The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1569: 1569: Nie Liang attacked Yang Tao, the sword pointed to the world (107)

Chapter 1569 Chapter 1569: Fa Nieliang attacked Yang Tao, the sword pointed to the world (107)

Less than half were willing to stay in the end.

In the case of some people worrying about this, they were worried that Yan Lin's words were a test of their loyalty, and once they said they were leaving, they would be killed. Without this level of worry, it would be great to have one-third of the people left in the end. Yan Lin didn't say anything when she saw this. She took off her valuables and gave them to the centurion, and asked the centurion to exchange pawns for silver and silver. The right should be demobilized military food.

The centurion took the jade pendant, jade piccolo and a few gold nudes handed by Yan Lin, and tears rolled down his eyes.

They gave Yan Lin a big gift, choked and blessed.

With a long sigh, Yan Lin sent someone to push the prepared bamboo raft into the water. At this time, the night was dark and it was a good time to escape.

However, the road to escape was not so smooth. The first problem encountered by everyone was Yan Lin's illness. The festering and inflamed wound was exuding a foul odor and he was very hot. In order to flee smoothly, Yan Lin did not take a rest for the past few days and could not care about her body. He had a low fever the evening before yesterday, and after so long a delay, the wound became more serious. The soldiers looked anxious and could not help it.

The wound is too big, there is no symptomatic medicine, the mountains are humid and sweltering, and no escape has been cultivated for a few days ... All conditions are extremely bad, and illness is also expected. At night, the temperature of the river surface is relatively low, and the temperature is getting colder and hotter.

The soldier with the same bamboo raft raised his hand and wiped Yan Lin's forehead. He was scared by his body temperature as soon as he touched it.

"It's okay--" Yan Lin looked at him with a little disappointment, still insisting, "Act as planned, and don't delay the hour."

He dismissed the soldiers who did not want to follow, and these soldiers were bound to be caught by the trailing Fuwang army after going down the mountain. A little interrogation could ask the whereabouts of Yan Lin and others. How can the speed of a bamboo raft be comparable to a warship? If they don't hurry up, they can't escape.

In fact, Yan Lin can also eliminate this hidden danger, that is, the soldiers who are trying to leave are killed as the soldiers worry.

Failure to do so is not to say that Yan Lin was reluctant to start, it was because it was not necessary.

There is little left in the hearts of the remaining soldiers. If the soldiers are violently killed and killed, these hundreds of people will be able to riot.

"Military, your forehead is very hot. It won't burn like this--"

Bid silently swallowed the unfinished words.

If left alone, Yan Lin will either burn into a fool or die.

Of course, it is possible to turn into pneumonia, but this is not the case in this era.

Bi Jiang's words were not answered, because Yan Lin couldn't hold the body's protest and her dim head passed out.

Even in a coma, he could feel that he was in the stove for a while, was thrown into the ice cellar, and shivered, and felt that his body was thrown into the deep sea by people, and kept sinking. The consciousness became more and more confused, and the call of Bichon was more like a whisper faintly transmitted from a distant sky. No matter how concentrated he was, he still could not hear it.

On the other hand, Pi will see that Yan Lin's situation is getting worse and worse and he has to make a decision.

He asked the remaining soldiers to brace the bamboo raft to the planned place first, and with luck, he might be rescued.

One soldier hesitated, "If you meet the enemy ..."

Pi will grit his teeth and say, "Let's go down. I don't expect the protagonist and the military division to blame them."

They had done their best, but their fate would not be fulfilled.

These wounded soldiers descended and there is still a way to live, if resistance is to give away hundreds of lives in vain!

The soldier asked again, "That general now ..."

Bian said, "The military division is seriously injured and has high fever. You need to call for a doctor as soon as possible."

The soldier felt something wrong, and finally had a chance to escape from it. If he stayed for medical treatment, he would most likely reveal his identity.

Bi Jiang also knows this truth, but he knows more that if Yan Lin is dead, they will also face a furious protagonist. In addition, if a character like a military division died here, it would be too worthless. If God has long-sighted eyes, he can certainly turn his back on his head.

Pi will plan to fight.

No matter how bad it turns out, it can be worse than Yan Lin's death and her own fighting?

"Try it, there is hope!"

Bi will brace a bamboo raft and take Yan Lin out of the army. The future is bleak. Only the remaining obsession in his heart will support him to go on.

I don't know how long it will take before, Pi will finally bring Yan Lin to the shore, a small fishing village ahead.

Bi Jiang meditated in his heart, "I hope there is a doctor, even a barefoot quack!"

Although he knows that this is unlikely, he believes that God must have eyes!

The area of ​​the fishing village is not large, and there are only 30 households and nearly 100 fishermen.

Because there is no entertainment, and the oil is expensive, most people work at sunrise and sunset.

It was ugly at this moment, and the fishing village was shrouded in darkness.

In order to prevent identity exposure, Bi will take off the bamboo raft and the armor of the two and hide in the reed bushes, carrying Yan Lin into the village.

"Anyone? Is there a doctor in the village?"

Bi Jiang took pictures of several people's homes, either no one else was scolded, and he was pretended to be dead.


Pi tried one by one, and walked to the seventh house, that is, the one near the edge of the village, the host opened the door.

The night was dark, but I could recognize the host as a little girl with a short height.

The other side glanced at them, unhappy, "Come in, don't knock on the door, beware the villagers are angry and copy things to kill you both."

Pi will not stand in the doorway.

The little lady turned and lit an oil lamp and asked, "Why don't you come in?"

Bi blinked, and clenched the short knife hidden in his sleeve secretly.

"Isn't the person on your back sick?" Said the little lady. "I'm a doctor."

Bi will be surprised. How does this little girl know that he is here to see a doctor?

The little lady angered, "Are you stupid? Just now, from door to door, knocking on the door, crying, and crying, Lao Tzu is not deaf."

Boom, Bi Jiang's face is all red, thankfully the skin is darker, otherwise he will be shameful.

"Thank you, Doctor!"

Bi will quickly come in with Yan Lin on his back and put him flat on an old bamboo mat.

The little lady didn't talk nonsense, and she lighted several oil lamps in succession to barely be able to see the situation of the patient.

Yan Lin was too busy to take care of herself in these few days, her hair dazzled, her face was stained with stains, and she could not see the original appearance.

However, the little lady still saw that his outline was very good, and he must be a handsome guy after cleaning.

"This baby looks really promising, but unfortunately he is a soldier."

Bian said, "What's wrong with being a soldier?"

The little lady raised her hand and took off Yan Lin's shirt, pointing at the wound. "What's wrong with the job of hanging your head on the belt?"

Benedict: "..."

Why didn't this person take off the clothes of the division without a word?

Is this still my daughter's home?

→ _ → Yan Lin was going to die here, but the angel from the heavens and the mountains pulled him back.

Because it is too late to reach the monthly pass, we will double today and tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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