The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 175: Ministry of Industry

In the early morning of the next day, Ren Baqian took the two guards with the tokens that went in and out of the palace gate, took a few Qu Niu and went out.

After all, Ren Baqian's strength, no one can rest assured if he went out, even he himself was not assured, the empress transferred two guards from the palace to him.

The strength of these two guards is much higher than the original rattan gourd and iron knife. The rattan gourd and iron knife have just entered the realm of the Quartet, which is equivalent to the first stage of the human wheel. Species.

The two guards transferred by the Empress to the Eighth Thousand were both new to the Earth, and their strength was even better than the warriors from the other three countries.

Out of the palace, Ren Baqian opened his arms, and he did not come out for some days.

It still feels better outside, the palace is really too quiet.

Riding on the back of Qu Niu, he walked in the middle of the road, behind him was a guard who also rode on Qu Niu, and went straight to the Ministry of Industry.

The pavement in Lancheng is also very wide, with mounts and frames passing through in the middle, and pedestrians on both sides. The three people watching this riding came to the attention and whispered.

"Is that your husband-in-law?"

"It looks like there is an official uniform, it must be him, there is no second in Lancheng."

"I don't know what His Majesty is after him."

However, one person in the crowd hurried away immediately after seeing eight thousand in office, and did not attract anyone's attention.


Such remarks even drifted into Ren Qianqian's ears.

Even if the ancients whispered, their voice was almost the same as that of ordinary people, which made him wonder whether the ancients had hearing problems?

I was too lazy to listen to such remarks. After a long time in the future, presumably such remarks will be reduced.

There are a lot of people in and out of the Ministry of Industry, which is much more lively than Hongji. After all, the Ministry of Industry is responsible for a lot of things, and it is not comparable to the Shimizuyamen like Hongji.

Ren Baqian first got his name and was taken in. However, Tong Zhenye was not here at this time, Ren Baqian waited for more than half an hour before he waited, with a pair of sunglasses, his nose was almost poking up in the sky.

Coupled with his sturdy figure, bald head and twisted beard woven on his chin, Ren Baqian felt that he was short of a golden chain.

"Ren Fumin, is there anything for my official to do?" Tong Zhenye bluntly brought Ren Baqian into a room.

"Master Copper, if you want to make glass, you must first make a blast furnace. Not only is the glass factory required, but also the Ministry of Industry needs to smelt metal. Using blast furnace smelting can be several times faster than before, and it requires less wood. Said on the side.

"Oh?" Tong Zhenye was a little surprised, this Ren Fuyi really can be anything.

It would be a great thing to smelt iron ore several times faster and consume less wood as he said.

"Ren Fuzhen, please sit down and talk in detail." Tong Zhenye's face showed a very interested look.

"First of all, two materials are needed to make a blast furnace, one is brick and the other is cement.

The former can also be used to build houses and various buildings in addition to blast furnaces. In this way, you do not need to excavate and grind stones from a distance and transport them after construction. The labor and material resources saved are not small.

And the use of cement is greater. In addition to the above, it can also quickly build cities, pave the road, and so on. "Ren Baqian sat aside and continued.

Tong Zhenye had already taken a serious look when he heard this. If according to Ren Baqian, then these two things are of great value and extremely versatile.

"What are the bricks and cement concrete that Ren Fuyi said?" Tong Zhenye asked.

Ren Baqian told the general use of bricks and cement with Tong Zhenye. Tong Zhenye thought for a moment and asked: "If according to Ren Fuzheng, the use of bricks and cement is really great. This is also the palace Come on? "

"This is going to be handed over to the Ministry of Industry. After all, these two items are good for the entire construction of Da Yao, or it will be arranged by the Ministry of Industry, which is faster."

Tong Zhenye heard a smile on the back. He didn't really want this thing to be guarded by the palace. After all, according to the other party's words, it is not difficult to make these two items, and they can be used in all aspects.

"Thank you Ren Fuyu then. If there is anything we need to do in the Ministry of Industry, Ren Fuyu said," Tong Zhenye said with a twist of his beard.

"It's mainly limestone. As for clay and the like, there are foothills by the river, you can find them everywhere."

Ren Baqian described the limestone roughly. This kind of stuff has a large reserve and should be easy to find.

"Ren Fuzhen wait a moment." Tong Zhenye said aloud and said, "Tieze, Tiequan, find me."

He yelled at him before returning to the house to meet Yachido. "These two guys run around every day, they might know."

But within a few minutes, the two big men hurried into the room: "Sir, are you looking for the two of us?"

"Ren Fuzhen has something to ask you, and honestly answers." Tong Zhenye said with a beard.

"We haven't caused any problems these days?" The two questioned.

"Less nonsense," Tong Zhenye cursed.

"Ren Fumin, you ask."

"Have you two ever seen that kind of limestone or dolomite, that is ..." Ren Baqian described several types of limestone and the two of them.

"Is this thing everywhere?" The two big men scratched their heads.

"Where is the nearest?"

"That direction went for a long time, all over the place." One of them turned around and looked for a long time, pointing and pointing.

There is northeast of Arashi.

"Master Copper, I'm afraid I'm going to borrow these two from you." Ren Baqian turned his head and arched his hand.

"The two of you are starting to let the adults send you today. If there are any mistakes, wait for them to be cleaned up." Tong Zhenye said with a wide-opened eyes.

"Yes, sir." Both of them narrowed their necks.

"The troublesome two take a trip and bring back some for me to see. If it's the best I want, I'm afraid I need two more trips.

In addition, there are several things ~ ~ Feldspar and dolomite are also needed. If two people know where they are, they can arrange for them to be taken back together.

But this limestone is a priority. Ren Baqian continued, while also explaining the characteristics of feldspar and dolomite.

"That dolomite also exists for a long time out of the city, but it is not the same direction as before. As for feldspar, there may be several places, and I can't remember it." The two thought about it.

"Well, bother looking for more than two. Also, have you ever seen a black burning stone?"

"This is not clear."

"Then bother you two and bring some of the items mentioned above first."

After the two left, Tong Zhenye said, "I know the black burning stone. Those people in the south often burn that. I was curious at first that the stone could be burned. Master, can it be burned with wood? The mountains are all. "

Ren Baqian listened to Tong Zhenye's words with great joy: "That thing is much better than wood, and the temperature is higher than wood, that's a good thing."

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