The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 937: 937: Rabbit and Sheep Poisonous Strategy (10)

Chapter 937 Chapter 937: Rabbit and Sheep Poisonous Tactics (Ten)

Now Sun Wen and Jiang Yanji are two little grasshoppers on a rope. He will be better when the other party is better.

Leaving aside these, the northern Xinjiang aliens are, after all, aliens.

If they were allowed to take over the Central Plains, their lives would be ruined, and Han people would not be guaranteed.

Don't look at the northern Xinjiang who has such people advocating Han literature, but after all, it is a minority, and more northern Xinjiang aliens still remain strongly aggressive and destructive. development of. Even if he was a force puller, he learned Han culture just to understand the advantages and disadvantages of the Central Plains, tried to invade the Central Plains with Han culture, and occupied the fertile land.

The history book has given the answer to what kind of alien invasion of the Central Plains such as Beijiang will end up in.

Don't say far, just talk about recent history.

The Southern Tribes and the Northern Tribes are all aliens. After the former captured Nansheng, nowhere was grass.

Brutal slaughter, brutal plunder, annihilation of silver shame, no evil.

The **** methods of aggression have caused resistance and aversion in the Han people of the Central Plains.

The lesson learned from Nanman IV must not be staged in Dongqing!

Sun Wen lowered his eyelids, concealing the flashing color and deep thought in his eyes.

Wei Ci told him what to do next, but did not tell him the detailed steps, everything still needs his own plan.

"The King of Northern Xinjiang has nine sons. Which talent should I choose?"

Choosing who is not difficult is difficult. It is difficult to make the nine princes fight equally and ensure that they will split the northern territory into several pieces.

"The young prince lost his mother and was the eldest son, but he was violent and obscene, and even had a hobby to kill Han slaves for pleasure."

Sun Wen wrote a "big" on expensive rice paper, and quickly drew a cross on it.

If Helencha was urged to assist the Prince, even Haruncha would be a fool.

Whoever makes the big prince is the mud that can't help the wall, even though he was wise and wise when he was young, why is he too stupid in recent years.

"The second prince is brave and good at fighting, but the mother tribe is too powerful. If he assists him, he is afraid that it will be counterproductive and inappropriate."

Sun Wen wrote another "two", which roughly listed the advantages and disadvantages of the second prince, and crossed it out happily.

"The three princes came close to Wu Li, even worshiped the other side as a teacher, and followed him to learn Han culture ..."

Sun Wen thought for a while, he had seen the three princes far away, and looked at Wenrun, but there was no lack of ambition in the eyebrows. If he assisted this guy, wouldn't he have made the second obstructive force, it would make it difficult for the protagonist. ? So, this guy is also wrong.

"... The four princes were born of female slaves, with a low status and low bloodlines, but he was adopted by the infertile Northern Xinjiang queen as an adoptive child, barely regarded as a strong mother's family. But the queen's sister and sister gave birth to the six princes, the four princes It must be the stepping stone of the Six Princes ... this one can be considered. No matter how bad it can be, he can provoke him to fight with the Six Princes? It can be left for consideration. "

Sun Wen vetoed the three princes in a row, barely interested in the fourth prince.

He went on to count down. The five princes and the three princes were brothers, but the two brothers were obviously not in harmony and dragged each other on their backs.

The six prince is the son of the current queen's sister, and his status is also the most honorable of the nine princes.

In other words, in addition to the two princes holding military power, the six princes are most likely to compete for the throne in northern Xinjiang.

The seventh prince and the northern Xinjiang businessmen walked very close. Because of the relationship between the mother tribe and the tribe, he still had a lot of dividends in the business bank and made a lot of money.

The Seven Princes need not worry because this guy walks very close to the Eight Princes and the Nine Princes.

Although they are not the same brothers of the same father and mother, the Seven Princes are very good to the Eight Princes, asking for money and asking for money.

At present, the two princes can be divided into one camp.

As for the last nine princes, he had the same mother as the four princes, but he was not adopted by the queen, and his status was not good.

Sun Wen briefly analyzed the situation of the nine princes under the knee of the Northern Territory, and a general plan of thought had emerged in his mind.

To be on the safe side, he intends to come up with a plan.

The four princes are supported on the surface, the nine princes are supported on the back, the other princes are removed one by one with the hands of the four princes, and the four princes are removed by the hands of the nine princes. As for how to eradicate the North Xinjiang princes other than the four nines, he needs to think hard.

It is best to count the birds with one stone, which will not directly kill several northern Xinjiang princes, but will further stimulate their conflict with the northern Xinjiang king.

By then

Hey, that's great.

Sun Wen was expressionless. He put the expensive but scrapped rice paper on a candlelight and burned it.

"Wei Zixiao, Wei Zixiao-you have to remember your commitment so that you can live up to your husband's plans."

Sun Wen's time at the trade was a little awkward.

If it was earlier, he and the protagonist could cultivate a relationship of adversity.

If it is later, icing on the cake.

Even if he couldn't make it to the front line, Sun Wen had no ambitions, only trying to find a place to stay.

It just happened this season--

The protagonist prepares for northern Xinjiang. Although the former has a high winning percentage, it is not 100% win.

What if you accidentally lose?

His grandson is still in Marushu.

Sun Wen couldn't afford to gamble at all.

So he can only do his best to fight this old life to help Jiang Yanji run around.

Sun Wen's mind emerged from the young cute face of his young grandson, his hard-hearted heart softened a bit, and then it became harder and colder.

Northern Xinjiang must die!

Just as Sun Wen stirred the wind and rain in northern Xinjiang, Jiang Yanji and others ate melon in the military tent.

Instead of eating watermelon, she is baking sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes.

"Where has Uncle Gu gone to do business over the years?"

Jiang Yanji threw sweet potatoes into the fire in accordance with the instructions of the audience in the live broadcast room, and turned his head to ask the vicissitudes of ancient letters around him.

Gu Xin went north and south to do business, and often returned a letter more than half a year later, Jiang Yanji couldn't even let the other party go.

Gu Xin laughed, "I went to Beiyuan, Xichang, and Chalan. Sweet potatoes were discovered from the Xichang border, and sweet potatoes were taken from the Chalan. The old slaves consulted the locals, and they took them with them The Miao Zi returned all the way, just wanted to let Xiao Dong's family have a taste.

Wei Ci aside was silent.

The previous Jiang dynasty was established, the national strength was strong, and all directions came to the DPRK.

In order to please His Majesty, the surrounding small countries always bring various gadgets from their respective countries.

Jiang Chao officials were not to be outdone.

Sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes were dedicated at that time.

However, these two small things almost caused a **** killing.

Sweet potatoes were born on the Xichang border. The locals chopped them and fed them to pigs. No one has ever tasted them personally. In the eyes of the locals, this is not a human food at all. Sweet potatoes are only eaten by poor people in the Chalan Kingdom. This is low-quality wild food.

These two lowly foods were regarded as a case of national banquet dishes. When she ate a few mouthfuls with interest, someone came out to pick out the truth. Wei Ci still remembers the scene where there was silence and everyone was sweating and shivering.

Who put the food eaten by domestic pigs and untouchables on the food table?

Is this ridicule or shame?

→ _ → Do you have a relatively small notebook recommended, it is best to be 11.00 inches, you can take the notebook everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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