There is dense fog, which is just right for our army to sneak south! "

Attracting Yang Tao's attention with Jingyang's granary and capacity team, and then attacking their army while taking advantage of the dense fog weather, they do more than one thing.

Yang Si: "..."

He was a little skeptical. Was Yan Lin pitted Fengzhen for a while, or did he plan the ancestral tombs of the 18th generation of his ancestors?

This one-hand operation is too ruthless. Is this the intention to end Yang Tao's nest in one fell swoop?

What an animal!

He thought Feng Zhen had pushed his colleagues as the bait was the bottom line, but he did not expect that even the Jingyang granary was the bait he threw out.

On the other hand, as Fengzheng calculated, Yang Tao accurately estimated the real position of the granary based on several times of information.

At this time, Yan Lin, who was squatting in Tongkou for training, also returned.

"Shaoyang, you came back just right."

Yan Lin said, "Listen to the man, the protagonist intends to lead the soldier himself?"

His voice was not heavy, but Yang Tao couldn't help but persuade him.

"This is not about worrying about the general ..."

The words didn't end, but Yan Lin said, "The generals have the duties of generals. If they can't charge for the father, what are they going to do?"

The general under the account has scrapped the firewood so that the protagonist needs to go to battle in person?

Yang Tao's words were blocked back, and he said, "So, then I am in the army?"

Yan Lin asked him with his eyes--

What do you say

Yang Tao: "..."


_ (: з ”∠) _ Shiitake doesn't know much about water warfare, so Yang Tao's part will be abbreviated. Strive to end this title before 120.

PS: Because the monthly pass reached the standard late, Shiitake thought it wouldn't meet the standard. I was relieved for several hours. I followed the old lady of the square and jumped for a long time with a small apple. So four more moved to tomorrow. Everyone goes to bed early.

(End of this chapter)

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