The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1727: 1727: Dispatch in the army?

Chapter 1727 Chapter 1727: Dispatch in the army?

The **** let there be a change, but this change is good news for Jiang Yanji.

She handed over the battles in Zhanjiang Pass and Zhongli to Eunuch and Sun Wen, and Jiang Yanji received battle reports from Zhanjiang Pass every so often. The contents of the battle report are relatively ordinary, and the greetings and reports of routine affairs are documents that can be viewed or not. At this time, it was an expedited battle report, and the **** let her know her temperament. However, if it was not a big problem, the documentary evidence would solve it by herself rather than bother her.

"Is something wrong with the front line?"

The messenger said, "The Lord is not worried, it is not a bad thing."

Jiang Yanji's temperament is a little impatient. She doesn't like procrastination. Instead of waiting for the messenger to repeat it slowly, she might as well read the secret letter herself. She snatched the secret letter handed over by the messenger, read it carefully, and began to stretch her eyebrows.

"The documentary evidence and enlightenment did not disappoint my high hopes."

Jiang Yanji showed a restrained smile, her eyes glowed with joy.

The messenger said, "The two military divisions ordered that the younger must deliver the secret letter to the principal, and wait for the principal to take it."

Jiang Yanji groaned for a while and sent someone to bring everyone around the camp to a meeting.

"This matter is very important, you still have to discuss it with others before making a decision. You just wait and see the result in half a day."

The courier saluted respectfully, and took a few steps back before turning away from the camp.

While waiting, Jiang Yanji happened to see several salted fish complaining about her grind.

[Stir-fry plagiarism dog]: Although I don't know what happened, according to my many years of experience, the anchor must have an idea. You said that you have made a decision, most of which will not change, so what's the point of calling others over for a meeting? After chasing the live broadcast room for so many years, I haven't seen the anchor change his mind. Often, others obey her ... What is the meeting, is it just a routine notice? Only once or twice, this time, this time, I deeply doubt that the anchor you have the suspicion of live broadcast content! !! !!

[Teppanyaki Pirate Dog]: It makes sense to say that the results of the meeting have already been decided, so what is the significance of the meeting? This reminds me of the last time I went to a design competition and spent half a month preparing it. As a result, the winner of the competition was a relative of the organizer. The design of the opponent is also not very bright. The name of the champion is not true. Isn't this a serious contestant for us?

From this point of view, their anchors are kind of scum.

Wei Zi's pitiful little angels who really thought hard and made plans.

A lot of salty fishes that are not so opinionated are distorted by the barrage of these people, and they actually think they are quite reasonable.

Jiang Yanji glanced and explained casually.

She did have a decision in her heart, but she was not blindly insisting on her decision. If others were right, she could change it.

The truth is, she and Wei Ci are in a good mood, and the decisions of the big guys are mostly the same.

What does this mean?

Explain her wise and wise! Of course, wise and intelligent Jiang Yanji said that even if her decision was correct, but to inform others and let them participate, this is a basic respect for subordinates. She also didn't want to give the impression of being arbitrary and arbitrary.

Nothing can be seen in the short term, but if things go on like this, there will be ills.

"There aren't many people as smart as me at this time." Jiang Yanji said sincerely, "Smart people have cast my offspring, this hope is too slim. Later generations will not learn my intelligence, but learn My 'arrogance' is taking jujube pills. "

"Rights and checks and balances are proportional."

"The stronger the power, the more external checks and balances are needed. At this time, no one is equal to me, so I have to restrain myself."

In Jiang Yanji's view, Mo said that he was an ordinary prince. Even the emperor who sat in the world also needed some restraint in his own right. When the right in one's hands is left without any checks and balances, it will be sooner or later to collapse.

Power provokes desire, and no wiser person can withstand such corruption.

She didn't think she would be distracted by her rights, but the latecomers were uncertain.

Once the courtiers are accustomed to "the monarch can do whatever he wants, and he is unscrupulous." What wrong will the monarch do in the future? Do these people have the courage to stand up and correct it? Because of these considerations, Jiang Yanji and all the ministers have discussions and try their best to seek common ground while shelving differences.

The salted fish were preached by her, and countless ellipsis appeared on the barrage.

Finally, an ancient gangster expressed their aspirations.

[Ghost talent Guo Fengxiao]: I understand the truth, but this is your narcissistic and shameless reason?

I have seen cheeky, never seen the anchor so cheeky, it is thicker than the corner of the Great Wall, and the missiles are impenetrable.

Jiang Yanji said, "This is self-knowledge. Everyone should deeply reflect on themselves, know themselves, and face themselves."

"I had to admit that after deep reflection, I was so good at it!"

Salted fish: "..."

[Smuggling in Africa]: Anchor, take medicine, brain fragments are not expensive, don't give up treatment.

For a while, this sentence was copied by countless salted fish, anxious to wake up Jiang Yanji to make her normal.

Fortunately, Jiang Yanji is not "invincible", so someone can cure her.

When several of Wei Ci rushed to receive the news, Jiang Yanji, who was still smart, immediately converged and became stable and dignified.

"I just received the urgent call, but what happened outside?"

When Yang Si rushed over, he was panting in his mouth, barely speaking a sentence.

"Since the person is almost there, I will say it." Jiang Yanji looked around, took out the secret letter sent by the eunuch, and she said, "I only received the emergency report from Zhanjiang Pass, and it was difficult for me to decide. , Therefore called the kings to come and discuss together. "

She let everyone pass through the urgent paper.

Wei Ci's complexion was fairly calm, but his eyes were wide open, but the others were lacking in strength and could see his breathing was short.

After a long while--

A veteran came out of the boxing and said, "My lord, the end will think that the internal conflict in Zhongli has been exhausted. At this time, it is a good time for me to wait for the troops to conquer Zhongli. Our army is elite, with Dongqing, and south Sheng, if Zhongli was included in the pocket, the world could be expected— "

The battle report given by the **** was very simple. Generally speaking, Zhongli was completely defeated. He also analyzed the general situation in Zhongli and finally came to the conclusion that at this time, he sent troops to attack Zhongli. 30% is okay.

Zhongli is located in the hinterland of the Central Plains, with a warm climate and countless good fields. It is definitely the fattest piece of fat.

A group of people are eager to try to fight.

Their protagonists have won Nan Sheng, and they are still frustrated when they see each other in Zhanjiang Pass.

The voice of the main battle was too high, and eunuchs and Sun Wen were urged by a number of people. In desperation, they could only send an urgent report for Jiang Yanji to take it.

"Do you think it's time to send troops?"

(End of this chapter)

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