The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 13: The only advantage is that it can play

"This is the last time I bought it from Zhangjiadian, and I have been reluctant to drink it." When he arrived at Shishi's room, he took a gourd from the wall and patted Ren Baqian with a smile.

"You saved the bear, and you saved me, and I'll share half of you on this good thing." Shi Guanshi said cheerfully.

The steward of Xunshi is the steward here. It is estimated that Ren Baqian should have a lot of income, and he is not willing to drink this wine. It should be good.

After the wine was poured out, he was immediately disappointed. The wine is cloudy and has a weird taste.

"Don't look at this color, it's not a good color. This is a spirit of Yunguo's specialty! Take a sip as if it's on fire."

I heard him say that Ren Baqian was even less interested.

He can get it from 40 degrees to 70 degrees. Alcohol is the highest. Sure enough, I can't expect much from winemaking in this world.

I took a sip of a drink with Shi Guan, and Ren Baqian frowned. He was so big that he had never had such a bad drink. It's the kind of loose liquor that cost three or two yuan a pound is much better than this.

"Brother Ren hasn't drank this bar before? My Da Yao man, my favorite is this kind of spirits, enough flavor."

Listening to Shi Guanshi's praise, Ren Baqian asked curiously, "How much is this wine?"

"One pound, two or two silvers." Shi Guanshi stretched out his fingers and said, "If it wasn't for the wine, I wouldn't buy it. The three pounds would cost me a month.

Ren eight thousand is a bit stingy, six or two silver is 300 grams, almost 1,000 yuan like that. It was a huge profit to buy only three catties of such "bad wine".

And this wine is so difficult to drink, if they go back to get a little Erguotou and sell it, they must not rush? You have to be crazy by then.

Keep this matter in mind and plan later. Ren Baqian had a chat with Shi Guan, drinking and chatting, but he asked a lot about this world.

四个 There are four major countries here, namely the Daxia Dynasty, the Izumo Country, the Chen Country, and the Dayao Kingdom.

The country where the eight thousand people are located is the Great Yao Kingdom. It was originally called Jiulan Country. It was only 70 years after the founding of the country. It is a country hard-hit by a group of mountain people.

I do n’t know how big the country is, and there are n’t many stone stewards. The population is about 30 million. The country has more mountain forests and less plains. Most of the civilians hunt for a living in the mountains, at least half of them still live in the mountains and forests, and are associated with beasts every day.

Poverty is poor, but it also caused the great warfare of Dayao.

The northern part of Dayao Kingdom is the Daxia Dynasty. It is said that there are three places of Dayao Kingdom. In the east is the country of Izumo, and in the southeast is Chen.

It is said that there are countries in the west of Daxia and the south of Chen Guo. Those old stones are not very clear.

Da Yaoguo is rich in fur, gems, gold, and silver. As for other things, it is much worse. Daily necessities, salt, and beautiful clothes are almost entirely imported. Even the grain gap is not small every year and imports are needed.

As a result, a large number of businessmen from other countries came to pan for gold. The most of them is Yunguo, and the Zhangjiadian who buys wine from Shiguan is the Zhangjiao of Yunguo.

"Those gangsters!" Speaking of the businessmen, Lao Zhang spit. "Sooner or later hit their imperial city."

商人 Those merchants always keep down the price of fur and gems, and then sell all kinds of inferior products at high prices. Almost every year, these things conflict.

It is said that the wine drunk by the steward of Shizuku is much better than this in the country of Izumo, but they only sell it to Dayao. As for Dayao, not even enough food, let alone making wine. Although it is occasionally made by folks, it tastes worse and is as pale as white water.

Everything else is pretty much the same. Da Yaoguo has been dissatisfied with this for a long time. Twenty years ago, as the cause of this incident, plus the dissatisfaction that has always been, Da Yao almost hit the Yunguo Imperial City. Later, Chen Guo sent troops to help the Yunguo, and the Daxia Dynasty mediated. It was only when Dayao's army reloaded that it was full of harvest.

After that, the businessmen of all countries were honest. It's also annoying, but it's not always too much. But over time, those businessmen got better, the scars forgot the pain, and they started to intensify.

The biggest wish of the stone steward now is that one day His Majesty spoke and started to fight again. His first helmet and armor went to the city.

I Ren Yaqian heard the count here.

I said that the only advantage of Da Yaoguo is that he can fight. The disadvantage is that in addition to being able to fight, there are no other advantages. Starting from the emperor, there is a tendon from bottom to bottom. There seems to be nothing in the brain except for fighting and killing.

Almost all kinds of daily necessities are bought from other merchants.

In view of Dayao's violent temper from top to bottom, other countries do not want to force Dayao.

He sells you things, but sells you the worst. The good ones are all sold in their own country, as far as technology is concerned, that's not to mention.

After listening to Shi Guan's comments, Ren Baqian laughed.

Da Yaouo lacks everything? It happens that I can do anything. Even if you can't, you can go back and learn. Backed by the knowledge of a world, if you can't mix it up in this world, that's a real waste.

最好 I'd better want something, then go back to learn the technology and come back to make. It can't be like potassium nitrate this time, go back and buy it and bring it back.

It's okay once or twice. It's definitely more troublesome, and products such as wine on a large scale are even more difficult. The Emperor did not investigate the clothes and the mattresses. It was a great fortune.

As for what is the situation of that unicorn pulling a cart, and whether there is such a master who moves the mountain, the stone steward is not clear. However, according to him, there are masters in this world. One hit to break the city is a bit exaggerated, and one hit to break the gate can still be done.

But in Ren Baqian, it sounds like ~ ~ It is an exaggeration to hit the city gate. If you can learn it yourself, you can walk back to Earth.

It seems that the stewardess rarely drank hard liquor, and fell down when he entered it less than half a catty.

After he got down, Ren Baqian was half drunk. Sitting there thinking about his mind, he laughed from time to time.

Da Yaoyao is short of food, so making wine now is not enough.

There are many mountain forests in the Da Yao Shao Plain. There is insufficient food production. The earth has exactly the same acres of crops. The taste is good. It can completely change the situation of Day Yao's food shortage, and it can also be used to make wine.

In addition, you can think of your own salt. Go back to check the information and see if you can get salt in the mountains.

Other toothbrushes and soaps are even easier.

As long as you have the right opportunity, you can do it.

There is also cotton.

Everything you can make yourself.

Thinking of it here, Ren Baqian had a big heart and came to such a world, a country, it was great.

In this world, it's really easy to make money.

Similarly, some unique things in this world, such as black mud paste, can also save yourself from thinking about money on earth.

Thought of this, Ren Baqian is even more excited.

I thought about it for a while, then watched the steward slip under the table.

I can't stop eating, but I have to stutter. Still stand still in this world before talking about the other. Ren Baqian thought of getting up here to see how well the cellar was cleaning up.

When I reached the place, a group of people were washing with water.

Looking at these ten people working hard, Ren Baqian was extremely satisfied. As soon as he took office, he went to drink with Shi Guan, and none of the ten people sneaked into it. Such subordinates are too worrying.

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