The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 162: Yunjing

"That's the meaning of the words, you are dependent on blessings and misfortunes, but people around you will only encounter misfortunes, not blessings." Tao Jiyuan said with an ugly face, and everyone looked at eight thousand Gaze is like looking at a big shit.

Ren Baqian turned his head and looked at the people around him, thinking that this would not be true?

Then he pointed in the distance with an innocent look: "It's on fire, let's fight it first."


Everyone turned to look at the kitchen not far from the fire, and then turned to look at Ren Baqian, Qi Qi took a step back.

The distant guard had rushed to the fire.

Even re-election to eight thousand now feels too evil.

But it may also be a coincidence, I hope so.

Otherwise, bring your own disaster attributes, how come back to the city?

It was only a small earthquake, and it stopped in less than a minute. The crowd waited for a while and saw nothing happened, so they went back to rest in pairs.

The place where Ren Baqian changed was a wooden house where Tao Jiyuan originally lived, and Tao Jiyuan ran over to squeeze with Fujiki and other flying riders.

He refuses to sleep with Ren Baqian in the same room.

Ren Baqian slept into the house where Tao Jiyuan slept before, and was worried for a long time, afraid that something would happen again this time.

It took a long time to fall asleep.

Early the next morning, everyone started packing and preparing to go down the mountain.

Actually there was nothing to clean up, but Fujiki specifically asked the guards to ask for a rope to be rubbed with the bark and tied to Ren Yaqian's waist.

If it had been before, he was only a little worried, but after the incident of pyracid, he had upgraded from a little worried to very worried.

If anything is done by Ren Baqian, they really have nothing but disaster and no blessing.

When walking out of the mountain, except for a superb flying ride in front of Ren Baqian and Fujiki behind, everyone else was far away, especially Tao Jiyuan, who had been hiding to the end.

"I don't think it's okay, and it's not death." The mountain road has been running for most of the time. After the earliest tension passed, Ren Baqian gradually relaxed.

Even if Pi Chi really brings bad luck to people, it will not be so immediate, it will become so shocking.

But Fujiki didn't know what the death was, and his words couldn't relax the other party at all.

"Master Ren, as long as you are out of the mountain, nothing will happen." Fujiki said.

Just trembling across this mountain road, not only was Ren Qianqian, but everyone else was relieved.

"Fortunately, it should not be so serious." Ren Baqian said with a smile.

Even though everyone said so, there were two things last night, but Renbaqian was still a little dubious.

Even after going through and seeing Kirin, Ren Baqian was instinctively not so sure about this mysterious thing.

This is the result of the education and habits he has been receiving.

When Ren Yaqian was talking, suddenly a shadow covered his entire body. Fujiki's face suddenly changed. He pulled out a long knife backhand and jumped straight towards Ren Yaqian's head. The speed was extremely fast, and Ren Yaqian was almost react to.

The people behind can see a large bird with a wingspan of seven or eight meters falling rapidly at high altitude, and is reaching out its sharp claws towards Ren Baqian.

Fujiki slashed across with a sudden rain of blood, and then the bird screamed and fell to the ground.

The whole bird was cut open by Fujiki's knife, and cut off most of it. The contents of the bird's belly were poured into Ren Yaqian's face.

Ren Baqian also looked up exactly, was poured straight, and almost spit it out.

"Master Ren, are you okay?" Fujiki turned to look at Ren Qian after landing.

Ren Baqian wiped his face and dragged his internal organs to the ground.

The stench went straight into his nose, and his stomach looked like a river.

"Water, water." Ren Baqian shouted quickly, and someone immediately handed the water bag over and let him rush his face.

The body was still full of blood, but Ren Baqian finally felt like he was alive.

Just now he almost thought he was going to be sickened.

Quickly found another stream nearby, took off his clothes and washed them all, and then stood there wearing a trousers and sighing.

"I'm sorry, Master Ren, but I was in a hurry." Fujiki said.

"It's okay, thanks to you, otherwise I'm probably going to be out of luck." Ren Baqian waved his hands, fortunately he still could tell.

"What bird is that? Even people dare to catch it." As he walked back, he asked.

"It is a flower sculpture. This thing is generally caught in the mountains to eat wild animals, and occasionally attacks people, but rarely. I am afraid that it is adults who have a weak breath, so it made them brave to attack." Fujiki said.


This means that you are too weak to bully, right?

Ren Baqian walked back and prepared to see what the flower carving looked like. When he got there, he saw that everyone had plucked their hair there.

"Sir, I have a mouthful today. This flower carving is extremely difficult to capture and the taste is even better." Tao Jiyuan stood smiling at Ren Baqian with a smile.

Ren Baqian's black line, this is that I almost got caught and eaten by this thing, and I was poured with a head full of faces, is it for your benefit?

The hair of this flower carving was half pulled by two flying riders, but it can still be seen that the wings are seven or eight meters long, and the body is not small, two or three meters long, and one pair of claws is extremely strong and powerful. I'm afraid it's just a few holes.

As for the appearance, before the hair is pulled out, it should still be very mighty, but now the phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken.

"Sir, it has this in his stomach." A flying rider came over and said to Fujiki, holding an object in his hands, washing it with water and seeing it was like colored sand.

"Adult Ren keep it," said Fujiki, enviously.

"What is this?" Ren Baqian took it curiously, and looked closely in his hands. It was a very small grain, only slightly thicker than the sand, and reflected the faint five-colored light in the light.

"It's Yunjing ~ ~ As long as you build some weapons, you can immediately make an ordinary weapon like a magic soldier, not only cutting iron and mud, but also other effects. Yunjing is enough to build a good weapon. "Tao Jiyuan came to look at the things in Ren Baqian's hands and showed envy. If this thing is in the hands of others, countless people want to get it.

It's a pity that in this hand, there is no need to think at all.

Ren Baqian listened to this, and immediately found a bag to carefully put these cloud crystals in, for fear of missing a little, at the same time, ran to see the stomach of the flying carved flower carving, which was as large as several fists. It was empty inside.

Although he didn't use it, it was good to give it back to the empress, or it was a lot of money to sell it. Or take it back to earth to test? Maybe it could be more useful.

"This cloud crystal is extremely scarce. I don't know where it was found. It may have been swallowed to help grind and digest food. If you know where it finds this cloud crystal, maybe you can find more. "" Fujiki said a little pity.

"If there is such a good thing, even if I am poured, I will admit it."

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