The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 157: 2 plans

Ren Baqian looked at the Tieshan in front of him, and was really skeptical. Is this really a natural product?

Compared with the mine, Ren Baqian is more willing to believe that this is a huge meteorite.

Unless you do n’t know how many billions of years ago such a large meteorite hit the ground, and then how many years of crustal changes will turn the huge basin that should have appeared here into a plain, and this meteorite has become Damoshan .

In Ren Yaqian's mind, this possibility is even greater than the natural formation.

Otherwise this iron mountain is too out of line.

"Can you make a few holes here?" Ren Baqin asked the valley dome pointing to the protruding part of the mountain, the size of his fist was at least one and a half feet.

Six to seven meters above Ren Baqian's position, the rock wall began to bulge outward, about three or four meters.

It should be that height is already difficult to mine.

However, if you take a few eyes in that place and then use explosives, it will probably blow a large piece.

After all, he didn't specialize in blasting. I can only guess where the bombing effect is better.

"Master Fuyu, although I don't know your plan, such a big eye can't be reached. At most, it can only make a hole with a deep fist. No matter how deep it is, you must dig to the side." Difficult to say.

Ren Baqian frowned after hearing this. The words of Gu Qiong should be true, but in this case, it would be difficult for explosives to have a big effect.

In this case, if it is on the earth, there are many ways to think about it, such as cutting it down with acetylene.

But most of them need either electricity or gas tanks. Like acetylene, you can only take one bottle at a time, and you have to bring it here directly, otherwise, on the road conditions of Dayao, I'm afraid you have to blast it halfway.

However, if you bring it here, your secrets will be exposed to the eyes of the female emperor, which is also unacceptable.

"Take me to take a look around this Mount Damo." Ren Baqian thought about it for a long time, let's first look at the surrounding situation before talking. It's going to be dark for a while now, at least I can still look at the situation of Tieshan.

The next time everyone rode on a mount and walked along the foot of Mount Damo for some distance before coming back. Ren Baqian found that this mountain was really exactly what he thought. It was a huge meteorite because of this mountain. The structure is completely different from the surrounding land. The iron ore is all gathered on the mountain, and there are very few plants growing on it. All are relatively live plants such as weeds. A layer of surface soil.

"Master Ren, is there any way?" On the way back, Tao Jiyuan asked Ren Baqian's frown.

"Huh? I have a little idea, but I still have to try it if I can." Ren Baqian was startled from his thoughts and looked up at him.

"That's great. For many years, many people have tried to find a way to mine the iron ore in Damosan. They can't speed it up. They can only use a little bit of manpower. Tao Jiyuan smiled.

"I want to say that mining here is better than going out and grabbing it." Gu Qiong muttered aside.

Ren Baqian rolled his eyes, isn't that nonsense. Most of the time, grabbing is faster than mining. Is the problem so easy?

After returning to the camp, it was almost dark, and the prisoners ’hard labors were all returning. They were waiting for meat broth around several large barrels in the middle of the square, but few people talked. Such days have passed many years. Few new people are sent.

Ren Yaqian always smelled the aroma of broth. "Good food!"

"Without eating, they don't have the energy to work. After all, this iron mountain has less energy and can't cut a small piece in a day."

Ren Baqian nodded.

Gu Qiong has already packed him a wooden house, and the dinner is also broth, but he added a little wild vegetables and two dry grains. Even if Gu Qiong eats it on weekdays, there is no village here and no store next to it. Except for those who send meat on weekdays, even individuals don't look at it, and they can't do anything else to eat.

After eating a meal, Ren Baqian had a good night's rest. When he woke up the next day, he called Gu Qiong and Tao Jiyuan into the room: "I have an idea and I should try it. Stack a large amount of wood to There, Moshan then poured water on it. After thermal expansion and contraction, cracks will be created on the iron, which should make it easier to cut the mountain. "

Although Ren Baqian said so, he was not optimistic about this method. It is not easy for Tieshan to heat, and iron also conducts heat quickly, and the rock composition is small. If it is burned with wood, a large amount of wood burning may only cause some cracks on the surface.

And cutting and transporting wood also requires a lot of manpower. Although it is easier than now, it is not much easier. This efficiency is still too low.

In his mind, he had another idea. After going back, he made a lot of mirrors and concave mirrors, adjusted the angle of the concave mirror to the mountain wall, and then reflected the sunlight on the concave mirror with the mirror.

In this way, the iron can be melted into molten iron by reflecting the focused light through the concave mirror in a very short time, and it is much easier to separate it later.

"Heat expansion and contraction? What does it mean?" Tao Jiyuan did not know Ren Baqian's thoughts, but he was very interested in his statement and was curious.

"Let's demonstrate." Ren Baqian pulled everyone out of the house.

"Raise a pile of fire first." Ren Baqian ordered to go down, and Gu Qiong immediately shouted a person to take wood as Ren Baqian ordered.

After a while, a pile of fire rose, and Ren Baqian picked up two stones, and let people use two iron cones to sandwich them on the flames of the fire to bake.

The others looked at what he was commanded to do, wondering what he was going to do.

After a while, Ren Baqian's estimated time was almost up, and people were throwing stones into a prepared bucket of water.

First, some bubbles popped up, and after a few minutes Ren Baqin reached in and took the stone up. There were already several cracks on it.

Ren Baqian showed the stone to a few people, but others didn't find any problems, but Tao Jiyuan realized suddenly: "That's the case."

This very normal natural phenomenon is not that no one has found it, but no one has summed it up, no one has investigated what the reason is, so there is no concept of thermal expansion and contraction. No one ever thought about applying this situation to Damoshan.

"Why is this?" Tao Jiyuan asked curiously after realizing ~ ~ because the object will expand after being heated, even if you can't see it with your eyes, it is expanding. When the object is cold, it will shrink. This change will occur if the contraction after expansion occurs within a short period of time. This is not only true for stones, but also for iron. "

Ren Baqian probably explained that if the opponent of the molecule is definitely incomprehensible.

Tao Jiyuan thought with a look on his face, Gu Qiong opened his eyes and asked, "Master Ren's thought is to burn this big mountain?"

"It's enough to burn one place." Ren Baqian looked around. Although there was no vegetation on Mount Damo, there were other mountains around.

First let people cut some wood and come back to burn the mountain to try. Although the efficiency is still low, you can try it. It can speed up the mining process a little.

When I go back and study how to make a concave mirror, I will be able to completely solve the problem of mining Da Moshan.

It is a pity that the 40 kg of TNT that I brought with me was afraid that it would be useless.

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