The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 190: Fulfill you

Before the crowd, a man was wearing a brocade embroidered with flowers, his hair was scattered, his face was rubbed with powder, and there was a little bit of cinnabar between his eyebrows.

This person is the master of the Nine Dragons Pavilion, and he looks like he is in his early twenties. Actually, he is over fifty years old.

And there were eight people standing behind him, with different heights, shorts, and fats. There were old men who were old, and girls who were two or eight years old.

These nine people make up nine of the top 100 people in the world.

It can also be said that all are notorious.

The Eight Pavilions advocated that all the people who once despised themselves should be wiped out after the success of Zi Liu Wu Gong.

The 70- or 80-year-old man was Lu Wu, the owner of the Fourth Pavilion. When he was young, he killed all his parents and his family, and then chopped and fed the dogs.

The woman who was like a 28th girl was Shi Qingjiao, the owner of the Five Pavilions. She once went down the mountain to conceal her identity and marry a wealthy child. She killed everyone on the night of marriage, and then drifted away.

At first, some people thought she was because of some hatred or emotional entanglement, but then she spread a word: "When the slaves saw him, they fell in love and wanted to keep watching until they turned white, but then they suddenly didn't like it. Then kill it. "

Several others also had different deeds.

It's just that their influence has been small, and the strength of Jiuzhong Pavilion is strong, even if the people in the world can't see it, they can't treat them.

"The Lord is here!"

"Have met the Lord!"

The crowd saw many rare people gathered here, and their faces looked in awe.

At this time several people looked at Qi Zixiao, the legendary woman.

Qi Zixiao was staring at the scattered flowers.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, there is such a distinguished guest coming to my Nine Pavilion. If I had known it before, I would have gone out to welcome him. I just do n’t know that you, the emperor of Yao What's the matter? Don't you be afraid to come back and go back? "Hua Sanliu looked with a secret smile, exaggerated tone.

"Half-dead antidote, give me what you want to say." The emperor said nothing nonsense, opened her eyes.

"Well, half dead, does that have an antidote?" Hua Sanliu said with a look of surprise, then looked behind him in confusion: "Does half dead have an antidote? Why don't I know?"

"The host hasn't heard it, naturally it doesn't." Shi Qingjiao hid his mouth and chuckled.

After hearing this, the Emperor's heart was suddenly tense, and she was so murderous. If there is no antidote for half-dead, that person will be like a wooden man in the future?

"Oh, I think of it, it seems that there is an antidote, my memory, these two years have become worse and worse. But this seat is curious, who is this half dead, who can make your emperor Dayao You want to run in person? "Hua Sanliu said with a low smile.

"I heard that you recently raised a little white face, wouldn't it be him? Right, you may not be worthy of anyone else except Hong Wu from the Da Yaoman Dynasty."

The Empress radiated coldly, the surrounding air was lowered a few degrees, and more wind was blowing in the field, raising her hair.

"Here comes the antidote." The Empress's voice didn't have the slightest temperature.

"Oh, now you're begging me, you're so scared, I'm so scared!" Hua Sanliu groaned strangely, and everyone laughed.

If they saw Qi Zixiao outside, they wouldn't dare.

But here, the flowers with strength above Qi Zixiao are scattered. Everyone has no fear at all and can laugh at the seventh master in the world face-to-face and watch her eat. This opportunity may not be in this life again.

The female emperor frowned slightly, her body full of coldness. This flower scattered is worthy of being the least graceful and disgusting one of the top ten masters.

If she didn't want to get the antidote, she would say nothing before saying anything.

"Remedy for me, you can mention the conditions," the emperor said again.

"It's generous, so prestigious, it's Qi Zixiao. Now that you said that, I'll mention it." Hua Sanliu looked at the weird smile and pointed her finger at the empress: "I want you-! "

Everyone laughed again.

The empress's face could now shave a layer of ice.

"The little white face you raised. Give him to me, I save him, and stay with me, how about it? I'm curious about a man who can be mesmerized by people like you." Hua Sanliu voiced Turn after turn.

"You're looking for death." The emperor squeezed her fists and said, who has spoken to her like this in this life?

"If you take the 1,500 flying rides or Hongwu, you can't say I'm really afraid. But if you come by yourself, what am I afraid of?" Hua Sanliu laughed.

"What conditions can give the antidote to the uncle." The emperor clenched her teeth.

"Well, oops, you are so cute, even now you haven't turned your face, it seems that the person is really important. This opportunity is not much, I have to think about it." Hua Sanliu laughed again.

"Go, get the antidote." Hua Sanliu said suddenly to the people behind him.

Zhu Lang, Jiuge's body is fat, like a rich man. He has been wiping sweat from now on. He sighed at this moment, and ran back towards the rear. He didn't move quickly, but every step on The ground and the ground must be shaken a bit, which makes people doubt whether the body of the nine pavilion master is made of metal, otherwise how can it be so heavy.

However, Zhu Lang is the most researched drug in Jiu Zhongge.

There was a moment of silence in the field, and Hua Sanliu's meditative thoughts, what is it good for?

After half a ring, Zhu Lang ran back again, throwing a small box in his hand and throwing it at Hua Sanliu.

"Want?" Hua Sanliu looked up at the empress with the box.

"Did you really want it?"

"Propose your terms." The empress saw the box, her face slightly loose.

In any case, just returning the box will save him.

"Conditions, conditions, I can't think of it, and suddenly I don't seem to want anything. If I like women, maybe I can let you have fun with me ~ ~ But I don't even like women, then What else do you want? "Hua Sanliu suddenly distressed.

"Suddenly I feel that my life is so boring. I don't like men, women, gold or silver. Are you very boring?" Hua Sanliu turned his head and looked at the people behind him.

"It's really boring, it's just too boring." A big man nodded in approval, like a man made of steel.

"If it were me, I would be dead." A thin man, like a bamboo pole, said inscrutablely.

"Ahhhhh, this idea is good, this idea is good." Hua Sanliu heard these words as if he suddenly heard something interesting and laughed cheerfully.

Throw the box to Zhu Lang, and look up at the empress with a smirk: "This way, if you kill me, the thing is yours. If you can't kill me, I will take your skin off and become the most beautiful person Occasionally, leave it here for everyone to watch ..., okay? "

The emperor let go, and the black backpack hung directly on the gate, and flew towards the flowers.

"Since I want to die, I'll fulfill you!"

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