The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 1043: Heaven and Earth Bathing Center

Erhua went to kindergarten.

Although Ren Baqian hopes to build a kindergarten after moving to the capital, it will take three months.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for Erhua to run away from home, one week after she returned, she was first sent to the first kindergarten in the world, and later a second one was built in the Imperial City.

There are about a hundred children in kindergartens, aged between three and six, and only one third of them are children of North Korean and Chinese officials.

The fertility of the ancient people is too low, there are only so many children of the right age, and not all of them are sent, and not everyone is willing to send them.

In particular, some talents have already begun to lay the foundation at an early age, and the education at home is more in line with their plans and expectations.

In other words, they believe in the ancients' hundreds and thousands of years of experience.

Ren Baqian also believes that they can definitely cultivate a group of rash goods that are directly embarrassed in any situation.

With so many children playing, Erhua was also very excited.

Be with all the children on the first day of school!

Ren Baqian held the report in his hand, rubbed his forehead, and the royal family added hundreds more.

It took two hours for Erhua to convince all the children.

It seems that her experience in Izumo made her particularly like "serving people with virtue."

However, Ren Baqian always felt that Erhua was not just that, she actually did not know how to interact with other children.

She wants to play with other children, but she uses a different method.

Erhua believes that the identity of "daddy" can dominate everyone. As long as others agree with this identity, it is her person who needs to listen to her, play with her, and be on the same line as her. Protected by her.

This reminds Ren Baqian of an anime character that he had seen a few decades ago when he was an ordinary person.

White beard.

Whitebeard wants to have a family, and his dream is to create a huge family.

Although Erhua has different backgrounds and different ideas, she still follows the same path.

Ren Baqian had a little speculation in his heart, it should be loneliness and desire to dominate.

The latter is easy to understand. Everyone will have such a desire, and children will even express this desire.

As for the former, she and her emperor spent too little time with her.

Although Zhu Hua is always with her, Zhu Hua cannot replace her parents.

She is busy, the empress is a little proud, and neither of them are the kind of parents who are particularly close to their children.

This is the result of not taking the parent's employment permit.

Ren Baqianhuai thought for a while, set aside this in advance, and let people call Shi Gan and Tonglan up.

"The governor!" The two saw salute.

Young people from colleges are still willing to call Ren Yaqian like this, and Ren Baqian likes them like this.

"Get ready, you go to Daxia! Let's go tomorrow!"

"What are we going to do?" The two looked over with some curiosity. They had to know that the plane was preparing for a test flight. Is it a big deal for them to go to Daxia at this time?

Ren Baqian did not hide the two, and probably talked about the "home" organization.

"Now there are still a group of people who are stubbornly resisting. One of these two nuclear bombs will let them see. If they don't surrender, the other will hit their heads.

The two knew that the governor had almost unified Daxia Wulin, and even Li Yuanzhu was in this organization.

Although the ancients were very reckless, they respected the masters.

Especially Li Yuanzhu, his ranking is still above His Majesty, although all ancient people believe that when he really does, His Majesty can definitely kill her.

But also had to admit her strength, only under Her Majesty.

Then the two got excited, the nuclear bomb. Since seeing that one time, none of the students did not forget that the explosion was power.

The fact that the laboratory has been bombed so many times in more than three years is enough to show that the boys are keen on bombs.

The fact that they could use a nuclear warhead to bomb people this time was enough to excite these two less honest guys.

I saw Tong Lan's body standing straight, her face raised, her hands behind her.

Shi Dang's beard could not hide his smile.

"Go back and prepare, and give the things in your hands to others first. Come tomorrow morning, the people from the Supervision Department will go with you, and someone will take over after the summer.

"I see!" The two nodded and backed off.

After that, Ren Baqian dealt with the imperial capital again. Now 200,000 ancient and 200,000 Jing people have been filled into the imperial capital. Some Izumo chambers of commerce also opened shops in the imperial capital, making the imperial capital completely changed Look.

But what followed was conflict.

The ancients who had moved out of the 60,000 Dashan Mountains were fierce, barbarous, had no idea of ​​the law, and were completely strong. They caused a lot of trouble in the emperor.

The Jing people and the Izu people were injured, and even the ancient people themselves did not fight.

Although Ren Baqian had anticipated this situation, he would still be angry.

Others call the ancient people barbarous, and there is nothing wrong with it.

If it wasn't for the empress, for those guys who have caused trouble all day long, I would not have liked any of them.

After all, Ren Baqian grew up in a world that operates in order most of the time on the earth, and naturally didn't like guys who disrupted order.

After dealing with the imperial capital, Ren Baqian took the guard to walk around to a facade on Beihong Street.

Three normal façades, decorated with brilliant gold.

"Heavenly Human Bathing Center" hung on it.

This is a shop recently opened by Ren Baqian, and he likes to come here.

As a northerner, he has a soft spot for the bathhouse culture. Compared to the baths in the palace, this place is more relaxing.

There weren't many people in it. Ren Baqian went in around a towel, but he saw Qin Chuan sitting in the pool with his hands resting on the pool, eyes closed slightly.

"His Royal Highness, why are you here today?"

Without opening his eyes, Qin Chuan recognized Ren Baqian's identity.

"Qin Shangshu!" Ren Baqian said hello, sitting in the pool around the scarf.

The two chatted a little bit about the search of the southern capital of the 60,000 Dashan Mountains. Recently, two alien villages were found. Some scouts died. The army marked the location and turned to other directions.

After the Daxia group of people are resolved, gather the experts to clear them ~ ~ After bathing, the two shake their bodies to the rest hall on the second floor, where there are a group of ancient masseurs. Have the strength to create nature.

Although the action is very brutal, it works well.

More importantly, it grows well.

Qin Chuan lay down on a pure steel massage bed and praised Ren Baqian with a thumbs up: "This place is good, and does the Emperor have it?"

"Of course!" Ren Baqian nodded, and these masseuses were still preparing to be transferred to the capital.

After all, the masseuse who has the natural strength can not be hired well, and she can pay the sky-high salary.

After most departments were transferred to Emperor Capital, such powerful masseurs could not be used for those low- and middle-level officials who stayed behind, and the masseurs with quartet strength were enough.

Set a small goal, such as 1 second Remember: book guest

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