The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 973: 973: War in Northern Xinjiang (ten)

Chapter 973 Chapter 973: War in Northern Xinjiang (10)

The **** asked He Weici to lead the main force to come here. At this time, the two were not in the account.

Sun Wen listened to frowning, neither poison nor water cut ... then ...

"The protagonist means-Ling Xun?"

What is Ling Xun?

The audience in the live room gave a relatively clear answer.

[Guicai Guo Fengxiao]: Lingxun, the Yellow River is more common here. Generally, it is caused by icing in the lower reaches of the river or by ice dams blocking the river, making the river not smooth and causing the river to rise. On the other hand, floodplains and dams cause disasters.

[Aunt in the cafeteria]: I have found that our anchor is getting more and more witty.

[Ginger marries me]: No, if it is artificial flood, the anchor is now downstream, and she is going to drown herself?

How is that possible? Jiang Yanji was trying to stab his opponent, not dig a pit and bury himself.

"Now the weather is severe and cold, and at least one month will not be able to melt the snow. The water is wide and long, and there is a large difference between the upstream and downstream levels. It flows through the major tribes in northern Xinjiang. Approach. "

The northern Xinjiang is a nomadic people. They live by the water. Wherever the water source is rich in grass, they run away.

In other words, if the flood water breaks through the embankment, the northern Xinjiang tribes near the flood water will suffer.

At this moment, a viewer in the live studio remembered a detail and quickly asked a question in the live studio.

[Xie Xingshen]: Anchor, I took a closer look at the territory map of northern Xinjiang and Dongqing. Does it seem that the water of the swill will flow into the territory of Dongqing? If the upstream sluice floods and overflows and the water potential is too great, the water flow in Dongqing will not be affected?

It's okay to flood the northern Xinjiang. Don't flood your own house at that time.

Jiang Yanji is not very worried about this issue.

Dongqing's water veins are crisscrossed and quite developed. The overflowing stream of sluice water flows into Dongqing, and after many diversions, it has little effect.

Feng Zhen squeezed his chin, he said, "Although so, but the three northern tribes have lived here for so long, how could they not even know Ling Xun?"

Northern Xinjiang herders are very dependent on water, and they have dealt with this river for generations.

If the people in Dongqing watch the heavenly gods eat and eat, Northern Xinjiang is watching these rivers eat and eat.

Once the river dries up or the floods overflow, the tribes living along the coast will suffer.

What's wrong with Laishui, they can definitely notice it for the first time, and their experience is much richer than them.

Sun Wen frowned, and he said, "Zi Shi's worry is not unreasonable ..."

If the enemy's intentions are first noticed by the enemy, the powerful strategy will be greatly compromised, and the expected effect will not be achieved.

The tactics of the martial arts can achieve unexpected results, the reason is that the information between the two sides is not equal.

Feng Zhen looked at the Lushui River, showing a thoughtful expression, and saw his eyes narrowed slightly, and there seemed to be a flash of light under his eyes.

The northern Xinjiang river is not such a stream of water. If they occupy the upper reaches to intercept water, they will never be stupid.

According to the northern Xinjiang ’s understanding and rich experience of Huangshui, the possibility of detecting opportunities is not small.

Once the opportunity is lost, the advantages will turn into disadvantages.

In this way ... it is better to intercept the water in the upstream section to ensure that the Huangshui River is normal and store water in the upstream at the same time?

This idea popped up, Feng Zhen couldn't help thinking about this direction, simulating feasibility while thinking.

After a long while, Fengzhen said, "I really have a plan--"

When Jiang Yanji and others discussed in the account, the North Xinjiang camp also couldn't argue.

After all, northern Xinjiang is fighting at home. They gather forces and set up camps faster than Jiang Yanji.

The scout returned a message--

Army Jiang Jiji was gathering twenty miles away from the camp, and the main force had not yet arrived.

Hearing the news, Wu Li pulled a shock and hurried out to enter.

"The Liu thief has many generals, and I heard that the soldiers were killed, one by one, they were all carefully trained. If they allowed their tens of thousands of troops to gather, I must be waiting for their confidants. According to the views of the officials, the king on the order, while At a time when the Liu Zei Army was not yet here, they took the lead in launching an attack and caught them off guard. As long as they successfully defeated their vanguard elite, the Liu Zei Army's momentum would be a thousand miles away! "

In ancient warfare, morale was one of the key factors determining the outcome of the war.

If morale is high, eunuchs can run around with hens.

If morale is low, three or five strong men can be chased by roosters.

As long as Jiang Xianji's pioneers are defeated, and her morale is severely hurt, will the Northern Warriors be afraid of her tens of thousands?

Forget to say that when fighting, the army of both sides like to understate the number.

The million-strong army may only be in the early half-million, rounded to the millions.

The northern Xinjiang is said to have half a million male lions. In fact, there are only 180,000, of which 80,000 militia members were temporarily forced.

Liu Zei fought a banner of 150,000 ...

Um, let ’s do it ourselves, maybe there are only fifty or sixty thousand?

Wu Liba's suggestion is more sensible. Although the northern Xinjiang cavalry is less than 30% of its heyday, sneak attacks are not recommended.

However, there was a political opponent's coach, and Harencha didn't agree with his suggestion.

Harencha suggested that the king should keep on fighting, wait for Liu Zebing's soldiers to weaken, and wait for the opportunity to counterattack.

After all, the current generation of King Wang Yujia pro-consecration, if the aggressive attack has caused the security of the King, who will resist this responsibility?

Shall we turn to defend?

Wu Li pulled his face blue, and scolded Haruncha in his heart.

Keeping paralyzed and guarding, Liu Ye Pioneer Camp looks like only 20,000 or 30,000, so a little bit of people still persuade, go home to find mother to drink milk!

Wu Li was so angry that he wanted to lift the table, but it wasn't he who had the final say, let alone Haruncha, but the king.

The nine princes wanted to fight for the probation because they were afraid of death, so that several brothers would not attack him while they were empty.

However, when he arrived at the barracks, he was still afraid of death, for fear that the general in charge of the army would lead him against him.

In order to limit the military power of everyone, he directly issued a very shameful order--

All military advances and retreats need to be reported, don't specialize!

What does this mean?

Popular translation is--

Tell him about war, no matter how big or small, and let him make a decision. You can't decide for yourself!

Convex (艹 艹) 艹!

Upon hearing this instruction, both Harencha and Wu Liba were in pain.

I don't know what the fleet is fleeting?

Whatever you do, you have to write a note to the king of the king and other replies. Liu Ye has led the army to pound Huanglong, chopped melon and cut vegetables to the royal court!

Regardless of what they think, the king of the king, the world is big, and his own security is the greatest.

Harenza said it was reasonable and conservative, but the suggestion of forceful pull was also appealing.

The lord has just taken office, and his prestige is unstable. He now desperately needs a victory to establish his prestige, regardless of size.

"This thing-and Ronggu is thinking about it, I will give you an answer as soon as possible."

Wu Liba: "..."

An hour?

You're paralyzed!

He really wanted to grab the head of Dai Wang and let him know how to write the words "Bing Gui Shen Su".

Wu Liba ’s mood is like a few huskies in the sun _ (: з ”∠) _ Some readers do n’t know the expression of shiitake mushrooms, but it actually means lying down.

(End of this chapter)

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