The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 117: Heavy gift

Everyone looked at the incense he ate, and Ning Caichen first suspected to grab the spider and looked at it carefully, grinning, and finally hesitated for a long time to close the eyes and frown, and put the spider in his mouth like a bitter gourd. After chewing twice, he opened it immediately Opening his eyes and giving thumbs at Ren Baqian, the taste is really good.

Just looking disgusting.

The other people saw the two actions and thought to themselves: "It looks like it should not be unpalatable, but it is too disgusting to look at it."

Others also picked up the spider and put it in their mouths to try, and then nodded, it was OK.

Several little white faces were pumping. After thinking about it, they finally went back to eat their fat belly.

As for the other dishes, no one touched them.

The emperor looked at the people below and raised the glass again: "This cup, I hope I will live forever."

"Da Yao will live forever." A row of people on the left continued to toast.

The people on the right are silently drinking without saying a word.

The Emperor's next glass of wine was Xie Zhongren, who came to Dayao to give a present. No matter what she thought, she still gave it. After all, many years of birthday celebrations, she sold a lot of weapons.

"I wish Dayao the Emperor Wanshou." A row of people on the right side toasted together.

At this time, the opening of the empress is considered to be over, and the crowd is somewhat relaxed. Someone sings a gift list in front of the main hall. Anyhow, it is a faceless thing.

"The auxiliary general, Hongwu, a jade fairy!" The first one is Hongwu. After Ren Baqian listened, he wondered what the jade middle tire was. At least it sounded like a high-end atmosphere. Others have started to make a noise Already.

The seven princes on the right heard envy from the jade midwife, but this thing is unavailable. He has only heard of his name, and the Daxia royal family has only been searching for so many years. One. This Hongwu didn't know where to get one, but instead of hiding it, he dedicated it directly to Qi Zixiao.

It is said that the relationship between Hongwu and Qi Zixiao is excellent, and it seems to be true. After all, Hongwu sent this thing definitely not to tie up Qi Xiaoxiao, and his status does not need to be.

This jade fairy has only one role, but if the Emperor Daxia took out a city to change it would be willing.

Extends life for twenty years, and keeps the appearance when taking it, and it will not quickly age until the end of life.

Life is the eternal pursuit of human beings.

Maintaining looks is the eternal pursuit of all women.

As long as these two points, can make everyone in the world crazy.

Hongwu didn't know where to take out a box and put it in front of the empress in two steps. This thing is too expensive, he has to hand it to the Empress.

The emperor's heart warmly flowed, and she knew clearly that this thing changed for others, and no matter who got it, she would not easily take it out.

There was no other person to pick it up, the empress reached out and took it to open the box, exposing a round jade inside. The emperor held the jade on the palm, and could see one of the objects in the shape of a villain through light.

"Thank you, General." The Empress nodded and put the jade back into the box, and put the box directly at hand.

This thing is also of great value to her. She doesn't care about her 20-year life, but her youth is what keeps her moving.

When Hong Wu returned to his seat, everyone began to stand up: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, Her Majesty."

In addition to Hongwu, others are mostly soldiers, meteorites, rare treasures and the like. Although they are also valuable, they are far worse than Hongwu's gifts.

"Hong Si Si Si, Qing Xin Dian lectures for eight thousand ..." The person who gave the gift paused, and continued, "I offer His Majesty a half-length mirror worthy of possession."

The palace was quiet again, which was comparable to Hongwu's jade midwife.

However, people were shocked that Hongwu got this treasure and offered it to His Majesty. At this time, everyone thought: "What the **** is this?"

Eyes swept across Ren Baqian at the door.

The emperor, who was in a good mood, listened for a moment, then her eyes were bent, and she almost laughed on the spot.

Your Majesty's Extreme Bust? What a weird name, it will take a while to see if it really looks like the name.

Next came various gifts from the people of the other three countries. The gift of the Seven Princes also surprised many people, with seven dragon scales and a drop of dragon blood.

This gift is considered a gift. Before the arrival of the seventh prince, everyone was a little surprised. How could Daxia's prince come to celebrate the birth of the female emperor Dayao? It is estimated that it is another matter.

The gift at this time proved the conjecture of others.

Only the emperor and the seven princes knew that the seven dragon scales were true dragon scales, and that drop of dragon blood was the dried out true dragon blood. Although one word was missing, it was quite different.

After the emperor lifted the table that day, although the seven princes were thinking hard, although they did n’t know where Ren Baqian was worth Qi Zixiao's attention, he even lifted the table directly, even if he didn't change his mouth, considering a few days later he decided to give it a try.

Even if it is the seventh in the world, this gift is very valuable, especially its identity.

He bet Qi Zixiao would give him what he wanted.

That bottle of blood was too important for him to save him at least ten years of hard work.

Even if he turned the private transaction into a bright face in this way, he would not care about sending such important things to the Emperor Dayao to Daxia.

As soon as the empress heard this gift, she understood the idea of ​​the seventh prince. Now that the other party has done so, give him the Qilin blood.

The next interesting gift was Ning Caichen, which turned out to be a beautiful picture of the world. If it was a gift to a man, such as a prince, what would it mean to send an empress?

Others are mostly jewellery or painting and calligraphy, and few people are too interested.

What everyone is interested in is two ~ ~ one is Ren Baqian's "Extreme Bust worthy of His Majesty."

One is Ning Caichen's "Beauty Map".

Many people think that this beautiful picture must be weird.

The Empress seemed to understand the general sentiments of everyone, and said directly, "Take the Bai Mei Tu and Ren Baqian's offerings, and I want you to see what it looks like."

The first picture I took was the Baimitu. It was a 1.2-meter-wide picture scroll. When opened, it was ten meters long. The figures above were lifelike, indeed they were all talented. People from the Three Kingdoms of Yun Chen and Da Xia found that they were all the best beauties like today, not only in appearance, but also in martial arts and background.

The person who collected this beautiful picture is indeed a powerful person. At least the people present needed resources to see one of them.

In addition, there were individuals who were familiar with it. They all focused on the seventh prince. One of the women turned out to be the sleeve dancer beside the seventh prince.

Others could recognize it, the Seventh Prince recognized it at a glance, and couldn't help frowning about who the master of the painting was.

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