The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 295: 1st year 2nd time


There was a terrifying scream on the jumping machine in the playground.

I saw a man's seat belt suddenly break down when the building jumper was descending rapidly. The man almost fell off. Fortunately, the woman next to him grabbed him.

Not only was the man screaming, other people on the building jumped screaming too much.

After all, something like that happened around everyone, and everyone's heart jumped out of their hearts in fright.

When the jumping machine landed, everyone ran down from the jumping machine just like the escape. Before that, a long line of people immediately exited for several meters.

Who would dare to do such a thing?

Ren Baqian's forehead was sweating so high. Although he knew that the emperor would drag himself on, he still had a trembling heart.

"Sir, are you okay?" The staff rushed up.

"It's okay? Look at me like it's okay! Ignore me slowly." Ren Baqian felt a little soft.

At this time, not only was the eight thousand feet soft, the playground staff was also soft. The roller coaster just came out of such a thing. Now the roller coaster is still being stopped for maintenance. I do n’t know how long it will take to drive. thing.

Seeing the two men leave silently, the staff is even less likely to stop them. No matter how the two men plan to trouble the playground in the future, it is the person in charge. And who knows if these two people are going to call now to get in trouble.

When the person in charge of the playground rushed to see the person on the surveillance camera, he was confused, and then his face changed.

It was this man who had an accident on a roller coaster before, but now it is him.

And the cause of the incident is the same, all of them are disconnected.

What's more, you don't need to pay any compensation, you don't need to check, you just leave without saying a word.

If the two were okay, he would not believe it.

How did the seatbelt break? You must know that the seat belt is not a nylon rope, but a metal one, and it cannot be broken by anyone at all.

Could it be a coincidence?

The person in charge now has a balance in his heart. Two people hit the field at one end, and the other end was a coincidence.

At this moment, the two ends of the balance are shaking up and down, for a while, the left side is tilted up, and the right side is tilted up ...

Ren Baqian looked at the Empress, with a look that you looked at.

The emperor bowed her head for a long time, hesitating on the ground with her toes, and finally digging a pit on the ground.

Then he gritted his teeth and looked up at Ren Baqian.

"Oh!" There was a little bit of feeling last time. This time, not only I didn't feel a little bit of Hei and Xiang Rong, only the soreness and tingling, and tears were coming out.

I don't know if it was intentional or intentional or intentional, the empress's nose hit him directly.

It seemed as if he had just hit it lightly, but the body strength of the empress was comparable to that of steel. The emperor felt nothing at all, and Ren Baqian immediately covered her nose with tears in her eyes, and her nosebleeds like running water.

After a while, Ren Yaqian looked at the empress with a hundred dollar bill in his nose.

Suddenly, he kissed him suddenly, thinking that this time the emperor should not have severely injured himself, right?

The so-called one-birth and two-boiled.

Then the emperor's jaw slightly lifted, and the red ivory sticking out of the two noses poke the emperor's face directly. Ren Baqian covered her nose again, and the tears really came out this time.

He knew for the first time that money stuck in his nose was so painful!

"I think I need to go to the hospital!" Ren Baqian was in tears at this moment, pulling the money down and throwing it aside. The pain in the nose was dying. It was just the pain in the nose. This time it was the pain in the nose. He wondered if the strength would be greater, would the two money be able to poke his mind.

By that time, I'm really full of money.

The emperor really cried when he saw Ren Baqian, with a shy blush on her face, came over and gently tapped on his lips.

The blood that ran on Ren Baqian's lips was also stained on her red lips. The emperor stretched out the tip of her tongue and licked her lips slightly, her face became even redder.

Feeling the softness just touched, watching the actress of the emperor, Ren Baqian suddenly felt that he could actually stick to it.

"Let's go, 'Go over the river'." Ren Baqian pointed his nose and pointed to the distance, just like when he was a teenager pointing at the distance and saying, 'Our journey is in the sea of ​​stars'.

In my heart, I was inexplicably thinking that a famous musician had said a very literary saying: life is not only good at the moment, but also poetry and female votes.

Over the river is also a large-scale amusement project. There is a 20-meter-high shelf. Then people sitting on a chair will be raised to a height of tens of meters, and then rotated in the air at 720 degrees for two weeks, and then raised to another direction. 720 Rotate twice.

The excitement is not worse than the jumping machine. You must know that it rotates 720 degrees at an altitude of 20-30 meters.

Ren Baqian feels that he is fighting today.

But others didn't want him to fight.

When the two arrived at the Recreation Area, they found that none of them were in line. After all, there have been two incidents in the amusement park today. How much of a lack of mind can dare to continue playing this dangerous project?

Then the staff member looked eccentrically and looked at the blood on his face as if he had run over the scene of the accident with Ren Yaqian: "Today all large projects have been closed for inspection."

"Out of business for maintenance, there is no way to stop playing." Ren Baqian couldn't tell in the end whether he should regret or be grateful.

However, two things happened in a row, the owner of the amusement park, even a fool, should overhaul it.

The emperor frowned, and was a little dissatisfied. The two were not very fun just now. I thought it would be more fun than the two when I looked at this from afar.

After the two left, the person in charge was relieved when they heard the news. As soon as I heard that the two men were heading in the direction of the river, he immediately stopped the equipment. He could n’t stop the device. The two devices just happened, and no one dare to play today.

At the same time, I also confirmed in my heart that these two are definitely coming to the scene, but unfortunately there is no evidence, otherwise they have to make them look good.

However, there are also some people who can't figure out their heads. If the other party is here to smash the field, why not take the opportunity to make things bigger and do not make any compensation.

There were also two safety belts that were not severed by people, but the fractures were not neat like normal disconnections. These two points he always wanted to understand.

However, the reputation of the amusement park is definitely damaged this time. If these two things are passed on, I don't know how many customers will be lost. At least before things go away, they must be affected a lot.

Ren Baqian and the Emperor returned to the car. Ren Baqian looked at the Empress around her and always had the urge to turn around and kiss.

The spine knows what it means.

In particular, the dragonflies were watering twice just now, he really wanted to feel it well.

Unfortunately, the empress did not know if he was aware of his thoughts, and raised one hand, ready to slap Ren Qian's face at any time.

Of course, if she really wanted to be confused, Ren Baqian couldn't react at all.

This act of deterrence is far more significant than others.

Ren Baqian grabbed her hand, sniffed it before her nose, and kissed her finger gently.

The emperor's ears turned red again.

Then she was very shy and full of charm, and she slapped any of her eight thousand noses.

"Changing somewhere next time!" Ren Baqian said with tears in her hands while looking for paper and stuffing her nose ~ ~ I was a thug. How did I change my nose to a stubble today? Where did you learn, Your Majesty?


ps: Recommend a friend's new book "Creative Anchor":

In the era of lack of heaven and earth. The practitioner has been hidden.

On a live broadcast platform, a masked male anchor appeared.

He will lead the netizens step by step to unveil the mystery of repairing the real world ...

"Thank you Kunlun Mountain for the old iron brushed rocket."

"Thank you for your plane."

"A further wave of 666, I immediately perform thunderstorms physically."


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